Meteorology Chapter 12 Weather vs. Climate Weather the current state of the atmosphere Climate long-term variations in weather for a particular area The worst weather ever recorded in the United States took place here at the weather station atop Mt. Washington in the White Mts. of New Hampshire. Global Winds – complete the diagram below: high polar easterlies westerlies trade winds low Differences in heating (land vs. water, light vs. dark, rough vs. smooth) cause differences in air pressure which creates winds. During the day the land heats up faster, so in this picture the winds would be coming from the sea ____________. High Low Sea breeze Low High Land breeze Low High High Valley breeze Low Mountain breeze Fronts Review Which letter would have thunderstorms? B Which letter would have steady rains? C Which letter would have warm, clear conditions? D Which letter would have cold, clear conditions? A The lines of equal air pressure shown on this map are isobars called _________. The closer together they are, the stronger __________ the winds. cold front front warm front wave cyclone occluded front stationary front Use the pictures on the previous slide to help answer the following questions about weather instruments. E C A B F D Follow the steps below to locate a front and isobars on the diagram to the right: Step 1. Use wind direction to locate the front. 1004 Step 2. Use temperatures to identify the type of front. 1008 Step 3. Draw and label the 1004 isobar so that every station below 1004 falls toward the “low”. Step 4. Draw and label the 1008 and 1012 isobars. 1012 Describe the weather conditions at each of the following cities: Portland – winds SW at 10mph, overcast, drizzle, 34 degrees F Atlantic City – winds N at 5 mph, partly cloudy, 36 degrees F Chicago - winds NW at 20 mph, overcast, light snow, 29 degrees F Chapter Review Describe the weather conditions for each of the stations below: air pressure 1010.2mb air pressure 1007.4mb air pressure 999.7mb temp 55 degrees F temp 80 degrees F temp 30 degrees F skies obscured by light rain partly cloudy skies skies obscured by moderate snow winds south at 10 mph winds NW at 25 mph winds calm Chapter Review (continued) 1. High pressure means skies will be ________. clear isobars 2. Lines of equal air pressure are called __________. anemometer 3. The instrument that measures wind speed is an ________________. cold 4. Thunderstorms would most likely be found along a ________ front. semi-circles 5. The map symbol for a warm front are ____________. 6. Virginia is located in the _____________ Westerlies wind belt. sea 7. At the beach during the day the winds would come from the ________. sinks 8. Cold air _________ because it is more dense. clear 9. A rising barometer would signal __________ weather approaching. climate 10. Long-term variations in weather for a particular area is ____________.