Name Huck Finn, chapters 10-19 Take

Name __________________________
Huck Finn, chapters 10-19
Take-Home Quiz
Vocabulary – use each of the following words (or a form of the word) correctly in a sentence. A good
sentence will give a hint as to the meaning of the word.
Histrionic –
Benefactors –
Blubbering –
Careened –
Gaudy –
Wince –
Short Answer – answer each of the following questions in 1-2 sentences. Be thorough; pay attention to
1. According to Jim, how does a snakeskin bring bad luck?
2. How does Huck's practical joke on Jim backfire?
3. What explanation does 'Sarah/Mary' Williams give for her journey?
4. What first alerts Mrs. Loftus to the fact that 'Sarah/Mary' is a boy?
5. Why do Jim and Huck have to leave Jackson's island?
6. How do Huck and Jim enter the wrecked ship?
7. Why do the murderers defer leaving in the skiff?
8. What convinces the ferry captain to investigate the sinking ship?
9. What separates Jim and Huck in the fog?
10. Why is Huck feeling "mean and miserable" in Chapter 15?
11. What calamity befalls Huck and Jim at the end of Chapter 16?
12. Where had the Grangerfords' beautiful oil cloth table cover come from?
13. What is the origin of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons?
14. What is the origin of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons?
15. what might the fog in chapter 15 symbolize?
16. How is “superstition” a motif in the story thus far? Identify two places where we see this motif.
17. Describe 2 ways in which Twain uses satire in chapters 10-19.