OEC 5 th Edition Roll Out PowerPoint Presentation


OEC 5e Roll Out



OEC 5e Roll Out

• Expectation – to have fun and get excited about the introduction of a whole new text book and instructional materials

OEC 5e Roll Out

• OBJECTIVES – Attendees will be able to describe the process for qualifying instructors and other instructor trainees in the OEC 5e program

• Attendees will successfully demonstrate and participate in new skills that are part of the

OEC 5 th edition

OEC 5e Roll Out

• RESPONSIBILITIES – OEC Supervisor – responsible for overall roll out of 5e program in the Eastern Division

• Asst. Supervisors and Regional OEC

Administrators will coordinate and manage roll out of 5e program at the Region level

• Instructor Trainers will be responsible for quality assurance at the instructor level

OEC 5e Roll Out

• Requirements – every IT and instructor must attend a qualification class proctored by a

Division representative that at a minimum reviews the instructor resources and successfully demonstrates the newest OEC skills prior to teaching a class. The class must be registered with NSP. Instructors for this class must be qualified prior to teaching.

OEC 5e Roll Out

• Paperwork to be completed

• Registration

• Release forms

• Attendance rosters

• Skill sheet and sign off sheet submitted

• Evaluation forms

• Certificate of Completion

• Send copy of record to ROA and Asst. Sup.

OEC 5e Roll Out

• ROA – will maintain qualification sign off sheet

• Annual renewal of instructor and IT will be conducted jointly by ROA and Asst. Supervisor

• Only qualified people will be approved for renewal. All new instructors will follow normal approval process, same for IT’s

• IT’s must be highly involved with new courses checking instructor status and appropriate content for classes

OEC 5e Roll Out

• Some other items

– All OEC classes must be registered 14 days prior to the start of the class. Any classes not registered will be reviewed and if necessary will repeat material to current standard of training

– All OEC classes scheduled to start prior to June 30 must get approval from the Division Supervisor prior to starting the class

OEC 5e Roll Out

• Some other items

– Cycle A refresher materials

– Encouraged to have everyone including Instructors and IT’s complete the 32 question Orientation


– Instructor materials for refresher are on the

Instructor website and have been mailed to instructors

OEC 5e Roll Out

• 5e OEC New Skill Guide Lessons

• Chapter 7 Patient Skill Assessment

• Chapter 13 Auscultation of Breath Sounds

• Chapter 13 Metered Dose Inhaler – Albuterol

*** need to check with state protocol

• Chapter 14 Administration with an auto injector

OEC 5e Roll Out

• 5e OEC New Skill Guide Lessons

• Chapter 18 Controlling Bleeding

– Hemostatic bandage

– Tourniquet application (MAT tourniquet for demo)

• Chapter 20 posterior Sternoclavicular dislocation reduction

• Chapter 20 figure 8 application for clavicle

OEC 5e Roll Out

• 5e OEC New Skill Guide Lessons

• Chapter 21 Short board immobilization (revisit not used widely)

• Chapter 24 Pelvic stabilization using pelvic sling

• Chapter 33 Patient restraint

• Chapter 34 review new guide for assisting with childbirth

OEC 5e Roll Out

• 5e OEC New Skill Guide Lessons

• Chapter 35 Nerve agent administration (self administration) duo dote is the product.

• Additional topics to review:

Blanket Roll for shoulder

Child birth

Two pole splinting of hip fracture

Stabilizing impaled objects

OEC 5e

• Evidence based text

• Case Study: Stop, Think, Understand self quizzes

• Chapter Review exercise

• myNSPkit.com is live

• Also available at NSP Instructor Resources

• WEBEX available from Brady/Pearson

OEC 5e

• Instructor Resources

• myNSPKit.com (for password see ROA)

• WEBEX available from Brady Pearson

• New power points with hot links embedded

• 1200 question test bank for quiz generation

• New scenario test bank for classes and SOEC

OEC 5e

• Full table of contents and outline

• New Discussion Points for instructors

• Chapter 36 special note

Special note: Some skills that will be trained may not be applicable to your state or mountain protocols and policies. Please confirm with your Medical Advisor and State

Regulatory agencies when needed.

OEC 5e Standard of …

• The National Ski Patrol’s Outdoor Emergency

Care curriculum is the “Standard of Training”

• This book does not “define the standard of care”

• The “Standard of Care” an OEC technician might be required to perform includes material from this book and might include local protocol’s, state EMS restrictions, laws and procedures; and other circumstances within the region you work.

OEC 5e New Skills


– Primary

• A, B, C, D

– Secondary

• Head to Toe Survey

– Vital Signs

• LOR, Pulse, Respirations, BP and Temp

OEC 5e New Skills

• Auscultation of Breath Sounds

– Normal vs. Abnormal

– Warm the stethoscope

– Anterior Upper and Lower

– Posterior Upper and Lower

OEC 5e New Skills

• Metered Dose Inhaler – Assistance

– If local protocol allows (also EMS)

– Correct person, expiration, dose

Use spacer if available or required

Inhaler in mouth lips around opening

Breathe in slowly

Press top of inhaler as breathe is being taken

Hold breathe for 10 seconds

Second dose if needed

OEC 5e New Skills

– Administration of Auto Injector

• Obtain permission to assist

• Correct Medicine, patient, route and dose

• Medical qualification

• Keep digits away from ends of injector

• Assist patient with firmly striking outer thigh

• Hear the click and hold for 10 seconds

• Massage injection site

• Records the event

• Reassess the patient vital signs and lung sounds

• Second auto injector if needed

OEC 5e New Skills

– Controlling Bleeding

• Standard Precautions

• Sterile Dressing and direct pressure

• Applies additional dressing and pressure bandage

• If bleeding continues apply hemostatic bandage


• If continues apply tourniquet and mark forehead

• Bandage wound and immobilize as necessary

• Continue to treat for shock

OEC 5e New Skills

– Posterior Sternoclavicular (S/C) Dislocation

– Life threatening

– Ties wide cravat around upper chest

– Forms a wide blanket roll

• Places patient in supine position

• With blanket roll under shoulder

– Rescuer #1 on affected arm at wrist

– Rescuer #2 counter traction

– CMS, treat for shock

OEC 5e New Skills

Figure 16a. Clavicular fracture in a 35-year-old patient after a high-speed motor vehicle accident.

Restrepo C S et al. Radiographics 2009;29:839-859

©2009 by Radiological Society of North America

Figure 16b. Clavicular fracture in a 35-year-old patient after a high-speed motor vehicle accident.

Restrepo C S et al. Radiographics 2009;29:839-859

©2009 by Radiological Society of North America

OEC 5e New Skills

– Short board immobilization

• Manually stabilizes the head/c-spine

• CMS in each extremity

• Cervical collar

• Place device behind patient lining up head

• Secures torso and legs

• Fills void and secures head (two cravats)

• Moves patient to long board

• Lowers the patient and secures to long board


OEC 5e New Skills

– Patient Restraint

• Best Done by Law enforcement

• Does the patient have the ability to refuse medical care

• Must know local protocol and specific state laws

• If we must restrain an individual

• Must work as a team

• Minimum of 5 people

• Sixth person if mechanical restraints are needed

• Talk amongst team before proceeding

OEC 5e New Skills

– Patient Restraint

• Restraint method must be approved by local protocol and local medical advisor

• One method includes securing one arm above the head

• The other arm is alongside the body secured to the board

• Legs firmly secured to the board

• Further straps may need to be put along chest and hips

• Be prepared to tip the board for vomiting

OEC 5e New Skills

– Child Birth

– New Skill Guide

– 11 of 18 points are CPI’s

– Pre-Delivery

– Delivery

– Post Delivery

OEC 5e New Skills

– Nerve Agent – Self Administration

• It is a changed World that we live in

• Standard Precautions

• Minimize further exposure

• Atropine and pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM Cl)

• Use step by step directions from injector

• Excessive salvation or mental status change

– 2 atropine and 1 2-PAM Cl injectors

• If severe signs or symptoms are present

– 3 atropine and 3 2-PAM Cl injectors

• Maintain airway, BVM, suction, vitals and transport

– -

OEC 5e Summary

• OBJECTIVES – Attendees will be able to describe the process for qualifying instructors and other instructor trainees in the OEC 5e program

• Attendees will successfully demonstrate and participate in new skills that are part of the

OEC 5 th edition

OEC 5e Summary

• Expectation – to have fun and get excited about the introduction of a whole new text book and instructional materials
