Facilitator Notes This document gives comprehensive facilitator’s notes for the unit Course title Marketing and promotion of electronic resources Module title Module 1: Thinking through the challenges Unit title Unit 1.4: Some key principles for marketing No. of unit 1.4 Session day/time Day 1 Session 4 Length of session 90 minutes Objective To introduce participants to some concepts for marketing in a library context, and to the 7 Ps of marketing. To help participants to think about why e-resources are of value, and to use this to extract key messages to communicate to users; to assist participants to identify different approaches to communication, including social media; to assist participants to understand how to use social media well. Participant profile See MarketingEResources-Workshop-outline.docx Pre-workshop activities None Room layout Set up with tables each seating four participants, with chairs in a horseshoe around each table, facing the presenter (café style). Number of participants 20 - See MarketingEResources-Workshop-outline.docx Materials Flip chart and pens Files 1.4 Facilitator notes – Some key principles for marketing.docx 1.4.1 Activity - Developing your messages.docx 1.4 Presentation – Some key principles for marketing.pptx Customisation Slide 20 – you can add some slides with local examples of marketing activities targeted to specific user groups after this slide Equipment needed Computer with PowerPoint, Word and Excel linked to data projector, internet connection for facilitator’s laptop Module/Unit outline Timing (90 minutes) Timing (75 minutes) 20 minutes presentation Document1 1 25 minutes discussion 20 minutes report back 10 minutes presentation and plenary discussion Slide Information 1.4 Presentation – Some key principles for marketing.pptx The Facilitator has a choice: Either: Copy slides from Powerpoint into this document before printing (instructions below) Or Print note pages directly from Powerpoint. To use Powerpoint feature to copy slides into Word. In PPT presentation File Save & send Create Handouts Create handouts (again) Select Notes next to slides format OK Word document opens, cut and paste slides into this file Annex A: materials for activities – facilitator’s version Facilitator: The facilitator explains some of the key concepts for library marketing identified by Ned Potter, and suggests that some of these are also useful when thinking about e-resources (note: Potter identifies 7, for simplicity the concepts which seem to be of most value to eresources are extracted below). These are: 1) That your aim should be to help users get from A to B more quickly and more effectively. Your users are busy – so how can you improve things for them? 2) That you should think in terms of marketing a service, not a product. To do this you need to be explicit about why something – eg a particular resource – is useful to them – don’t expect them to work it out for themselves. You should also focus on what will result from them using it – so that they can see the benefit – rather than just the features. So in the case of e-resources, you shouldn’t tell them ‘we subscribe to 30 databases’, but instead ‘we subscribe to information that you won’t find on Google’. 3) Market your people, not just your products or your content. It is your people which make your service particularly distinctive from other ways of finding information – eg your people are specialists, who can help users navigate, make sense of and understand information. He also suggests that you shouldn’t insult Google in order to market your e-resources: people like Google, so insulting it will cause them to ‘switch off’ from the library, and make you seem out of touch. Instead, explain how you can help them to use it more effectively. 4) Identify different value propositions for different groups. This means developing distinct messages for distinct groups. A one-size-fits-all approach will not work. This is really important for e-resources. 5) The value users gain is relative to the effort they put in. The value or benefit that users gain from using a service – in this case e-resources – must be more than the ‘cost’ to them – or the effort that they put in to access them. So even if e- Document1 2 resources are free to users, costs include cumbersome entry routes, passwords, registration procedures etc. All of these are barriers and obstacles for the user which erode (reduce) the value to the user. The facilitator then explains that when thinking about marketing, it can be helpful to remember the ‘Ps’. The 4 Ps: Marketers typically talk of 4 Ps which should guide any approach to marketing Product (or service) – in this case e-resources People – the skilled librarians and information professionals Place – in the case of e-resources, this is online. But it’s important to show that it was the library that put the content there (by arranging the subscription) Price – e-resources may be free, but as explained earlier, there can be other costs to users, particularly the time it takes them to access resources 1) 2) 3) 4) Librarians sometimes add a few more Ps 5) 6) 7) Participants Processes Physical evidence How can you explain the value of e-resources? Developing your messages Activity: Participants are asked to return to the ‘average users’ they identified for their profiles. The groups reform, and each takes a couple of these users and discusses how they would: Explain how e-resources (in general terms) can help them. What are the key messages they would wish to convey? Explain what they have which is relevant to them and their interests Identify what they would need to know about the resources relevant to that user’s needs – but that they don’t already know, or aren’t confident about. Explain how they would go about building a tailored hand out, poster or training session for each user. What would they highlight? What would they choose not to mention? The groups then discuss these, with the facilitator prompting and asking questions, and guiding the discussion as necessary. The facilitator emphasises that it should be about making things relevant to specific needs. So a presentation about ‘e-resources for chemists’ rather than a general presentation about e-resources is likely to be more appropriate. Facilitator: Once participants have completed the exercise, and depending on responses and discussion, the facilitator may wish to suggest some of the following ideas. For each, a slide with a good example will be given where possible. A subject / faculty / college librarian’s blog? A subject or faculty newsletter? Putting a presentation together and making it available online Recording a short video and uploading it to YouTube Open days and events Approaches to individual academics The facilitator emphasises that it should be about making things relevant to specific needs. So a presentation about ‘e-resources for chemists’ rather than a general presentation about e-resources is likely to be more appropriate. The facilitator explains that earlier we thought about where users start looking for e-resources – and whether they visited the library website. Document1 3 If we can’t always get users to come to the library website, can we get information and messages to them in other ways? Rather than putting everything on the library website, can it be hosted somewhere else, but embedded / linked to on the library website? If so, this could amplify your messages. Discussion: Participants are asked to consider what channels they might use to get messages to users. Suggestions might include blogs, Twitter, YouTube, emails. The facilitator notes that users might be happy following the library on Twitter – but would never think to check the library website for updates. Or they might follow you on Facebook, and then follow a link through. Document1 4