Biology Chapter 2: Chemistry By Austin Hangartner Mr. Dillon’s TAG Class Composition of Matter Everything is composed of matter. Mass – the quantity of matter an object has (Mass and Weight are not the same). Composition of Matter They’re a 100 known elements, only about 30 are important to life. Each element known (which some elements are not known) to man can be found on the periodic table of elements. The Periodic Table of the elements can tell you the Atomic Number, Chemical Symbol, and Atomic Mass. Composition of Matter Atom – Simplest particle of an element that retains all the properties of that element The Nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons Electrons are high energy particles that circle the nucleus of an atom Electrons are what make the atoms bond Composition of Matter Covalent Bond- is when 2 atoms share one or more electrons Ionic Bond – formed by electrical attraction between 2 oppositely charged ions Electrons Revolving Around An Atom Energy Level Electron Nucleus Energy Energy – is the ability to do work All atoms and molecules in any substance are in constant motion States of Matter are solid, liquid, and gas Activation Energy – energy needed to start a reaction Activation Energy With or Without a Catalyst Energy Catalyst – Chemical that can reduce the amount of energy needed for an chemical reaction to start An Enzyme is a type of catalyst in our cells Energy Oxidation reaction – a reactant that loses an electron Reduction reaction – a reactant that gains an electron When a oxidation reaction occurs, the electron that is giving up is accepted by another substance in a oxidation reaction Equations The Reactant is on the left side of the equation. The Product of the chemical reaction is on the right side. A double sided arrow (↔) means that the equation can go either way. Double – Sided Arrow Product Reactant H20 + CO2 ↔ H2CO2 Solutions Solutions can be mixtures of liquids, solids, or gases. A Solute is the substance that is dissolved. A Solvent is the substance that the solute is dissolved. Solutions For an example, The Kool-Aid powder is the solute because it is what is going to be dissolved and the solvent is the water. The end product is the solution. Quiz What is a ion? An atom or molecule with an electrical charge Which side is the reactant on? The Left - Side H2 + O → H2O Name two compounds. Water and Salt or anything like that Name a catalyst. An Enzyme Vocabulary Matter – anything that occupies space and has mass Element – substance that ordinarily cannot be broken down chemically to form simpler kinds of matter Atomic Number – number of protons in an atom of that elements Chemical Symbol – Abbreviation for the element Atom – Simplest particle of an element that retains all the properties of that element Protons – A subatomic particle Neutrons – a subatomic particle with no charge Electrons – a particle with a negative charge that orbits the nucleus of an atom Ionic Bond – bond formed by electrical attraction between to oppositely charged ions Covalent Bond – bond that forms when two atoms share one or more electrons Citations Chemistry. (2002). In Modern Biology (pp. 31-42). 10801 N. Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas: Holt, Reinhart and Winston. Microsoft PowerPoint Clip Art (Version 2003) [Computer program]. (2003). Microsoft.