Cross word review BLANK

9 Physical Science Semester Review
5. A graduated cylinder with more lines has a higher ___
6. Chlorine has ___ valence electrons
9. Highly reactive nonmetal family
11. The strong ___ force holds the nucleus of the atom
12. Heat transfer that possess circular motions like those
producing wind
13. Thermal energy is a type of ___ energy
14. Sand, iron, aluminum mixture is a ___ mixture
19. This scientist discovered the positive charged nucleus
23. A type of bond between a cation and an anion
25. This state of matter has the fastest moving molecules
26. A charged atom
27. The elements that posses traits of both metals and
28. Anything that has mass and volume
30. Melting ice is an example of a ___ change
33. This number tells you the # of protons
34. Opposite charges ___ each other
35. Plastic, wood and Styrofoam are examples
36. The flow of thermal energy
37. This subatomic particle has a positive charge and
gives the element its identity
39. This variable is typically found on the X axis
42. The least reactive family of elements
45. Carbon-12 and Carbon-14 are ___ of each other
49. These are found on the right side of a chemical
51. When oil is poured into a beaker of water it settles
on top of the water. The oil must be ___ dense.
52. When a solid goes directly to a gas
53. The ability to be pounded into thin sheets
54. This state of matter makes the best conductor
1. The overall charge of the nucleus
2. This type of bond occurs when carbon bonds with oxygen
3. Melting point and ___ point of water occurs at 0°C
4. The type of heat transfer that requires direct contact
7. Electrons in the outer energy level are called
8. "Sea of electrons" creates this type of bond
10. This element has 16 protons
15. Nonmetals are found on the ___ side of the periodic
16. Heat always flows from ___ to ___ (write answers as one word)
17. The ___ number of lithium is 1+
18. Burning a piece of paper is an example of a ___ change
20. Feeling the sunlight on your face demonstrates this
type of heat transfer
21. The ___ number - Atomic number = # of neutrons
22. When naming ionic bonds with transition metals, ___
numerals are used to show the oxidation number
24. When classifying matter, pure substances are broken
down into elements and ___
29. This subatomic particle is found in energy levels
31. The resistance to being scratched
32. ___ of mass
38. Na-23 has 12 ___ (which subatomic particle)
40. A type of reaction that releases energy and therefore
feels warm
41. Water ___ can be used to determine the volume of an
43. The ___ number tells you the # of valence electrons an
atom possesses
44. A neutral atom of oxygen will have ___ electrons
46. During a ___ change the temperature of the liquid
stays the same
47. When electrons gain energy they move from the ground
state to the ___ state
48. Family name for Group 1 elements is __ metals
50. Mass / volume = ___
9 Physical Science Semester Review