Criminal Justice - East Tennessee State University

Dept of
East Tennessee
State University
201 Rogers-Stout
Winter 2011-2012
Undergraduate Courses
CJCR 2600 Crime Scene Investigation (online)
Dr. Larry Miller
Detecting, collecting, and preserving physical evidence from crime scenes with emphasis placed
on documenting and collecting physical evidence. Current research, case studies, and analysis of
physical evidence will be discussed. This course involves hands-on exercises and investigating
mock crime scenes.
CJCR 3010 Research Methods (online) Dr.Nicole Prior
The class will discuss issues surrounding the design and execution of criminal justice research
and review available sources of CJ data. The class is offered online.
CJCR 3330 Police in America (online)
Dr. Steven Ellwanger
Historical and philosophical evolution of the police. Emphasis will be placed on functions and
control of police in a democratic society and the analysis of policing from a social science
Undergraduate Courses
CJCR 1100 Intro to CJ System
(ITV)Chris Burkey
(Regular class)Jessica Duncan
Conceptions of law and crime, the nature and extent of crime, and an overview of the
interrelated criminal justice agencies.
CJCR 1200 Human Relations
Taylor Hayes
Dean Hurley
An examination of models of human behavior, with particular emphasis on antecedents and
conditions that affect personnel performance in criminal justice environments.
CJCR 1600 Forensic Science (ITV course)
Richard Stevens
An introduction to methods used by crime laboratories and the chemical and physical
interpretation of the data obtained by crime scene search to include blood samples, fingerprints,
tool marks, fiber and fabric identification.
CJCR 2540 Criminal Law
David Bautista
The historical foundations of criminal law, elements of crime, purposes and functions of law,
defenses to prosecution, and limits of the law.
CJCR 2600 Crime Scene Investigation
Dr. Larry Miller
Detecting, collecting, and preserving physical evidence from crime scenes with emphasis placed
on documenting and collecting physical evidence. Current research, case studies, and analysis of
physical evidence will be discussed. This course involves hands-on exercises and investigating
mock crime scenes.
CJCR 3000 Statistics Cr Justice
Dr. Larry Miller
Dr. Steven Ellwanger
Prerequisite(s): MATH 1530 or equivalent. Criminal statistics, hypotheses and theories, research
and related problems, and ways and means of evaluating the effectiveness of criminal justice
CJCR 3010 Research Methods
Brad Edwards
Problems in the design and execution of criminal justice research. Various research strategies,
including sample surveys, observation, experiments, and evaluation are discussed. Also
reviewed are various sources of criminal justice data.
CJCR 3300 Ethics
Dr. John Whitehead
(online)John Rose
Examination of ethical issues arising in the criminal justice field including police deviance,
judicial misconduct, control of inmates in correctional settings, and field research dilemmas.
CJCR 3310 Criminology
Dr. Leonore Simon
Taylor Hayes
An analysis of the major sociological theories of crime causation, sociological aspects of types of
offenders, and techniques of measuring crime.
CJCR 3500 Juvenile Justice
Dr. Nicole Prior
History, philosophy, and evaluation of the juvenile justice system. Emphasis on theoretical
explanations of delinquency, gangs, and violence, as well as examination of types of social
interventions by police, courts, corrections, and other organizations.
CJCR 3700 Domestic Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism
Dennis Hamm
Examines various types of homeland security threats and the role of government in preventing
and responding to such threats. Topics include types of homeland security threats; weapons of
mass destruction;analysis of government and non-government strategies to prevent and
respond to homeland security threats such as emergency management, disaster preparedness,
and hazard mitigation.
CJCR 4018 Honors Thesis
Dr. Nicole Prior
Open to those in university honors programs only. A capstone experience serving as the
culmination of an honors curriculum.
CJCR 4580 Violence:The American Experience
Stanley Hodges
Examination of the role of violence in American society. Etiological and epidemiological issues
addressed with emphasis on various forms of violence such as homicide, gangs, hate groups,
white-collar crime, and violence against women.
CJCR 4680 Policy & Criminal Research
Brad Edwards
Prerequisites: CJCR 1100, senior level standing, or permission of the instructor. Current issues
in criminal justice policy and criminology research. The course will deal with new research and
policy implications in a wide range of areas depending upon the instructor teaching the course.
Topics may include research methodological issues, police operations, correctional treatment
programs, court and legal issues, issues and research in the area of forensic science, and
criminological theory.
CJCR 4800 Field Experience
Dr. Larry Miller
CJCR 4900 Independent Study
Dennis Hamm
Dr. Larry Miller
Prerequisite(s): Prior arrangement with instructor, senior status, and departmental approval of
application. A 400-hour field experience placement in a local or regional criminal justice agency
or facility. The student will learn through orientation, observation, conferences, and work
Prerequisite(s): Consent of department chair. Directed study in specific areas of criminal justice
literature not covered by organized undergraduate courses. A detailed research paper required.
CJCR 4950 “Police Photography”
Jill Marshall
A seminar on selected topics of contemporary interest in criminal justice and criminology
CJCR 4957 Sp Topics “Law & Order in Movies”
Dr. Leonore Simon
Prerequisite(s): Senior or graduate status. A seminar on selected topics of contemporary interest.
Graduate Courses
CJCR 5000 Criminological Theory
Dr. Nicole Prior
Examination of major theoretical areas within criminology, including social control theory, strain
theory, and social learning theory. Contemporary theoretical positions will also be covered such
as critical theories and life-course theory.
CJCR 5030 Issues Corrections Treatment
Dr. Nicole Prior
Examination of issues in the corrections process, policies, trends, the goals of contemporary
corrections, and the efficacy of correctional programs. Issues in corrections management,
correctional case law, and political realities will also be addressed.
CJCR 5040 Law/ Society/ Cr Justice
Dr. John Whitehead
Definition and philosophies of law, effect of law on society and the criminal justice system.
Specialized topics: functions of criminal law, philosophical perspectives of justice and liberty,
objectives of law.
CJCR 5130 Forensic Document Analysis(Online)
Dr. Larry Miller
Prerequisites: CJCR 5110 or permission of the instructor. Fundamental procedures for document
analysis and examination of ink, paper and print process. Topics include ink identification and
comparison, paper, watermarks, machine-generated documents, print process, alterations,
counterfeit documents, and instrumental analysis.
CJCR 5140 Forensic Document Practicum(Online)
Heidi Harralson
CJCR 5850 Research Design in Criminal Justice
Dr. Steve Ellwanger
Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate statistics course, CJCR 3000 or equivalent. Focus on research
methodology as it relates to criminological inquiry. Issues in sampling, variable
operationalization and measurement and research design will be covered.
CJCR 5900 Special Problems Criminal Justice
Dr. Steve Ellwanger
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor. Supervised study of research focusing on a selected
problem in the field.
CJCR 5957 Sp Topics “Law & Order in Movies”
Dr. Leonore Simon
Prerequisite(s): Senior or graduate status. A seminar on selected topics of contemporary interest.
CJCR 5960 Thesis in Criminal Justice
Dr. Steven Ellwanger
CJCR 5990 Reading & Research
Dr. Steven Ellwanger
Students who are not enrolled in other coursework but require the use of university facilities
and/or faculty guidance for studies, research, or preparation of a prospectus MUST enroll for
Readings and Research. Variable credits (1-3) of Readings and Research may also be used, as
approved by student's advisory committee in conjunction with other coursework, to document
such activities as development of research and scholarly skills that would not be appropriately
covered by other types of independent study. Readings and Research credits do not count
toward degree requirements. Grading of Readings and Research will be either satisfactory
completion (S), satisfactory progress (SP), or unsatisfactory (U).
*Information subject to change without notice
*If you have under 60 hours – you MUST see
the advisor and be cleared
*If you have over 60 hours – you DON’T have
to see the advisor
*If you have 80+ hours you must file an Intent
to Graduate and verify with the Graduation
office that you have all classes needed to