
Methodological studies in the field of AgroEnvironmental Indicators
Lot 2. Grassland areas, production and use
Gerard Velthof
Grasslands types, areas, productivity, and nutrient
balances needed for targeting, monitoring and evaluation
 Common Agricultural Policy
 Environmental policies
● Climate mitigation targets
● High Nature Value farmland
● Habitats Directive
● Nitrates Directive
General objective of the project
To bring clarity into the issue of defining, classifying,
collecting and disseminating data on European grassland
areas, use and production.
October 2012 – December 2013
Specific objectives
 Create an overview of the different types of grasslands
existing in Europe
 Create possible ways of classifying the grasslands in
coherent manners, allowing different types of analyses
to be made
 Create a set of recommendations on how to collect data
on grasslands, in ways allowing the creation of coherent
European datasets.
Six tasks
 Task 1 Defining and classifying grasslands
 Task 2 Currently used methodologies to estimate
grassland production and biological fixation
 Task 3 Grassland definition and classification
 Task 4 Existing grassland survey
 Task 5 Methods for data collection
 Task 6 Expert/ statistician workshop
Task 1 Defining and classifying grasslands
To make a literature review of existing definitions and
classifications of grasslands that are used in diverse
domains, both statistical, administrative, scientific and
Task 2 Currently used methodologies to
estimate grassland production and
biological fixation
To make a literature review on existing methodologies to
estimate grassland production and to estimate biological
fixation in grasslands
Task 3 Grassland definition and
To make recommendations for
 potential definitions of grasslands and
 classification schemes on grassland
● analysis of the strengths and weaknesses,
● the ease the classifications can be set up,
● the link to FAO and other international
● the impact on data use
Task 4 Existing grassland survey
 To collect and analyse data about grassland production in
the EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland
 Analysis and synthesis of the results:
● weaknesses and strengths of existing surveys
● recommendations for collection of consistent data
about grasslands
Task 5 Methods for data collection
 To analyse the characteristics of grasslands which need
to be collected
 To identify different methods of collecting these
characteristics in different surveying methods
 To propose several data collection scenarios on how to
bring together the various possible strategies on data
collection into holistic approaches.
Task 6 Expert/ statistician workshop
 To organise a workshop for grassland experts
 Aim: to discuss the results with from the agri-
environmental, grassland community and statistics
Involvement of AEI working group
 Discussion session, based on the short questionnaire
 A detailed questionnaire will be sent in March/April
● Suggestions for topics and questions?
 Please, provide names of experts or contact persons
Gerard Velthof
Alterra, Wageningen UR
P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen
tel +31317 486503
This afternoon