World History 9 Quarter 1 Planning Guide Quarter One Scope and Sequence: Standards 1-2, Beginnings of Civilization and Early River Civilizations Unit One: Standard 1 - The Beginnings of Civilization (suggested time frame: 2 weeks) Skills Standards 9SSK7: Students evaluate major debates among historians concerning alternative interpretations of the past, including an analysis of authors’ use of evidence and the distinctions between sound generalizations and misleading oversimplifications. 9SSK13: Students analyze human modifications of landscapes. Essential Understandings 1. Geography shapes the development of a civilization. 2. Humans shape, react, and adapt to their environment. Social Studies Content Standards Guiding Questions 9SS1: Students examine the lives of the hunting and gathering people of the ancient world during the beginnings of human society. 1. How does geography influence the placement of early societies? 9SS1.a: Trace the approximate chronology and territorial range of early communities, and analyze the processes that led to their development. 9SS1.b: Analyze and compare how peoples of West Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and the Americas domesticated food plants and developed agricultural communities in response to local needs and conditions. 9SS1.c: Evaluate the types 2. What were the social, cultural, and economic characteristics of hunting and gathering people? 3. How did people domesticate food plants and animals in developing agricultural communities? 4. What are the types of evidence and methods of investigation used to reconstruct early history? Suggested Instructional Strategies and (ELA Standards) Course Overview Create class norms Syllabus Project(s) Grading (weighting) Assessments Looking at student work-samples (9E1b.3) Text-feature Analysis Critical Reading Strategies for Informational Text – Avid, Cornell Notes or SQ3R, Re-reading the text to clarify information, summarize, and organize ideas (9E 2a.1)(9E2a.5) Organizational Words in Writing Prompts p. 37, Selective and Purpose Driven Reading pp. 49- Suggested Assessments Beginning of the year diagnostic writing sample, “Tell about your life, talents, personality and document your assertions with primary resources from family, friends, letters, anecdotes, media documents or awards. Use MLA format for citing sources.” Resources 9SS1a: HWC Ch 1 pp. 4-5 9SS1b. HWC: Ch. 1 pp. 5-7 Ch. 5 pp. 129-138 Africa Ch. 1 pp. p. 24 China Ch. 1 pp. 27-29 Americas MyHistoryLab Primary Source Documents listed at the end of each chapter. *see Additional Resources, AVID World History 9 Quarter 1 Planning Guide of evidence and methods of investigation by which scholars have reconstructed the early history of domestication, agricultural settlement, and cultural development. 9SS1.d: Describe social, cultural, and economic characteristics of large agricultural settlements on the basis of evidence gathered by archaeologists. Examples: Catal Hayuk and Jericho 50, Alternatives to “Says” p. 80, Sentence Templates—Citation, p. 81 Resource Overview Elements of Literature online resources Blackboard Gaggle Online Subscription Databases MyHistoryLab MyLiteratureLab Virtual Library Rubric banks (6 Traits, EoL Writing Samples) (9E2a.5) SS Journal – students make inferences about evidence and methods of investigation as they read textbook sections to address Standard 2 Research Overview MLA Plagiarism Notation, citation Media Center (collaborate with specialist & ET) *see Additional Resources, World History for US ALL 9SS1.c: *see Additional Resources, World History for US ALL 9SS1.d: HCW Ch. 1 p. 6 Catal Hayuk/Jericho Holt Human Legacy resource Motel of the Mysteries reading guide Howard Carson or Horace Miner-style writing assignment focused on interpreting the culture curriculum/infoCenters. cfm?cId=hs or artifacts of the Usans Holt Online Diagnostic, Entry-Level Reading Test (9E1b.3) LAWL A Cloze Selection The Ancient World, LAWLA LAWL A Cloze Selection The Ancient World (LAWL A p1) Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay or Body Rituals of the Nacirema, see *Add- Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay (class set) World History 9 Quarter 1 Planning Guide Tional Resources, DoDEA Library Databases PDF of Body Rituals of the Nacirema, Unit Two: Standard 2 – Early River Civilizations (suggested time frame: 7 weeks) Skills Standards 9SSK2: Students analyze how change happens at different rates at different times; understand that some aspects can change while others remain the same; and understand that change is complicated and affects not only technology and political but also values and beliefs. 9SSK3: Students use a variety of maps and documents to interpret human movement, including major patterns of domestic and international migration, changing environmental preferences and settlement patterns, the frictions that develop between population groups, and the diffusion of ides, technological innovations, and goods. 9SSK4: Students relate current events to the physical and human characteristics of places and regions. Essential Understandings 1. Civilizations share common characteristics. 2. Societies change over time. 3. Language, literature, and the arts reflect the values and beliefs of a civilization and transmit culture. Part A: Foundations of Civilization and Ancient River Civilizations of the Near East (suggested time frame: 2 weeks) Content Standards 9SS2: Students examine the characteristics of early civilizations including those of Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley, and China, from 4000 to 500 B.C.E. 9SS2.a: Explain the criteria that have been used to define the idea of Guiding Questions 1. What is civilization, and why did early societies flourish where they did? 2A. What conditions contributed to the development of civilizations in the Fertile Crescent? 3A. How did social structures Suggested Instructional Strategies Visit National Geographic online article about Chauvet Cave Online resources for Lasceaux Cave Suggested Assessment Resources Creative Response: Dialogue Writing Assignment Chauvet Cave article Online resources for Lasceaux Cave 9SS2.a HWC Ch. 1 p. 4 Jigsaw activity (9E2b.9) SS Chart or graphic organizer to identify defining characteristics of Comparison matrix Write an original origin story Share origin stories in small or Babylonian Theogeny (LAWL A p23) World History 9 Quarter 1 Planning Guide civilization and compare the key differences between civilizations and other forms of social organization. 9SS2.b: Compare causes and conditions by which civilizations developed in Egypt, Southwest Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean region, India, and China, and explain why the emergence of these civilizations was a decisive transformation in human history. 9SS2.c: Differentiate hierarchies in the social structures of early civilized peoples and explain the influence of religious belief systems upon ancient governmental systems, including analysis of the importance of Judaism. 9SS2.g: Explain relationships in early civilizations, including those in Egypt or China, between the development of state authority and the growth of aristocratic power, taxation systems, and institutions of coerced labor including slavery. 9SS2.f: Construct a timeline of main events in the origin and early development of civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the develop in early civilizations? 4A. What were some notable cultural achievements of these civilizations, and why were they significant? 5A. How did religious belief systems influence early people and governments? 6A. Why did early peoples create myths? 7A. How are cultural differences represented with the myth form? civilizations and examples of these criteria from civilizations under study. SS Guided essay: How do civilizations differ from other forms of social organization? (9E1.a.1, 9E1a.2) Heroic Cycle Epic of Gilgamesh (LAWL A p56) Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld (LAWL A p98) Book of Ruth (LAWL A p178) Book of Job (LAWL A p125) whole class groups Comparison matrix Creation of a heroic story MyLiteratureLab Quizzes for Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Job 8A. Why do cultures change overtime? Group reading assignments, response to section, jigsaw Discussion/Venn Diagram about different translations, tone/voice/etc. Write 10 laws that would suit the classroom. Write a paragraph describing the Code of Hammurabi and debate if the Code was just; support your position with examples that were reflective of the time. Venn diagram (Essential understandings 13-15) perceives the subtle differences & variations of Translations. Why would those words and ideas change over time? Students construct illustrated tiered timeline (digital or paper), color-coded to represent change over time in specific regions Genesis, ch 1-11 (LAWL A p28) Memphite Theogeny (LAWL A 23) Optional: In the Beginning Virginia Hamilton Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth DVD Epic of Gilgamesh (LAWL A p56) Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld (LAWL A p98) Book of Ruth (LAWL A p178) Book of Job (LAWL A p125) 9SS2.b, c, f, and g SW Asia/Eastern Mediterranean: Sumerians, Babylonians, Near Eastern Empires: HWC Ch. 1 pp. 7-11, 16-18 Hebrews: HWC Ch 2 pp. 4449 The Code of Hammurabi (Online) Persians: HWC Ch. 4 pp. 91-96 Translations (LAWL A p39) World History 9 Quarter 1 Planning Guide /civilizations – add to the timelines with each unit in this standard Indus River Valley, and China. Part B: Nile River Civilization (suggested time frame: 2 weeks) 9SS2.b: Compare causes and conditions by which civilizations developed in Egypt, Southwest Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean region, India, and China, and explain why the emergence of these civilizations was a decisive transformation in human history. 9SS2.c: Differentiate hierarchies in the social structures of early civilized peoples and explain the influence of religious belief systems upon ancient governmental systems, including analysis of the importance of Judaism. 9SS2.g: Explain relationships in early civilizations, including those in Egypt or China, between the development of state authority and the growth of aristocratic power, taxation systems, and institutions of coerced labor including slavery. 9SS2.f: Construct a timeline of main events in the origin and early 2B. What conditions contributed to the development of civilization in the Nile River valley? 3B. How did social structures develop in early civilizations? 4B. What were some notable cultural achievements of the Nile civilization, and why were they significant? Choral reading Cooperative learning groups to comprehend and rewrite individual poems in modern language using correct conventions and complex, compound sentences. Write a paragraph response: How is the Egyptian concept of death and the afterlife different from the modern, Western concept? What protocols do people of each culture adhere to? Literature Circles Discuss similarities and differences among the love poems (9E1a.1-9E1a.2) 9SS2.b, c, f, and g Egypt: HWC Ch. 1 pp. 12-15 Book of the Dead (LAWL A p102) Poetry of Love & Devotion (LAWL A p41) 5B. How did religious belief systems influence early people and governments? The Two Brothers (LAWL A 153) 6B. Why do cultures change over time? Optional: Pyramid, by David Macaulay Students construct illustrated tiered timeline (digital or paper), color-coded to represent change over time in specific regions /civilizations – add to the World History 9 Quarter 1 Planning Guide development of civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus River Valley, and China. timelines with each unit in this standard Part C: Ancient River Civilizations of India and China (suggested time frame: 3 weeks) 9SS2.b: Compare causes and conditions by which civilizations developed in Egypt, Southwest Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean region, India, and China, and explain why the emergence of these civilizations was a decisive transformation in human history. 9SS2.c: Differentiate hierarchies in the social structures of early civilized peoples and explain the influence of religious belief systems upon ancient governmental systems, including analysis of the importance of Judaism. 9SS2.d: Examine and compare the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism using primary and secondary resources. 9SS2.e: Describe the life of Confucius; compare the fundamental teachings of Confucianism and Taoism; and explain the influence of these ideas on Chinese 2C. What conditions contributed to the development of civilizations in the river valleys of India and China? 3C. How did social structures develop in early civilizations? 4C. What were some notable cultural achievements of these civilizations, and why were they significant? 5C. How did religious belief systems influence early people and governments? 6C. Why do cultures change over time? Mahabarata (LAWL A p809) Bhagavad Gita (LAWL A p851) (9E1a.1) Using “The Book of Songs” as an example, compose a 2-3 verse song, rap or poem that reflects a present-day personal situation. Perform the song for the class or make a music video. (9E2a.1)(9E1c)(9E2.a.1)(9E3a.4)\ (9E3a.13)(9E3a.17) Read the source documents and have students reflect on: 1. How did Buddhists define the main goals of life? 2. How did Buddhism and Hinduism reflect the traditions of their cultures? 3. How did Buddhism resemble Hinduism? 4. How did it differ from Hinduism? (9E1c.2)(9E2b.2.c) Modern Day Connection Explain the literary term, maxim. Have students read and compare Ben Franklin’s maxims to those in the Analects. Compare and contrast Confucius and Franklin’s maxims. How did Place yourself in the role of a warrior and write a letter to your family describing the technology, your training and your daily life. Read the source documents and have students reflect on: 1. How did the Buddhists define the main goals of life? 2. How did Buddhism and Hinduism reflect the tradition of their cultures? 3. How did Buddhism resemble Hinduism? 4. How did it differ from Hinduism? Mahabarata (LAWL A p809) Bhagavad Gita (LAWL A p851) 9SS2.b, c, f, and g Indus, Vedic Aryan: HWC Ch. 1 pp. 18-24 MyLiteratureLab quiz Evaluate student work. Book of Songs (LAWL A p1026) Assessment of student thesis statements 9SS2.b, c, f, and g Early China: HWC Ch. 1 pp. 24-27 9SS2.d-e: HWC Ch. 2 pp. 32-43 The Analects (LAWL A p1046) World History 9 Quarter 1 Planning Guide they practice the Golden Rule? Focus on: Writing Thesis Statements (9E2b.3a) civilization. 9SS2.g: Explain relationships in early civilizations, including those in Egypt or China, between the development of state authority and the growth of aristocratic power, taxation systems, and institutions of coerced labor including slavery. Daoism & Its Ways (LAWL A p1061) Students construct illustrated tiered timeline (digital or paper), color-coded to represent change over time in specific regions /civilizations – add to the timelines with each unit in this standard 9SS2.f: Construct a timeline of main events in the origin and early development of civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus River Valley, and China. *Additional Resources: World History and Literature online resources email permission from the site administrator, Richard Hines is granted for DoDEA to reproduce materials for classroom use or teacher reference; cite author Richard Hooker of Washington State University and include specific URL link. , DoDEA given permission to link to curriculum maps AVID College Readiness: Working With Sources, AVID Center, Honors Bb site