1 Harrison High School IB Psychology Year 1 2013-2014 Mr. Hertzig (chertzig@gmail.com) & Mr. Kaplan (heathkaplan@gmail.com) Course Description/Overview: This course is designed to develop a deeper understanding of the human mind and illustrate how to use scientific research to make positive changes in everyday life. It introduces students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Through three perspectives – the biological, cognitive, and sociocultural – students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. Further, they learn about the methods psychologists use in their science and practice. Topics of Study Include: Biological Level of Analysis Cognitive Level of Analysis Sociocultural Level of Analysis Research Methods Behaviorism Psychology of Human Relationships Expectations: The core principles of character in Harrison Central School District are: Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Cooperation, Tolerance, and Trustworthiness You are expected to accept the responsibility of Harrison High School students and complete all homework, projects, and class work to the best of your ability. This means participating in activities and discussions, refraining from off-task behavior, and turning off cell phones before class begins. Since we will discuss sensitive and controversial topics throughout the year, you must be respectful of others’ opinions. Do not talk when someone else is talking. Since our periods are short, you must come on time; class begins when the bell rings. If you are not in the room when attendance is taken, you will be marked tardy. Grading Policy: You will be graded on a “total point” system. This means that every assignment will be worth a certain number of points (i.e., a homework may be worth 10 points, but a test may be worth 100.) Your grade will include a range of factors, such as short-answer tests, class work, homework, projects, and participation. In addition to our classroom grades, you will be evaluated by the IB through an internal and an external assessment to be discussed further in class. Homework Policy: Homework will be assigned approximately 2-3 nights a week. All written assignments must include your name and be typed. Points will be deducted from late assignments turned in within a week of their due date. We will not accept assignments more than two weeks late. 2 Academic Integrity: Plagiarism, cheating, and copying work from others undermine the very foundation of authentic learning, and are, therefore, strictly forbidden. UNCREDITED USE OF WIKIPEDIA OR OTHER WEBSITES WILL RESULT IN DIMINISHED CREDIT, OR A ZERO. Attendance Policy: “Only students with legal absences are entitled to make up any missed work, quizzes, and tests.” – HHS Student Handbook Make-Up Policy: If you are legally absent from class, you are entitled to make up work you missed. It is your responsibility to e-mail us about notes, assignments, and tests you have missed. Frequent absences – legal or otherwise – disrupt your learning and your ability to succeed in this class. Dropbox: All notes and work will be stored online in a Dropbox folder (“IB Psychology – Class Folder”), which you can access here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6hdj7rkfau1b6xb/3wkCQY428r?n=14890044 Required Materials: You will need the following three materials for class every day: 1. A binder of at least 2” to store class handouts and work. Don’t use the binder for any other subjects. 2. A spiral notebook for class notes and some homework assignments. This notebook may be collected periodically for assessment purposes. Don’t use the notebook for any other subjects. 3. A pen/pencil to complete handouts and take notes. This won’t be provided in class. Contact Information and Extra Help Hours: Mr. Hertzig can be reached via e-mail at chertzig@gmail.com, and is available from 2:35 to 3:35 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays in D-112 or B-101A. Mr. Kaplan can be reached at heathkaplan@gmail.com; his extra help hours are from 7:15 to 7:40 a.m. daily in D-130. To reach us by phone, please call (914) 630-3095. (Please sign and return) Class Commitment and Cooperation Pledge: I, _____________________________________, have read and understand the above information. I am aware of what is expected of me as a student in this class, and I am both prepared and willing to meet and exceed these expectations. ___________________________________ Student Signature ___________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature