Ch. 4 Review

Share 3 different things you learned Monday with THREE different people






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SHAPE America

November 20, 2013

New Name Approved!

Building on an overwhelmingly positive vote for unification earlier this year, I am pleased to announce that the AAHPERD membership has voted to approve the new name, Society of Health and Physical Educators, doing business as SHAPE America. We are now poised to move forward in creating a new chapter in our

128-year old history with our new name, vision and mission. A new logo, tagline and brand for the organization, as well as a new website, will be introduced early in 2014.

The use of the new name will be communicated strategically to our many audiences over the next 6-8 months. Members may see both AAHPERD and SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical

Educators used interchangeably. For instance, 2014 Gateway to Success, our national convention, will remain the AAHPERD National Convention & Expo.

As you all know, these are very exciting times. We are making history together as we “re-launch” our organization to a new generation of professionals. Through our new name we are working to:

Shape a future where healthy is the norm.

Shape a standard of excellence in physical education and health education.

Shape the lifelong habits of young people.

Shape and influence policy related to physical education and school health education.

Having an acronym that actually says and means something helps to make our new name more memorable.

In addition, the verb “shape” means influence and communicates leadership and power. We want SHAPE

America – Society of Health and Physical Educators to have increased visibility and recognition among our primary audiences of physical and health educators as well as our secondary audiences ─ parents, principals, school administrators, policy makers and the media. I am confident that our strong, memorable and simple new name will help us do just that.

This vote by the entire membership is unprecedented. Thank you all for your support by voting on the new name for your professional association!


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Chapter 8:

Fitness Programs and Professions

HPHE 1500

Dr. Ayers

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 Government focus on importance of health & PA *

Healthy People 2000 (1991)

 Surgeon General’s Report on PA & Health


Healthy People 2010


Healthy People 2020 (2010)

 National health objectives tracked for progress

(T 8.1)

 Overarching goals relative to national health:

Improve health of all people

Eliminate health disparities between groups


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Fitness Levels Among Children and Youth

 Fitness of U.S. youth questioned since the 1950’s

 Comparisons across decades difficult/inappropriate

 Changing definitions of “fitness”

Different types of tests used

 Shift in focus: as reflected in your personal fitness plans

FROM: Improving fitness (outcome)

TO: Increasing PA (process)

 Today’s youth underperform on:

 Body composition (↑ levels of overweight/obesity)

Aerobic capacity


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 One’s health and fitness . . .personal responsibility?

(Box 8.1, p. 187) *

What about the environment in which we live

(that we have created for ourselves)?

What, how, where, and how much do we eat?

How has PA been squeezed out of daily life?

So what?

Measures of childhood health/PA are predictive!


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PA Patterns Among Children and Youth

 Sample key findings

 HR readings indicate most are meeting ACSM’s recommendations for adult PA levels

Most do not get regular PE from a specialist

Only half of 12-21 year-olds engage in vigorous PA regularly; 25% never do so

Boys are more active than girls

 6-11 year-olds are the most active population group


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Steepest PA decline occurs between ages 12-17

Only 21% of adolescents participate in school

Physical Education 1 or more days a week

 WHY?


 Reduced access (“exclusionary” sport model)

Competing interests

 “It’s no longer fun”

Alternative activity choices


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 What factors motivate adolescents?


 Body shape, looks

Managing stress

Peer approval

 Desire for independence

From Sallis (1994)

Inactive teens become inactive adults . . .


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Fitness & PA Levels Among Adults

 Difficult to assess/estimate fitness & PA levels

 Can be viewed from various perspectives:

 PA estimates range widely . . .

(Fig. 8.1, p. 191)

 Patterns of CVD risk factors among adults

(Box 8.2, p. 192)

 Inactive adults are twice as likely to die from CVD than active adults

 PA level is a more critical health indicator than fitness test results


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 Health at Every Size



 Self-acceptance

 Physical activity

 Normalized eating

(base intake on physiological hunger & fullness )

 Older adults, the good news:

 Live longer

 Are increasing PA levels

 More commonly participating in resistance exercise

 Older adults, the bad news:

 85% of the 65 + age group 1 + one chronic disease

 35-50% women 70 + have mobility problems

 Incur the highest amount of health-care costs


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Fitness & PA Programs for Children and Youth

 Importance of school Physical Education programs is recognized by parents & federal government

CDC’s guidelines targets schools, delivery of Physical

Education and Health Education programs, policies, personnel, environment/infrastructure, training of personnel, parental involvement, and evaluation as key elements

(Box 8.4, p. 197)

 School Physical Education programs alone cannot meet all guidelines

 PA opportunities must be created for all youth throughout communities


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 Examples of creative program expansions * :

 Use of school-wide daily PA breaks

 Fitness remediation programs

 Four year fitness program

 Daily fitness programs

 In-school fitness centers

 State-requirement approach

 School fitness clubs

 Required fitness courses

 Elective fitness courses


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Fitness & PA for People With Disabilities

 Historically, PA programs had a rehab/medical focus

 Current efforts target people’s health

 Often, major barriers prevent access to PA

 With accommodations in place, PA health benefits realistic for people with disabilities

 PL 94-142 has helped increase sport & other PA levels *


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AAHPERD Efforts to Promote

Physical Activity and Fitness

 Physical Best

Educational arm of health-related fitness programming

 Fitnessgram

Assessment arm of health-related fitness instruction

 Brockport Physical Fitness Test

Adapted fitness test

 Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP)

Collaboration to foster consistency in professional practice

 FitSmart Test

Cognitive assessment of health-related fitness knowledge


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Worksite Fitness and Wellness Programs

 More commonplace over the past 25 years

 Can help reduce:

 Health-care cost, employee turnover, & absenteeism

 Can help improve:

 Employee productivity and morale

 Programs typically include:

 Nutrition (e.g., programs, guidance, weight management)

 Fitness (e.g., programs, facilities, testing)

 General health (e.g., healthy back programs, screenings)


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National Efforts to Promote Fitness and Physical Activity

 Examples of Federal Government involvement since early 20 th Century:

 Improvement of fitness in military

 1956: President’s Council on Youth Fitness formed

Now President’s Council on Fitness, Sport & Nutrition

 1978: USDHHS > Exercise recognized as an important determinant of health status


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 1990: 34 National Health Objectives developed specifically for fitness and health

 1996: Surgeon General’s Report on PA & Health

 2000: “Promoting Better Health for Young People Through

Physical Activity and Sport” published

 2001: CDC publishes Increasing Physical Activity: A Report on

Recommendations of the Task Force on Community Preventive



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Legislative Efforts to Improve

Child and Youth Fitness

 2004: Federal School Lunch Act renewed

. . . Targets nutrition, nutrition education and physical activity

 States have passed legislation that defines requirements for food services & time requirements for PA and Phys. Educ.

 HR 3257 (Fit Kids Act): Proposed amendment to No

Child Left Behind

 2001: Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) grant program initiated


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Physical Fitness Instruction: By Whom?

 Who teaches in the almost 30,000 health clubs in the US, that serve over 41m members?

 Individual organizations do offer certification

(e.g., ACSM, IAR,


 Value of such certification? . . . .

Not all are created equally

 2003: National Board of Fitness Examiners formed to develop national standards & examination for fitness instructors




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Athletic Training

 National Athletic Training Association (NATA)

 Main function: Oversee AT certification process

 Preparation includes significant clinical component

 Highly rigorous examination process


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ACSM Fitness-Instruction Certification

 Offers two certification tracks:

Health and Fitness


 Also provides continuing education for its members


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Strength & Conditioning Coach Qualifications

 International non-profit organization with 30,000 members from 52 countries

 Certifies strength and conditioning specialists

 Certification requites degree in Ex. Science, CPR certif, and 2 + yrs. of employment as G.A. at NSCA-recognized program

 NSCA released new standards & guidelines in 2009 see doc in class folder


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AFPA Certification

 American Fitness Professionals and Associates (AFPA) certifies personal trainers and fitness professionals via distance education


 Certification in 23 specializations, such as:

Yoga Instructor

Personal Trainer

Senior Strength Specialist

Pre-/Post-natal Ex. Specialist

Pilates Instructor


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ACE Certification

 American Council on Exercise (ACE)



Has certified > 40,000 fitness professionals in more than 100 countries

 Areas of certification:

Clinical Exercise Specialist

Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist

 Certification eligibility requirements:

 18 years of age

 Adult CPR certification

 Degree in Ex. Science (or related field)

 Current ACE Personal Trainer certification

 300 hours of related work experience


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Physical Therapy

 American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is main organizing body

 Requires extensive specialized training at grad school level

 Certification is governed at the state level

 Specialization certification also possible in:





Sports Phys. Therapy Geriatrics


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Master’s Degree in Fitness

 Typical program specializations include:

 Adult Fitness

 Cardiac Rehabilitation

 Strength Development

 Corporate Fitness

 Exercise Physiology

 Most require ACSM Certification

 Typical prerequisite courses include:

 Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology

 Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Measurement

 Strength Development

 Corporate Fitness


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Share one thing you learned today

Next Monday:

Post-test Fitness Assessment


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