G.P.S. Guiding Probation Success What is success? Our definition of success What do you want from probation supervision? What Probation Can Not Do WORK MIRACLES WHY GPS? The Probation Unit considers guardians our most valuable resource Provide knowledge to parents/guardians so that they can be “Informed Supervisors” Support parents/guardians and families through the probation process Levels of Supervision Teen Court Informal Probation Pending Hearing Supervision Formal Probation At the Greene County Youth Academy With Children’s Division involvement Referral DYS Formal Supervision Pending Supervision Detention Informal Probation/Teen Court Petition Filed Court Process Detention hearing Petition and notices Jurisdiction Disposition Motion to Modify JDAI Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative JDTA Release Case Processing Conditions of Detention Confinement Collaboration Data Driven Decisions Special Detention Cases DMC Supervision Expectations Contacts Treatment Parents and Expectations Guardians Home visits School visits Individualized Based on needs May change Your Responsibility To Probation Officer Contact with the Probation Officer How does that change for levels of supervision? What should I report to the Probation Officer? Your Responsibility To my child Keep your kids safe Discipline Transportation Be a partner with school Conditions of Probation Typical Rules What do they mean? Individualized Rules Reasons for specialized conditions Individualized Rules = Individualized Expectations Classification and Progress Informal vs Formal Frequency of contact Length of Supervision Graduated Responses Family Influence Probation Balanced and Restorative Justice What is BARJ? How probation is designed for BARJ? Resources Drug treatment Individual and family Therapy Anger Management and mediation Educational support Family support services Mental Health Evaluation Juvenile Office Programs How can we help you? How can we help your child? Probation’s most valuable Resource Parents/Guardians and Families Completion Informal Process Successful vs Unsuccessful Formal Process Successful vs Unsuccessful In the Future Applying for a job Criminal background check Military College Contacts Zach Adams - Supervisor, Informal 417-829-6117 Zach.adams@courts.mo.gov Susan Cox – Supervisor, Formal 417-829-6145 Susan.cox@courts.mo.gov