Part One-Strategic Plan Name Institution Date Part One

Part One-Strategic Plan
Part One- Strategic Plan
Organization’s Mission, Vision and Values
The New Generation General Hospital is a health care institution, which intends to be in
the business of offering high quality health care services to the members of the public, in the
state of California. The cost of health care in the recent years has been on the rise, making it
unaffordable to many people. Hence, the main mission of this healthcare organization will be to
make health care services accessible and affordable to all. In order to achieve this mission the
hospital will put in place structures aimed at lowering the cost of operations, with an aim of
ensuring that its services are charged prices that can be afforded by all groups of people, be
either the rich or the poor.
Furthermore, quality health care is the key to success of any given country or region. For
purposes of this organization contributing to the economic growth of the state of California its
vision will be to provide high quality health services to all people from all walks of lives. The
main areas of quality that the hospital will focus on will be patient safety, patient satisfaction and
outcomes. More emphasis will be put on the organization quality assurance department so that it
can put in place measures aimed at enhancing the quality of care offered to patients at any given
The main values of the hospital that will guide all the stakeholders, towards attaining its
vision and mission will be, honesty, professionalism, kindness, privacy, trustworthiness and
commitment. The values will be key when it comes to enhancing the quality and accessibility of
the health services that will be offered by the organization to the target customers.
Strategic Planning Model
Given that this is a new health care organization, it will be using the conventional
strategic planning model. This model will be suitable for the organization, given that it has
adequate resources to pursue its long term goals of being a leading organization in providing
health care services in the region of California. This model will involve the organization
scanning both its internal as well as external business environment, in order to determine factors
that might affect its operations, thereby coming up with tactics that suits its existing business
environment(Swayne, Duncan&Ginter, 2012).
Additionally, the model will be crucial when it comes to developing organizational goals
and objectives; and coming up with courses of actions to be taken by all the organizational
stakeholders so as to help in attaining them both in the long run and in the short run. The model
will also be critical in organizing various individual items into one strategic plan, that can be
followed by the entire organizations. Hence, it will ensure that there is direction as far as what
employees of the firm are doing given that they all be working using the same strategies toward
achieving a common goal.
Change Theory
Given change will be an instrumental part of the organization, as far as achieving its long
term goals and objectives are concerned. From time to time, this institution will be forced to
introduce a number of changes in its culture, operational areas and policies in order to improve
efficiency and increase its ability to attain its mission and vision in the long run. Therefore, for
purposes of managing the change process effective, the social learning theory of change will be
used(Todnem, 2005). This theory argues that behaviors of people are affected by personal, social
and environmental factors.
As a result, the organization will be forced to scan the social, personal and environmental
factors, which its stakeholders will be interacting with, so as to determine the required changes in
its operations with an objective of introducing changes aimed at providing its services better in
the future(Freeman, 2010). The theory will, thus, ensure that all the issues affecting the
operations of the organization are analyzed and the best strategies depending on behavioral
change brought by the factors on the key stakeholders developed to improve efficiency and
capability of this health care organization to provide satisfactory services to the target customers.
Role of Vision, Value and Mission Statement in Strategic Planning
The mission statement is critical in any strategic planning process of any organization. In
the case of this hospital, the mission statement will be instrumental in providing the purpose for
which the hospital will be in the business of offering healthcare services to the target customers.
Hence, during the strategic planning process, it will provide the direction required in coming up
with strategies aimed at helping the hospital attain its long term purpose of its
establishment(Steiner, 2010). Therefore, the goals and objectives of the organization, which is
the main process that is involved in strategic planning will be generated based on the hospital
mission statement.
On the other hand, vision statement provides specific direction that an organization must
take in order to achieve its mission. This means that it will provide information on specific
actions and the direction that must be taken by the hospital so that it can be able to achieve its
mission in the long term. During the strategic planning process, the organization’s vision
statement will aid in the process of coming up with individual tactics needed to achieve the goals
and objectives of the hospital. In addition, it is through a vision statement that the strategic
planner will be able to understand in detail the corporate values, that they must take into
consideration during the process of developing strategies and tactics for the entire organization.
The value statement, will provide information on the corporate culture and standards that
all stakeholders must follow in the course of serving customers or transacting businesses with the
hospital(Steiner, 2010). Hence, in strategic planning, the strategies to be developed must be in
line with the corporate values of the hospital at all times.
Organizational Structure
The hospital will be using the bureaucratic organizational structure. There will be strict
rules and regulations that will be followed by all employees as they perform their duties. The
management structure will involve having senior managers responsible for developing policies
and strategies to be implemented by junior employees of the hospital. There will be middle level
management level responsible for implementing organizational policies and supervising junior
The junior level within the hospital will be made up of all employees who do not hold
managerial positions and they will be responsible for performing various duties as outlined in the
strategic plan of the hospital. Therefore, there will be standards and processes that will be
followed during the communication process, between one level of management to the other in
the hospital. In addition, standardized procedures and policies will be followed in all departments
so as to ensure that they provide standardized healthcare services to the target customers.
Key Leaders
John James, who is a PHD holder in the area of management will be the hospital board
chairman. He will be providing leadership during board meetings. Peter Hills, who is aged 50
years will be the hospital CEO. He holds a degree in medicine and master in management. His
vast experience in managing healthcare institutions for the last 20 years will be useful in
enabling the hospital to establish itself with time within the target market. Mary Peterson, will
be the hospital human resource manager. She is aged 45 years old and has vast experience in the
area of human resource management having worked in this field for the last ten years. On the
other hand, Lucy Halmiton will the hospital marketing manager, she is aged 40 years and hold a
PHD in the area of marketing. Other senior leaders include, William Johnson, the hospital chief
accounting officer and Maryan Jefferson, the hospital quality assurance administrator.
Change Management Model
The change model that will be used by the hospital is known sKotter’s eight step model.
This model provides eight critical steps that should be followed by an organization during the
change management process. The steps include, creating urgency, forming change coalitions that
are powerful, developing change vision, communicating the vision with the affected
stakeholders, removing obstacles, developing short run goals, building on the intended change
and making the change in question part of the organizational culture(Kinicki&Kreitner, 2003).
While introducing any form of change within the hospital structures or culture, this model will be
followed, whereby all the steps will be followed in ensuring that the change process will be a
Governing Board
The board of directors will be actively involved in the implementation of strategic goals
of the hospital. Firstly, they will be involved in the process of approving them before, they can
be implemented by the relevant departments within the firm. Secondly, they will approve
budgets aimed at providing resources needed in the implementation process. Lastly, the board
will be taking part in the evaluation process of the strategic goals implemented to determine
whether they help the hospital achieve its mission or not.
Organization’s Service Delivery
The main services that will be offered by the hospital in its supply chain include, child
care, maternal services, cancer treatment services, and other major care services. In order to
access to more people, the hospital will collaborate with non-governmental healthcare agenciesin
offering health services in certain areas from time to time. This will play an instrumental role in
supporting its mission statement and service delivery process. The hospital services will be
located within the state of California. The target market will be all patients in need of health care
services from all walks of lives. The billing department will be responsible for collecting
payments from patients or their insurers. The marketing department provides information to
target markets about services offered by the hospital. The value chain ensures that strategic plans
are implemented in line with the organization vision and mission statements.
Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Cambridge University
Kinicki, A., &Kreitner, R. (2003).Organizational behavior: Key concepts, skills & best
practices. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Steiner, G. A. (2010). Strategic planning.Simon and Schuster.
Swayne, L. E., Duncan, W. J., &Ginter, P. M. (2012).Strategic management of health care
organizations.John Wiley & Sons.
Todnem By, R. (2005).Organisational change management: A critical review. Journal of Change
Management, 5(4), 369-380.