Advising Form

Chemistry Teaching Major Advisee Information Sheet
Welcome to the Chemistry Teaching program in the Department of Chemistry at Central Washington
University. Our rigorous and engaging program will provide you with excellent preparation to be an effective
Chemistry teacher in K-12 schools.
As you begin the program, there are several important reminders:
Keep all assignments (paper and electronic) from all courses in your CWU program. If you are a
transfer or post-baccalaureate student, be sure to keep files from previous institutions. You will need
them to provide evidence of your academic and professional growth.
Back up computer files regularly to prevent loss. Each student will be required to provide evidence of
their learning in an end of program electronic portfolio. It is each student’s individual responsibility to
keep their files safe and accessible.
Meet with your advisor early and often. Your advisors are here to help efficiently guide you through
the Chemistry Teaching program. Regular meetings will prevent miscommunication and ensure timely
completion of your program.
Each student is individually responsible for meeting program requirements. These requirements should be
integrated into your academic planning to ensure efficient progress through the Chemistry Teaching
program. These requirements include:
An active LiveText account with access to the Chemistry Teaching Portfolio and minor portfolios.
Your LiveText account is first set up during admission to the Professional Education Program. The same
account will be used for the Chemistry Teaching Program. Templates for all major and minor science
teaching portfolios are provided in LiveText.
Completion of the SCED Entry to Program assessment. Each student must complete the SCED Entry to
Program survey, found within the Chemistry Teaching Portfolio.
Evidence of proficiency for all Chemistry Teaching Portfolio and minor portfolio dimensions.
Students admitted to the Chemistry Teaching program should assemble evidence for their Chemistry
Teaching and associated minor portfolios now, and as they progress through their coursework.
Portfolio work may be integrated into some courses, particularly SCED 487. Each student must
complete their portfolio(s) and demonstrate knowledge, skill, and disposition proficiency for each
portfolio dimension prior to approval to student teach. Students who are not proficient will not be
released to student teach.
Completion of the SCED Exit Program Evaluation survey. This survey will also be completed as a
section in the Chemistry Teaching Portfolio. A comparative reflection of entry and exit surveys must
also be completed prior to completion of the Chemistry Teaching Portfolio.
Completion of the WEST-E content exam. Each student must take the WEST-E for each endorsement
they are seeking prior to student teaching. Candidates must successfully pass the WEST-E exam prior
to receiving endorsement from WA State. Note: Students who fail the exam are required to meet with
a Chemistry Teaching advisor.
For Faculty Use:
 Portfolio shared with student
 Academic Plan Completed
Read and complete all pages.
 Entry to major survey completed
Revised: 09/24/14
Chemistry Teaching Major Advising Form
The chemistry teaching major prepares students to teach chemistry at the high school level. It meets the
Washington State endorsement competencies for chemistry. Students must pass the WEST-E in chemistry
to receive endorsement. Students taking this major are required to complete the professional education
program offered through the educational foundations and curriculum department. Students must also
demonstrate competencies through a program portfolio prior to student teaching.
CHEM 181/181LAB, CHEM 182/182LAB, CHEM 183/183LAB – General Chemistry
CHEM 332/332LAB – Quantitative Analysis OR
CHEM 345 – Environmental Chemistry
*CHEM 350 – Inorganic Chemistry
*CHEM 361/361LAB, 362 – Organic Chemistry
*CHEM 381 – Physical Chemistry
*CHEM 431/431LAB – Biochemistry
CHEM 492 – Laboratory Teaching
SCED 301 – Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Inquiry
SCED 324, 325 – Science Education in Middle and Secondary Schools l, II
SCED 487 – Teaching Secondary Science Seminar
PHYS 111/111LAB, 112/112LAB, &113 Introductory to Physics and Labs OR
PHYS 181/181LAB, 182/182LAB, 183/183LAB General Physics
MATH 172, 173, & 272 – Calculus I, II, Multivariable Calculus I
Chemistry Teaching Major Subset Credits
Plan Completed
*Course has pre-requisites you must fulfill.
Professional Education Program Requirements and Plan Approval on Page 2.
Read and complete all pages.
Revised: 09/24/14
Professional Education Program (PEP)
Pre-admission courses (must complete before full admission to PEP)
Pre Admission Observation Completed:
PSY 314 – Human Development and the Learner
EFC 310 – Orientation to Teaching
EFC 210 - Seminar
Fully Admitted Courses
EDF 315 – Educational Assessment
EFC 320 – Multicultural Education
EFC 330 – Field Experience (preferably taken pre-Autumn)
EFC 340 – Instructional Methods^
EDSE 302 – Intro to Student Exceptionalities**
EDBL 401 – Principals…Linguistically Diverse Students**
EFC 440 – Education Law**
(EFC 416 & EFC 350 – Not required with SCED courses)**
EFC 480 – Student Teaching (this is a stand-alone quarter)**
^Requires successful completion of or concurrent enrollment in EFC 315, 320, & 330
** Require
completion of EFC 340
Total Chemistry Teaching Major Credits 130
Chemistry Teaching Major Program and Plan Approvals
Student Name: _________________________ Signature ______________________________Date________
Ed. Found. & Curric. Advisor Signature: _____________________________Date: ________
Note: Signature for Education Advisor is necessary for MAJOR.
Chemistry Advisor Signature: _______________________________________Date: _________
NOTE: Procedure for Four-Year Plan Approval
The four-year plan template is available as an attachment in your Chemistry Teaching Major
Portfolio. Please download the four-year template and electronically fill it out. Include the
coursework that you have already completed and future courses you plan to complete for this
Chemistry teaching Major. After you have completed, upload your four-year plan to your Chemistry
Teaching Major Portfolio, notifying your advisor via e-mail to review it.
Read and complete all pages.
Revised: 09/24/14