Disability Support Awards and Grants

Disability Support
Funding Postgraduate
Disability Support
Who is this talk for?
• Prospective post graduate students for 2011-12
(some information also given for NHS, PGCE and
Social Work students for 12/13 as known)
• International students should note that most of
following funding is only available to UK and some
EU students. They should check out any discounts
by speaking to their School Office
• International students must show they have
enough money to pay fees and living costs when
applying for visa
Disability Support
Is there any statutory funding available?
There is no statutory funding for PG study unless:
• You are studying a PGCE (and have not studied an ITT course previously)
• You are studying a Social Work PG Degree
• You are studying a qualifying PG Health course to be funded by the NHS
(Funding for these courses will be discussed later)
Students with a disability, ongoing health condition or specific learning
difficulty can apply for the Disabled Students Allowance:
NB:Both Scotland and Northern Ireland also offer funding for some PG study
Disability Support
What about other sources of PG funding?
• Self- funded study: personal savings, part-time work earnings etc
• Scholarships / Studentships
• Employer-funded study
• Awards and grants from charities, research councils or other organisations
• Professional & Career Development Loans (a commercial loan from a bank)
• Inns of Court Sponsorship for eligible Law students
Scholarships/Studentships, Awards , Grants and Professional Career
Development Loans discussed in more detail later
Disability Support
Postgraduate funding – things to consider
• High number of applications for PG funding from all sources – very competitive
• There were13,375 awards made from Research Councils in the UK in 2007/08.
There were approximately 500,000 PG students in that period.
•Should aim to apply as soon as possible
• Most PG study is self-funded – should you study full-time or part-time?
• If employer-funded – will you get study leave to attend lectures/seminars/exams?
• You will need to consider how you will pay your tuition fees, associated course
costs (books, materials etc) and living costs (rent, bills, travel etc).
• Many PG students work part-time while they study to help meet these costs
Disability Support
Scholarships / Studentships
• If there is one available for your course this is usually advertised with the course
details – check with the school office if you are unsure
• Usually given by the institution where you are studying or a Research Council
• Tend to be more available for science or research courses rather than taught
• Some cover tuition fees only, others both tuition fees and living costs – check
what is included in the package before you study so you can calculate an
accurate budget
• The Inns of Court offer sponsorship for future barristers – Law students can find
out more information later in the presentation
Disability Support
Scholarships / Studentships: Where do I search for
• You can check if there is a scholarship from the institution attached to your
course by speaking to the school office
•To get information on other scholarships and studentships go to:
 www.scholarship-search.org.uk
 www.postgraduatestudentships.co.uk
 http://www.prospects.ac.uk/scholarships_and_bursaries.htm
Disability Support
Awards and Grants
• You may be eligible for an award or grant - eligibility is usually defined
by circumstances such as your age, background, course, level of study,
whether you have children, whether you have a link to a particular charity
• Awards tend to be small sums and are usually non-repayable
• There are websites that allow you to make a search for awards and
grants based on your personal circumstances
• There are also websites that list all the awards and grants available so
you can browse through all those listed, regardless of criteria
Disability Support
Awards and Grants:
Where Do I Search For Funding Online? (1)
• egas.enquiry@fwa.org.uk (e-mail)
Disability Support
Awards and Grants:
Where Do I Search For Funding Online? (2)
• www.grantsforindividuals.org.uk
• www.funderfinder.co.uk
• www.dsc.org.uk
• www.gradfunding.co.uk/
Disability Support
Awards and Grants: Books on Funding
• Postgraduate students may find this book useful “The Grants Register: The Complete
Guide To Postgraduate Funding” is published by Palgrave Macmillan every year, and
contains details of scholarships, studentships, research grants and so on. For more
details on buying this go to www.palgrave.com
• You can also find a copy you can borrow for free that covers alternative funding in
2011 at the University Library:
Ref: 378.33/GRA
ISBN: 0230206018, 9780230206014
• You can search for this on the library catalogue by following the link below:
Disability Support
Law Students
Disability Support
Awards for Law Students
•The Junior Lawyers Division (JLD) helpline can provide all prospective and current
students with information regarding financial help. You can contact the JLD on:
0800 0856 131.
•The Law Careers Advice Network website also offers some information:
• Some postgraduate law courses can attract more specific awards, scholarships
and studentships
• You will need to apply for these directly from the Inns or Temples of Law
Disability Support
Awards, Scholarships & Studentships:
Law Students (1)
• Gray's Inn
Gray's Inn offers a number of scholarships and awards for students undertaking
GDL and BVC. Please visit their website www.graysinn.org.uk for further
information and how to apply.
• Inner Temple
Inner Temple offers a variety of scholarships and awards for both GDL and
BVC students. Please visit their website www.innertemple.org.uk for further
information and how to apply. You can also contact the Scholarship officer by email cheaton@innertemple.org.uk or by telephone 020 7797 8210.
Disability Support
Awards, Scholarships & Studentships:
Law Students (2)
• Lincoln's Inn
Lincoln's Inn offers awards for both GDL and BVC students. Enquiries
regarding scholarships: please contact Judith Fox, Students' Administrator at
the Treasury Office on the number below or email
judith.fox@lincolnsinn.org.uk. You can also visit their website
• Middle Temple
Middle Temple offers a variety of scholarships and awards for both GDL and
BVC students. Please visit their website www.middletemple.org.uk for further
information and how to apply.
Disability Support
Social Work
Disability Support
PGCE Students – Student Finance England funding 11/12 & 12/13
•Eligibility depends on status e.g. Home student / E.U student etc. Home students
on a full-time postgraduate course can apply to SFE for:
• Tuition Fee Loan
• Maintenance Loan and
• Maintenance Grant (same as undergraduate)
• Part-time students can apply for Fee Grant and Course Grant (same as
undergraduate) in 11/12. Tuition Fee Loan only will be available 12/13 & DSA.
• Paid irrespective of previous study (so long as student does not already hold
• DSA (and income-assessed targeted support for full time student) can also be
applied for where eligible (e.g.: lone parents, students with disabilities)
Disability Support
PGCE Students - TDA Bursary 11/12
•2011/12: Two different award rates based on subject studied
• £9,000
 Physics, Chemistry, English, Maths, Biology
• £6,000
 Combined / General Science and Modern Foreign Languages
• Payable to both eligible full-time and part-time students, tax-free and
• TDA Bursary not yet announced for 12/13 – please check their website
for updates
Disability Support
PGCE Students -TDA Bursary 12/13
PGCE including School-Centred Initial Teacher Training
 Primary Education
 Early Years & Primary Education
 Secondary Education Art & Design
 Secondary Education Physical Education
 Secondary Education Design and Technology
Disability Support
TDA Bursary Rates - 2012/13
• Award based on subject studied and undergraduate degree marks
U/G Degree
Amount Of TDA Bursary
Specialisms and Subject Areas
Physics, mathematics, chemistry,
modern languages
Other priority secondary specialisms
and primary
(Primary Education, Early Years &
Primary Education, Art & Design, P.E,
Design & Technology)
• Eligible students will be told by HCES office when to apply after they have started
• Available to both full-time and part-time students on an eligible course in 2012/13
• Tax free and non-repayable.
Disability Support
PG Degree NHS Students – NHS Bursary 11/12
• NHS pay tuition fees (direct to the University). Students will receive an income
assessed bursary for living costs - the amount you receive will depend on the
household income and where you are living during studies:
Living with parents: £2,346 per year Living elsewhere: £2,810 per year
• Extra Weeks Attendance - students who have to attend over 30 weeks can get an
additional income-assessed allowance for 22 weeks of the year:
 £54 per week ( £1,188) if living in parental home
 £82 per week (£1,804) if living away from home
• Eligible students can also apply for the following: Parents’ Learning Allowance, Adult
Dependants Allowance, Childcare Allowance and Disabled Students’ Allowances
• Degree students can apply for a reduced rate of Maintenance Loan from Student
Finance England
Disability Support
PG Degree/Diploma NHS Students – NHS Bursary
Tuition Fees: NHS pay tuition fees (direct to the University).
Living Costs (based on 45 week course): All students can apply for:
•An income-assessed NHS bursary:
Living with parents: £3,351 per year Living elsewhere:
£4,395 per year
•A non-income assessed £1,000 grant
•Additional allowances for eligible students (depending on your circumstances, incomeassessed)
•Degree students can also apply for a reduced rate of Maintenance Loan from Student
Finance England (also non income-assessed).
Disability Support
PG Social Work Students 11/12
• PG students apply to the NHSBSA for the Social Work Bursary:
Postgraduate Course
(outside London)
Full time course
Fee Contribution
Part time course
Up to £1733
Up to £3466
Non Income
Assessed Bursary
Additional Income
Assessed Bursary
Up to £2608
Full time rate x 2
divided by number of
course years
Pro-rata of full time
rate based on the
duration of course
• A contribution to help with expenses for attending practice placements has been built
into the bursary (£862.50 for full time courses and pro-rata for part time courses based
on the duration of the course).
Eligible students can also apply for the following: Parents’ Learning Allowance, Adult
Dependants Allowance, Childcare Allowance and Disabled Students’ Allowances.
• Details of Social Work Bursary for 2012/13 will be confirmed in Spring 2012 – check
the Social Work Bursaries website for updates.
Disability Support
PGCE, PG Social Work or PG Health Student – Useful Links
Trainee Teachers –
PG NHS and Social Work –
Student Finance England:
Disability Support
Professional & Career Development Loans
• These are commercial loans offered by participating banks (between £300 and £10,000)
• Once you have finished studying you pay it back (at present) at the rate of interest fixed
when you took out the loan – interest rates may vary from bank to bank
• Only available for eligible courses (see information in application pack for details) and to
applicants over 18, “settled” in the UK 3 or more years & intending to work in UK once
course is finished
• Can be used to help with course fees, study costs and living expenses
• Call Next Step on 0800 100 900 to get an application pack and speak to a Next Step
adviser, or see the DirectGov website for more information:
Disability Support
Access to Learning Fund
• A government fund that can be applied for via the University for Home (and
some EU) students experiencing hardship
• Cannot be used for tuition fees – awards given for living and study costs
• PG students must be able to demonstrate they made provisions to cover living
costs and tuition fees before commencing the course (tuition fees plus £157 a
• Most awards do not have to be paid back
• For more information go to:
Disability Support
Need to speak to an advisor?
Come to a drop-in session at the Student Support and Wellbeing Centres:
• City - Northumberland Building: Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm
Tel: 0191 227 4127
• Coach Lane - Allendale Building: call 0191 215 6590 for drop-in times
Or you can e-mail us at sv.welfareandinternational@northumbria.ac.uk
Check our web pages for information for postgraduate students: