TUG February 05 2015 (FINAL)

Networking and new member introductions
Discussion for scheduling and locations for the
2015 TUG calendar
News and Updates
◦ Customer Visualization showcase 02/18
Review group members Tableau usage scenarios
◦ How many have been through a version upgrade ?
This Month’s Tech Topic: Tableau v9.0
Questions and Open discussion
How and where to participate:
Contact: Tableau Beta Program Manager
◦ Jackie Clough
◦ jclough@tableau.com
Learn What’s New PDF
Feature Videos
Quick Start Guides
Report Feedback button
Beta Forum:
◦ http://community.tableausoftware.com/groups/tableau90-beta
◦ beta@tableausoftware.com
New Home/Start Screen
New Connect to Data Interface
Updates to Data Prep functionality
New Calculation editor interface and updates to
Stats and Calculations Tools
Responsive Tooltips
New and updated features in Maps
New Selection Tools
Drag & Drop Analytics and Instant Analytics
New in v9.0 :
• Updated Connect sidebar
• Logo toggle button
• New Discover panel
• New Sample workbooks
Connect Sidebar:
◦ File Connection
 New Statistical file connections:
◦ Server Connection – this list now
dynamically updates based on your
most common connection types
◦ Saved Data Sources
Updated ‘Connect to Data’ interface
Metadata Grid
Data Interpreter
Data Pivot (aka “Merge”)
Custom Split Function
Broken Join tooltip
Integration with new Tableau Server UX
Here’s the v8.xx version:
And here it is in v9.0:
Note the new Navigator tabs at the bottom left
corner, which allow you to easily toggle between a
worksheet view and your data source connection
screen. There is also the option to go immediately
to a new Sheet, Dashboard or Story.
Manage Metadata: Another new feature which
allows you to immediately view and manage
Datasource metadata like dimension and measure
names right from the Connect screen:
Metadata Grid: It’s now
easier to see the
metadata that your
data is based on and
quickly rename fields
and perform bulk
New commands are
available in the data
grid and metadata area
◦ Rename a column
◦ Hide a column
◦ Change the geographical
role of a column
◦ Automatic and custom
split and pivot actions
Data Interpreter: Tableau can detect the range of
data in your spreadsheets and remove extra
headers, footers, and additional “non-‐data” rows
and columns to make it easier to analyze messy
spreadsheets. You can review the results to
understand what changes have been made.
1 Turn on the Data Interpreter
◦ After you have set up the data source, if Tableau detects
unique formatting or that your data source contains some
extraneous information, the Data Interpreter option
becomes available. Click Turn on to turn on the Data
2 Review results
◦ The Data Interpreter removes
the extraneous information
from your Tableau data source
and automatically updates the
preview area with its
interpretation. You can also
click the Review results button
to see a copy of the data
source. The data source copy
contains annotation definitions
and annotations that describe
how your data was interpreted.
3 Begin your analysis
If you like the interpretations made by the Data Interpreter,
you can begin your analysis by clicking the Sheet tab.
Alternatively, you can click the Turn off button to use the
original data source.
Pivot: Now you have an easy way to rotate your data
from a cross-tab format to the normalized column format
that works best for visual analysis and exploration with
Tableau. On the Data Source page, select multiple
columns, then select Pivot from the drop-down menu.
Data Split: You can now split your data into
multiple fields for more effective analysis. You can
split the fields by using:
◦ Automatic split: If your data has clear delimiters,
Tableau can detect them and split the field into multiple
columns. Automatic split also supports special cases like
URLs, emails, and IP addresses.
◦ Custom split: Click the Custom Split command on the
drop-‐down arrow next to the column name to open a
Custom Split dialog and specify a delimiter for any string
field in your data.
◦ Custom Calculation: Write your own calculations for
splitting data.
◦ Supported on: PostgreSQL, Oracle (10g+), Hadoop
HIVE, Google Big Query, Tableau Data Engine
Analytics Sidebar
◦ Ad-Hoc Calculations
◦ Drag and Drop Analytics
◦ Instant Analytics
New Calculation Editor
Level of Detail Calculations
New Selection and comparison tools
Ad-hoc calculations
◦ Ad-‐hoc calculations: Ad-‐hoc calculations make it easy
to add and edit calculated fields for your analysis.
Double-‐click an existing field on the Rows, Columns,
Marks, or Measure Values shelf to begin editing, or
double-‐click an empty area on a shelf to create a new
calculation. As you type, a list of auto-‐complete options
appears in a dropdown list, making it easier to find and
pick the right elements.
Add common types of Reference Lines and Table
‘Drag and Drop’ Analytics
◦ Drag and drop analytics: Tableau 9.0 has a new
Analytics pane that provides quick and easy access to
common analytic features in Tableau. You can drag
reference lines, forecasts, trend lines, and other objects
into your view from the Analytics pane. It is now easy to
edit, format, and remove the analytic items that you have
added, so you can experiment with different techniques
as you explore the insights your data has to offer.
Instant Analytics
◦ Instant analytics: Instant analytics provides an interactive
experience for comparing summary information about a
subset of marks to all the marks in your view. For
example, you can compare the average for a few marks
to the average for all the marks.
Local Variety Example.twbx
New Calculation Editor interface:
Local Variety Example.twbx
Type-in Pills:
◦ Handy new feature allow you to simply type a calculation
formula right into the Field Pill on a row or column shelf:
◦ Double-click on a Pill:
◦ And simply type in your calculation syntax:
Auto Complete
◦ Finally!! Tableau has added some more thorough autocomplete functionality to the calculations toolkit:
◦ Simply begin typing in the editor…
Auto Complete (cont.)
◦ And also right in the Type-in Pills function:
◦ Level of Detail Calculations: It would take the better part
of an entire session to get into this topic properly, but the
short version of the story is that this feature allows you to
create individual calculations at a specific level of detail for
a particular field without affecting the way that field appears
in the rest of your view. We’ll likely explore this one in depth
in a future post.
◦ For more info check out Bora Beran’s excellent summary
here: https://boraberan.wordpress.com/2015/01/30/whatsnew-in-tableau-9-0-part-2-level-of-detail-expressions/
◦ Also, Alan Eldridge’s 3-part in depth overview here:
Two new tools – located in the Zoom controls box:
◦ These are also available in mobile by tapping
◦ ‘add’ feature – use ‘+’ to add to an existing selection
◦ Lasso Tool
 Draws a freehand selection border around a set of data
 Keyboard shortcut: ‘d’ ( ‘Shift + D’ to lock )
Two new tools – located in the Zoom controls box:
◦ These are also available in mobile by tapping
◦ ‘add’ feature – use ‘+’ to add non-contiguous elements to
an existing selection
◦ Radial Tool
 Draws a circular selection border around a set of data points
 Keyboard shortcut: ‘s’ ( ‘Shift + S’ to lock )
Responsive Tooltips: Tableau has significantly
improved the performance of the Tooltip feature in
terms of speed and responsiveness.
They have also (finally!) added the ability to turn
the Tooltip off, so that the pop-up can be disabled
if desired while navigating around a view.
Tooltip responsiveness behavior can be adjusted
from ‘instant’ to ‘on hover’ as needed.
Local Variety Example.twbx
The Search Bar
◦ Auto-complete and suggested results
◦ Superstore Example.twbx
Use the Search box on a map to enter a
geographic data element (City, State, Zip etc.)
◦ Search brings up a list of suggested potential matches
◦ Selecting a match automatically moves and zooms the
map to that location
◦ This tool includes a ‘place prominence’ algorithm to help
sort potential matching selections and return more likely
results to the top
◦ Actual data preference – adjusts results based on the
presence of data near a geographic point
Workbook Locale Settings
◦ Support for Locale-based search localization
◦ Multi-language support
Updated User Interface
Redesigned Administrative Views
Performance Enhancements
Improved Permission Management
High Availability Improvements
More robust Failover support
Updated REST API functionality
Tableau Software SDK
Each page includes
a breadcrumb trail to
help you keep track
of your location and
A content-specific
icon lets you know
what type of item
you are viewing
A menu for
associated content
makes it easy to see
and interact with that
content. An indicator
beneath the selected
option lets you know
what you are looking
at, and a count next
to each option
indicates how many
items there are.
When you select related
content (workbooks within
a project for example) a
menu of options appears
above the content list. If
you select more than one
item, the available options
are based on the actions
you can take on at least
one of the selected items
The More option lists
additional actions you may
be able to take
Redesigned Server Administrative Views: The
Server Admin Views have been completely
redesigned with faster performance, more in‐depth
analytics, and an easier to understand interface.
You can monitor user activity, track load times,
and identify recurring errors faster and more
clearly than ever before.
◦ Redesigned Server Status Views:
◦ Process Status View:
◦ Background Tasks Status View:
Parallel query takes advantage of databases that can
perform queries in parallel to run multiple queries at
once, rather than one after the other.
Data engine vectorization speeds up the performance
of many extract-‐based workbooks by taking advantage
of modern CPU architecture for faster processing and
clear performance gains.
Parallel aggregation effectively uses multiple cores in
Tableau extracts and other file-‐based data sources. This
parallel work takes advantage of all the processors on
your computer to provide results more quickly.
Visually Responsive Permission Management
◦ Improved permission management that makes it easier to
understand resulting permissions by providing immediate
feedback and details in a visually responsive interface.
The Visual Permissions Management Interface:
High availability: The high availability redesign provides a
more secure, more robust high-‐availability solution with
straightforward configuration and management features for
administrators. The redesign includes:
More robust failover support:
A Cluster Controller provides centralized failure detection and
The ability to trigger manual failover and failback.
Administrative control of active nodes, with the ability to set the
preferred active repository (in a new user interface) for better
support of asymmetrical hardware configurations.
The Tableau Server REST API functionality has been
expanded considerably in v9.0. For more details and an
in-depth review of these features see the links below:
Project Elastic: Tableau’s vision for the mobile app –
visualizations optimized for touch-based interaction. The
release for this is as yet unannounced, but see the next
slide for links to Tableau’s Elastic project page, Gigaom’s
demo description and Tableau VP Dave Story’s video
demonstration from TCC 2014.
“Project Elastic is a new way to explore data on your tablet. Take
those giant tables of numbers and transform them into interactive
graphs. Swipe, pinch and zoom to find insights in that spreadsheet
email attachment. Bounce between different charts with that dataset
in your cloud box/drive/storage thing.You've got a tablet. You've got
data. Now you've got answers too.”
Tableau Elastic’s Project Page:
Gigaom’s demo review:
Tableau VP Dave Story’s video demo from the Tableau
2014 Customer Conference:
Learn What’s New PDF
Feature Videos
Quick Start Guides
Report Feedback button
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_explore_data_maps.html
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_stories.html
Advanced Selection Tools:
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_advanced_select.html
Ad-Hoc Calculations
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_adhoc_calcs.html
The Analytics Pane
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_analytics_pane.html
The Calculation Editor
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_calculation_editor.html
Split functionality
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_split.html
Pivot functionality
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_pivot.html
The Data Interpreter
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/pro/online/windows/enus/help.htm#qs_excel_cleaning.html
Server Quick Search
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/server/enus/help.htm#qs_universal_search.htm
Server Permissions Management
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/server/enus/help.htm#qs_permissions.html
Server Content Management
◦ http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/v9.0/server/enus/help.htm#qs_content_page.html
Member use case scenarios
Challenges, roadblocks and obstacles?
Tableau 9 thoughts, quirks, bugs, issues?
TUG Group and Member goals for 2015
Thanks for attending, and spread the word!