The Great American West

Think about the people of The West
1. Name as many groups as you can from our film
and notes on The West
2. Who was on the land first?
3. Who built the railroads?
4. What groups left areas of discrimination to find
their freedom in The West?
Native American Indians
• Purpose
Chinese Immigrants
• Purpose
• How were they treated by
Americans migrating West
from the East?
• How were they treated by
Americans migrating West
from the East?
• How did the U.S. respond to
them with programs and
• How did the U.S. respond to
them with programs or
• Read the last page of the
notes about the Indian
Commissioner’s report and
the response of the Plains
Tribal Leaders
• Read the Dawes Act and
complete the activity on the
handout with a partner
• Read over the notes on the
Chinese Immigrants
• Read “Violence Against The
Chinese Immigrants” and
complete the activity on the
handout with a partner
Second Semester—APUSH—70%/30%
The West
The Gilded Age
Progressive Era
World War I
Roaring 20s
Great Depression
World War II
The Cold War
Civil Rights
50s and 60s
• AP Test registration due Feb. 5
• APUSH Study Sessions begin on
Wed. afternoons in March
• APUSH Practice Test:
RHS—Tuesday, April 7, 5pm
DHS—Wed., March 25, 5pm
GHS—Sat., April 11, 8am
• STAAR Exam—Monday, May 4
• APUSH Exam—Friday, May 8,
AP: Migration—a list of migratory patterns in U.S. History
Colonial—English, Spanish, French
Western European immigration
Crossing the Appalachians
Crossing the Mississippi
Americans going into NW Territory
Americans going into deep South
Americans crossing the Great Plains heading westward *
Chinese immigration
Southern and Eastern European immigrants
Americans leaving rural areas for cities
Mexican immigrants
African Americans moving from the South to the Northern cities
African, Middle Eastern, Asian immigrants
Latin American immigrants
War Refugees as immigrants
Americans moving to the West Coast, South, Southwest (Sun Belt)
The American West
History is about…people!
• Who were the people who went Westward from the
Eastern side of the United States?
• What motivated them to leave? What did they leave
• How did their family history play into their decision to
• How did their American history and national identity
encourage them to go Westward?
• What was their main priority in determining where they
live? Will the West provide that for them?
Which people?
• Migrating Americans from the eastern states
• Migrating freedmen from Southern states
• Immigrants from Europe and China
• Native American Tribes
• Hispanic Americans who lived in the Mexican
Cession—lands ceded to U.S. after the
Mexican War in 1848
History is about…places!
• How has geography influenced the development
of the United States?
• What is expansion?
• What is manifest destiny?
• What innovations led to economic prosperity in
Western territories?
• What led Western territories to statehood?
History is about…ideas!
“This is the West, sir. When the legend
becomes fact, print the legend.”
• 1. Three places you would like to move in the U.S. but
outside of Texas
• 2. Next to each place, name one reason you would move
• 3. Rank the three places as first choice, second, and third.
• 4. Based on your choices and reasons, what is your
greatest priority regarding where you live? (Underline it)
• 5. Compare your priority with other people in the class.
• 6. How would your priority be different than your parents
or your teachers?
• 7. How would your priority be different from people your
age in the 1860s?
The Great American West
World Perspectives
Film: The Real West
Map of Western States
Cattle Industry
Indian Wars
Stories and Myths
Class set of notes on Farming, Ranching, Mining, Logging,
Women, Lawmen, Outlaws, Entertainers with Worksheet
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Film: The Real West
Write one fact for each topic
1. Wagon Trains
2. Why people moved West
3. Threats and Problems
4. Towns
5. Cattlemen
6. Women
7. Miners
8. Good guys and bad guys
9. U.S. Soldiers
10.Native Americans
Manifest Destiny—goal of U.S.
lands reaching the West coast
Primary Source: Painting Analysis
1. Describe the elements in
the painting.
2. What does the central
figure symbolize?
3. How is this
4. How is this hyperbole?
5. What is the posture of
figure? Why?
6. Why is she wearing a
7. What is the significance
of item she carries?
How many ways could people go
Westward from the East?
Wagon train
River boat?
• All water route
from New York to
• Expensive
• “Rounding the
• Dangerous
• Took three
• One short cut
What were the obstacles for people
going Westward from the East?
Aggressive animals
Aggressive Native peoples
Lack of water
Rough terrain
Lack of supplies and resources
“Go West, young man, go West.”
“Two things could settle the West:
women and railroads.”
The Homestead Act of 1862
• Free land of 160 acres
• House within 6 months
• Crop within 5 years
Why did people go West?
Push Factors
• Business was bad
• South lost the Civil War
• Land was expensive
• Family problems
• Economic problems
• Prejudice and
Pull Factors
• Homestead Act
• Farming
• Cattle ranching
• Adventure
• Mining
• Opportunities for women
• Starting over
• Land speculation
• Manifest destiny
Economic Activity in the West
• Homesteading (farm)
• Ranching—cattle or
• Mining
• Lumber
• Town professions
• Railroad
• Land speculation
• Other…
The West Vocabulary—Unit 2
P. 126
1. Vigilantes
2. Transcontinental
3. Land grants
4. Open range system
5. Homestead Act
6. Exodusters
7. Las Gorras Blancas
P. 118
8. Reservations
9. Sand Creek Massacre
10. Sitting Bull
11. Battle of the Little Big
12. Chief Joseph
13. Wounded Knee
14. Assimilated
15. Dawes General
Allotment Act
Map—Label the States
• See textbook p. 798
• See atlas p. 72-75
• Atlas background p. 52
• Label major bodies of
• Draw and label major
RR lines
• Draw and label major
cattle trails
• Draw and label major
Indian battles
People of the West
• Plains Indians
• Chinese immigrants
• African American
• Mexican Americans
• Fought off threat to buffalo
• Built Transcontinental RR
• Became farmers and ranchers
• became “foreigners in their
own land”
• Immigrants
• Opportunists
• Anglo Americans from • Fulfilled “manifest destiny”
the East
with protection of U.S.
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
• Ended immigration
after the
railroad was finished
• Led to problems
between Chinese
Americans and others
Film Clips
• Oklahoma Land Rush
• • Native Americans: Buffalo
opics/native-americanand Battles
Frederick Turner--Historian
• Declared the end of the
frontier in 1890
• Declared that America
is the product of our
frontier experience
• Why 1890?
• This is called the Turner
The Turner Thesis and
The American Cowboy
Stereotypes and Archetypes
Dilemmas (“the quest”)
Loyal friends
Plot Line and resolutions
Turner and the “close of the frontier”
John Wayne--the Orange County
airport is named for him
Spaghetti Westerns
The Rifleman
The Virginian
Wagon Train
Lone Ranger
Big Valley
High Chaparral
Wanted: Dead or
• Wild Wild West
Some Movies
• High Noon *
• The Man Who Shot Liberty
Valance *
• Stagecoach *
• The Searchers *
• True Grit (old or new) *
• Butch Cassidy and the
Sundance Kid
• Tombstone or Wyatt Earp
• Little Big Man
• The Magnificent Seven *
• Rio Bravo
• Unforgiven *
• Gunfight at OK Corral
• Young Guns
The Oxbow Incident *
Shane *
The Wild Bunch
Duel in the Sun
Fort Apache
Rio Grande
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
The Gunfighter
Vera Cruz
Oklahoma Kid
Oklahoma (musical)
Lonesome Dove
Dances with Wolves
Red River *
Home Sweet Home
Making Connections
(“If it’s not true, it ought to be.”)
Traveling the Great Plains 
Frank Calabrese 
Spaghetti Westerns 
Harvard’s President 
Jefferson, Texas 
Sheep vs. cattle 
The meat industry (Fast Food Nation)
Drummer or cowboy
Pork vs. beef 
Bonanza and Comstock Lode 
Fools’ Gold 
Women teachers 
TWU—college for women
RR in Denton 
The Weather 
“One riot, one Ranger” 
Message about The West
When was the frontier officially
Who said it was closed and why?
What is the significance of the “closing of the frontier” for
How did the West shape the American character?
How do non-Americans view us in terms of our western
What is our legacy regarding Native Americans?
What is our legacy regarding conservation?
Why do you think western movies have been so popular?
How does the stereotype of the cowboy influence the archetype
of the Great American Hero?
What is the American dream and how did the western migration
influence it?
How does the food we eat in our cafeteria reflect our western
How did the railroad determine the future of Dallas? Denton?
Recall the story of Jefferson, Texas. How could one man
determine the future of Texas towns?
How is the recent drought in Texas affecting the economy of
Texas? How do politics play into natural disasters?
15. What push factors might get you to move from your home? What pull
factors would entice you to move?
16. Why do some other countries reject U.S. beef?
17. What is a “spaghetti western” and why was it popular?
18. Why is the population of the Great Plains significantly lower than the
population of the East or on the coasts?
19. What would you rather raise: cattle, sheep, or crops ? Why?
20. How did Stanford University get started? What advice would you give to
the President of Harvard when you recall the story?
21. What is the attraction of the cowboy to people like Frank Calabrese, who
lived in a northern city his whole life?
22. Clothes, music, architecture, film, art, expressions—can you imagine your
life without the influences of The American Western Culture?
23. How did Chinese and Japanese immigration contribute to American
Western culture?
24. What unique role did Spanish-speaking inhabitants of the West play in its
economic and social development?
25. What impact did the reservation system have on the Native Americans?
What are reservations known for today?
26. How was the role of women greater in Western states and why?
27. Consider that the Dust Bowl is the result of overuse of the Great Plains
by the sodbusters
Test Review
• Who announced the close the frontier in
• Who said the American character is defined by
the western experience?
Answer: Frederick Turner
West Quiz Review
Study all vocabulary in context.
Study questions 1-33
Study all notes on The West
Read about Native Americans (class set of
• 18 Multiple Choice Questions
• Three questions using primary sources
Short Answer Questions
• List five economic activities in the West.
Answer: silver mining, gold mining (prospecting), construction (RRs and other
structures), homesteads, bonanza farms, sheep ranching, cattle ranching,
logging, running stores and businesses, providing services (doctors,
teachers, blacksmiths, post-office, law enforcement, etc.)
• List three aspects of Native American culture
or experience between 1860-1900.
• Explain how Americans maintain images of
the rugged Westerner in three ways.
More questions
• What was the largest mine? Comstock Lode
• What is Manifest Destiny?
• What two things could settle the West?
• What closed the range, causing anger in cattlemen?
• Who settled Utah?
• What are the “Boomers and Sooners”?
• What was the U.S. strategy to defeat the Plains Indians?
• What two immigrant groups built the railroads?
• What did the dime novel do?
• Recognize Western States.
• Recognize Native American Tribes of the Plains.
• What are the two most important Indian battles?
• Who won?
• How did the U.S. acquire Western lands?
• How did people go West?
• What was their motivation to go West?
Make associations with…
• Homestead Act…
• Cowboys…
• Cattle Industry…
• Native Americans…
• Railroads…
West Test—AP—short answer—changed to Tues.
B4—hand in The Dawes Act/Chinese Violence
• List four economic developments of the West and
two details for each.
– Example: Farmers—Homestead Act, used barbed wire
to close range, wanted statehood
• List five aspects of the conflict between the U.S.
and Native American tribes of the Great Plains.
– Example: Dawes Act
• List two contributions of the historian, Frederick
Jackson Turner on The West and elaborate on