AP Biology I. Introduction to Biology and the Chemistry of Life Review Summer Work/ Introduction to the Course (__________ Days) Review Basic Biology and Chemistry as prerequisites for the course. You will complete an outline for each chapter as well as answer questions related to the content of the chapters. A test will be administered on the concepts after a review of the more complex concepts. II. Standards: 4.A,1, 4.A.2, 4.B.1, 4.C.1 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 1: Themes in the Study of Life o Chapter 2: Chemical Context of Life o Chapter 3: Water and Life o Chapter 4: Carbon and Molecular Diversity of Life o Chapter 5: Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Students will complete guided reading assignments and writing prompts to be delivered electronically over the summer months. Assignments will be digitally collected according to a time schedule. o First Days of Class: Course Introduction o AP Overview – Focus on Enduring Understandings for the course. o Introduction to Inquiry and experimental design and procedures. o Lecture/Review on the major topics from the summer assignments o Summer assignment UNIT EXAM o Chapters Summer assignment AP EXAM PRACTICE ESSAYS Lecture & Discussion Topics: The role of Natural Selection and Evolution throughout the study of biology The role of Inquiry in learning science Atomic Structure and its impact on chemical properties Polarity and its impact on the characteristics of water Carbon and its structural characteristics Functional Groups and their properties Categories of organic molecules and their chemical and physical properties LABS: o Carbohydrate determination lab (2 period lab) o Amino Acid / Proteins determination Lab (2 period lab) o “A Can of Bull: Do Energy Drinks Really Provide a Source of Energy?”– case study (2period lab) o Molecular model kits Cell Structure and Function 1. A Tour of the Cell (Chapter 6- Campbell) Standards: 4.a.2, 2.a.3, 2.b.3 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 6 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion o AP EXAM PRACTICE ESSAY LABS: o Introductory Microscope Lab o Procedure 1 of AP Biology Investigation 4: Diffusion and Osmosis. They design and conduct an experiment to test predictions they made regarding the relationship of surface area and volume in artificial cells to the diffusion rate using the phenolphthalein-NaOH agar and HCl. 2. Cell Membranes and Transport (Chapter 7-Campbell) III. Standards: 2.a.3, 2.b.1, 2.B.2, 2.B.3 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 7 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion topics: Cell membrane structure and function Passive transport mechanisms Active transport mechanisms Na+/K+ Pump ,Glucose transport, etc. o Chapter 7 review questions o AP EXAM PRACTICE ESSAY LABS: o NEW AP LAB #4: Diffusion and Osmosis o Water Potential Activities o “Build-a-Membrane” – Learn Genetics University of Utah The Energetics of Life 1. Cell Energy and Enzymes (Campbell Chapter 6) Standards: 2.a.1, 2.a.2, 4.B.2 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 6 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion topics: Metabolic Pathways Laws of energy transformations Energy Intermediates Enzyme structure and function o Chapter 6 review questions o o LABS: o o o Chapter exam on Energy / Enzymes AP Practice Essays on Energetics and Enzymes TOOTHPICKASE LAB ACTIVITY (Dry Lab) New AP Biology Lab #13: Enzyme Activity (up to 4 periods) Food Catalyase Lab 2. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration (Campbell Chapters 9-10) Standards: 2.a.1, 2.a.2 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapters 9-10 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion on Photosynthesis and Respiration Harvesting chemical energy: Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle Alternative forms of Carbon Fixation Chemiosmosis Electron Transport Chains o Photosynthesis & Respiration Exam o Practice AP Exam Essays on Respiration and Photosynthesis LABS: o New AP Biology LAB #5: Photosynthesis o New AP Biology LAB #6: Cellular Respiration o New AP Biology LAB #11: Transpiration o Leaf floating inquiry lab – Student directed inquiry based investigation o Leaf Assay Chromatography III. Principles of Heredity a. Mitosis and Meiosis (Campbell Chapters 12-13) • • Standards: 3.a.2 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapters 12 & 13 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion on Mitosis and Meiosis Cell Cycle and its regulation Stages of the cell cycle Introduction to the chromosomal basis of inheritance How meiosis reduces the chromosome number from diploid to haploid Role of Meiosis in genetic variation The mechanisms and role of crossing over in regards to genetic diversity • o Read and discuss current journal articles related to cancer and the cell cycle o Exam on Cell Cycle & MITOSIS/MEIOSIS o Practice AP Exam Essays on Cell Cycle and Mitosis/Meiosis LABS: NEW AP BIOLOGY LAB #7 Mitosis and Meiosis (up to 4 periods) Meiosis and Crossing Over Chromosome Simulation Lab Crossing over calculations with Sordaria slides b. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance (Campbell Chapters 14-15) Standards: 3.a.3, 4.a.3, 4.c.2 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapters: 14 & 15 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion on topics covered in chapter 14-15 Principles of Mendelian Genetics Morgan’s Discoveries Linked Traits and gene mapping Errors in chromosomal inheritance o Journal article research on current topics related to genetic disorders- Genetics Disorders research project o Genetics Practice Problems o Chromosome mapping o Chapter 14-15 Exam o Practice AP Exam Essays on Genetics / Chromosomal Inheritance • LABS: Principles of Genetics – Human Pedigree Lab – AP BIOLOGY LAB #7 Genetics of Organisms (4-5 class periods) Corn Lab Chromosome Kits IV. The Gene a. DNA Structure and Function (Campbell Chapters 16-17) Standards: 3.a.1 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 11 (see detailed syllabus for specific sections and additional reading requirements) ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion topics: Historical discovery of DNA as the genetic material – Focus on relevant experiments. DNA STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Focus on chemical structure of DNA molecule Speed and accuracy of DNA replication Central Dogma – Gene Protein RNA processing Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein synthesis o DNA STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Quiz o Practice AP Exam Essays on DNA STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION LABS: o DNA REPLICATION BIOKIT b. Microbial Models: The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria (Campbell chapter 18) • • Standards: 2.E.1, 3.B.2, 3.C.3 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 18 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: Lecture and discussion of topics covered in chapter 18 Genetics of viruses Lytic and Lysogenic cycles Genetics of Bacteria Transformation, transduction, conjugation Role of plasmids Control of gene expression in bacteria (lac operon) Journal articles concerning the role of viruses in cancer Quiz on material covered in chapter 18 LABS: New AP BIOLOGY LAB #8: Biotechnology – Bacterial Transformation Bacterial Transformation Lab – P-glow On-line simulations c. Gene Regulation and Expression (Campbell Chapters 19 & 21) Standards: 3.B.1, 3.B.2, 3.C.1, 3.C.2,2.C.1, 3.A.1, 4.A.3 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapters 19 & 21 (see detailed syllabus for specific sections) ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion on topics covered in chapters 19 & 21 Eukaryotic chromatin structure Genome organization Introns / Exons Eukaryotic gene control DNA Methylation Histone Acetylation The molecular basis of cancer Oncogenes and tumor suppressing genes o Read current journal articles on the topic of gene regulation and its role in cancer. o Exam on material covered in chapters 18,19,21 LABS: o On-Line Simulations o d. DNA Technology and Genomics: (Campbell Chapter 20) V. Standards: 3.C.3, 3.A.1 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapters 20 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion on topics covered in chapters 20 & 18: Cloning Restriction enzymes Gel electrophoresis PCR Map of the Genome – Human Genome Project, Hap Map Practical application of DNA technology Ethical issues with DNA technology o Review of journal articles related to Practical applications of DNA Technology o Chapter 20 Review Questions o Chapter 18/20 Exam LABS: o New AP Biology Lab #9: Biotechnology – Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA o Gel electrophoresis lab – Students will be able to utilize the gel electrophoresis equipment to analyze various samples Evolutionary Biology a. Evolution and Natural Selection (Campbell Chapters 22-24) Standards: 1.A.1, 1.A.2, 1.A.3, 1.A.4, 1.C.1, 1.C.2, 3.C.1, 3.C.2 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapters 22,23,24,25 (see detailed syllabus for specific sections) ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion topics: Background on Charles Darwin Natural selection – mechanisms and observations Sources of evidence for natural selection and evolution Population Genetics – Emphasis on Hardy Weinberg calculations Causes of microevolution Factors that influence variation within a species Adaptive evolution and the factors that impact it The species concept Mechanisms of speciation Comparison of models of evolution (punctuated equilibrium vs gradualism) Macroevolution o Computer based natural selection activities o Hardy-Weinberg practice calculations o Analysis of biochemical evidence for evolution d. Practice AP Exam Essays on _____ Bear Necessities – Practice with Hardy Weinberg New AP LAB #2: Mathematical Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg New AP LAB #3: Comparing DNA Sequences to Understand Evolutionary Relationships with BLAST Classification and Phylogeny / Earth-Life History (Campbell Chapters 25-26) Standards: 1.b.1, 1.b.2, 1.d.1, 1.d.2, 4.a.1, 4.a.2 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapters 25-26 (see detailed syllabus for specific sections) ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion on 25-26 Methods of dating and half-life Discussion of past mass extinctions Hierarchal classification Cladistic analysis Phylogeny and molecular data Introduction to earth history Theories related to the origin of life VI. o LABS: o o o o o o o LABS: o o o Practice with Phylogenic Trees and Cladograms Practice with dichotomous key construction and use History/ Classification Exam Practice AP Exam Essays on Earth history and classification Developing Cladograms Utilization of a dichotomous key Phylogenic Tree Activities Homeostasis within organisms a. Cell Communication (Campbell Chapter 11) • Standards: 3.D.1, 3.D.2, 3.D.3, 3.D.4, 3.B.2 • READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 11 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion on topics covered in chapters 11 Reception, Transduction and response Signal reception and the initiation of transduction Signal transduction pathways Cellular responses to signals o Chapter 11 Review Questions o Chapter 11 Quiz o Practice AP Essays on Cell Communication • LABS: b. Chemical Signals in Animals (Campbell Biology Chapter 45) • Standards: READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 45 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion – Introduction to regulatory systems, chemical signals and their modes of action, the Vertebrate Endocrine System Chemical signals and their modes of action The vertebrate endocrine system Focus on the major glands and their hormones Regulation of blood glucose and diabetes o Exam Chapter 45 o Practice AP Exam Essays on hormone responses LABS: o o c. The Nervous System (Campbell Biology Chapter 43) • Standards: 2.D.4, 3.E.2 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 43 • ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion topics: Non-specific mechanisms of defense Development of specific immunity Immune responses Immunity in health and disease Natural and artificial mechanisms of acquiring immunity Evolution of the brain (view different models of the brain) o Exam Chapter 43 o Practice AP Exam Essays on _____ • LABS: o Sheep brain and eye dissection activities d. Maintaining Homeostasis in Organisms (May be broken into small sections to be covered with specific chapter concepts) Standards: 2.c.1, 2.c.2, 2.d.2, 2.d.3, 2.d.4, 4.b.2, 2.E.1, 2.E.2 • READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapters 39 – Plant Responses to External signals,44 – Regulating the Internal Environment (see detailed syllabus for specific sections) • ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion topics for chapter 39: Signal transduction and plant responses Plant defense mechanisms Plant responses to hormones Control of cell division and differentiation Plant responses to external stimuli Biological clocks and circadian rhythms Plant responses to pathogens • Lecture and discussion topics for chapter 44 Overview of homeostasis in animals Ecotherms vs endotherms Feedback mechanisms in thermoregulation The role of torpor in regards to environmental stress Water balance and waste disposal Function of kidneys Chapters 39 & 44 Exam Practice AP Exam Essays LABS: o Plant growth labs e. Animal Development VII. Ecology a. Introduction to Ecology Standards: READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 50 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and Discussion Topics: Ecosystem organization – levels of classificiation Factors that impact the distribution of organisms Overview of the biomes The role of biotic and abiotic factors in organism distribution LABS: o New AP Biology Lab #10: Energy Dynamics b. Behavioral Ecology Standards: 2.E.3, 3.E.1 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 51 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lectures and discussion topics: Introduction to behavioral biology Mechanisms of animal learning LABS: o New AP Biology Lab #12: Fruit Fly Behavior c. Population Ecology Standards: 2.d.1, 4.C.3 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 52 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lectures and discussion topics: Population dynamics Methods of sampling a population Population growth models Population limiting factors The impact of feedback mechanisms on population size Impact of biotic and abiotic factors on population size Carrying capacity and Ecological footprint concepts o Evaluation and analysis of graphical data pertaining to population dynamics LABS: o Mark-recapture population sampling lab o Determination of ecological footprint d. Community Ecology Standards: 2.d.1, 4.a.5, 4.a.6 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 53 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lectures and discussion topics: Interspecific interactions within a community Niche concept and competitive exclusion principle Trophic structure and energy transformation efficiency Top-down / bottom up population control The role of disturbances in ecosystem balance Succession o Calculations of ecological efficiency within a food web o Report on articles related to biomagnification in an ecosystem LABS: o Bioaccumulation lab activity o e. Ecosystems Standards: 4.A.5, 4.B.3, 4.B.4, 4.C.4 READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 54 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion topics Analysis of productivity in a variety of ecosystems Review of nutrient cycles Human impacts on the biosphere The role of global climate change LABS: o Water Quality analysis Lab o AP LAB: Dissolved Oxygen and Primary Productivity Lab f. Conservation Biology READING ASSIGNMENTS: o Chapter 55 ACTIVITIES & ASSESSMENTS: o Lecture and discussion topics The role of biodiversity and the current state of biodiversity Key factors that threaten biodiversity Emphasis on examples of Habitat destruction, invasive species, overexploitation Focus on case studies of organisms that have been greatly impacted by human activities. Conservation biology principles Extinction crisis issues Restoration ecology LABS: o o