Huckleberry Finn Journey Map Worksheet

Mapping Huckleberry Finn
During Huck and Jim’s adventurous journey, it‘s up to you to map the
significant points along their journey.
Before charting your map, please label the following:
A. Mississippi River
G. Indiana
B. Ohio River
H. Mississippi
C. Missouri
I. Arkansas
D. Illinois
J. Kentucky
E. Ohio
K. Tennessee
F. Louisiana
Charting Huck and Jim’s adventures will include the following:
A. On the map
a. Place a different colored dot to represent the location
b. Number the location
c. Label the city/town
d. Elapsed time (if noted)
B. In the travel log
a. Textual evidence illustrating their whereabouts
b. At least a 2 sentence plot summary of what actually happens
c. At least 3 sentences of an interpretation of Huck and Jim’s
adventure and experiences (include symbolism and themes)
Example: 1. Reborn--“I didn’t lose no time. The next minute I was a-spinning
downstream soft but quick in the shade of the bank. I made two mile and a half, and
then struck out a quarter of a mile or more towards the middle of the river, because
pretty soon I would be passing the ferry landing, and people might see me and hail me.”
(Ch. 7)
With the story beginning in St. Petersburg, Missouri, Huck spends a spell at Pap’s cabin,
which is across the river. Upon deciding to leave, Huck begins his journey down the
Mississippi River headed toward Jackson Island, while trying to stay out of sight of Pap
and navigating the current of the river.
Huck’s elaborate plan has come to fruition. He finally sets off on his journey towards
freedom. His new life has begun! Getting to Jackson Island is far and safe enough for
him to find refuge from the troughs of his society.