austin: biology - Walden University ePortfolio for Mike Dillon

Chapter 2: Chemistry
By Austin Hangartner Mr. Dillon’s TAG Class
Composition of Matter
Everything is composed of
Mass – the quantity of matter an
object has (Mass and Weight are
not the same).
Composition of Matter
They’re a 100 known elements, only
about 30 are important to life.
Each element known (which some
elements are not known) to man can be
found on the periodic table of elements.
The Periodic Table of the elements can
tell you the Atomic Number, Chemical
Symbol, and Atomic Mass.
Composition of Matter
 Atom – Simplest particle of an
element that retains all the properties
of that element
 The Nucleus of an atom contains
protons and neutrons
 Electrons are high energy particles
that circle the nucleus of an atom
 Electrons are what make the atoms
Composition of Matter
 Covalent Bond- is when 2
atoms share one or more
 Ionic Bond – formed by
electrical attraction between
2 oppositely charged ions
Electrons Revolving Around
An Atom
Energy Level
 Energy – is the ability to do work
 All atoms and molecules in any
substance are in constant motion
 States of Matter are solid, liquid,
and gas
 Activation Energy – energy needed
to start a reaction
Activation Energy With or Without a
 Catalyst – Chemical that can
reduce the amount of energy
needed for an chemical
reaction to start
 An Enzyme is a type of catalyst
in our cells
Oxidation reaction – a reactant that
loses an electron
 Reduction reaction – a reactant that
gains an electron
 When a oxidation reaction occurs, the
electron that is giving up is accepted by
another substance in a oxidation reaction
 The Reactant is on the left side of the
 The Product of the chemical reaction is
on the right side.
 A double sided arrow (↔) means that the
equation can go either way.
Double – Sided Arrow
H20 + CO2
 Solutions can be mixtures of liquids,
solids, or gases.
 A Solute is the substance that is
 A Solvent is the substance that the
solute is dissolved.
For an example, The Kool-Aid powder
is the solute because it is what is going
to be dissolved and the solvent is the
water. The end product is the solution.
What is a ion?
An atom or molecule with an electrical charge
Which side is the reactant on?
The Left - Side
H2 + O → H2O
Name two compounds.
Water and Salt or anything like that
Name a catalyst.
An Enzyme
 Matter – anything that occupies space and has mass
 Element – substance that ordinarily cannot be broken down
chemically to form simpler kinds of matter
 Atomic Number – number of protons in an atom of that elements
 Chemical Symbol – Abbreviation for the element
 Atom – Simplest particle of an element that retains all the
properties of that element
 Protons – A subatomic particle
 Neutrons – a subatomic particle with no charge
 Electrons – a particle with a negative charge that orbits the nucleus
of an atom
 Ionic Bond – bond formed by electrical attraction between to
oppositely charged ions
 Covalent Bond – bond that forms when two atoms share one or
more electrons
Chemistry. (2002). In Modern Biology (pp.
31-42). 10801 N. Mopac Expressway,
Austin, Texas: Holt, Reinhart and Winston.
Microsoft PowerPoint Clip Art (Version
2003) [Computer program]. (2003).