2CurrentEventMagazineJournalNP - QVHSLibrary

Biology Current Event
Magazine or Journal
Print, Database, Website
Topic – Earth and Environmental Science
Environment and Climate Change
Due 1/9/15
Bonus 1/8/15
Close Reading Strategies
when reading scholarly text
• Number the paragraphs- to cite and refer to the text. One simple
way to do this is by numbering each paragraph, section or stanza in
the left hand margin.
• Chunk the text - faced with a full page of text, reading it can quickly
become overwhelming. Break it up the text into smaller sections (or
chunks) by drawing a horizontal line between paragraphs to divide
the page into smaller sections.
• Underline and circle… with a purpose- underline and circle very
specific things. Think about what information you have been asked
to take from the text – ie main idea,fact.
• Left margin: What is the author SAYING? - This is where chunking
comes into play.
In the left margin, summarize each chunk in 10-words or less.
• Right margin: Dig deeper into the text - Use a power verb to
describe what the author is DOING. (For example: Describing,
illustrating, arguing,) Ask questions.
Magazine or Journal
Magazine-from wikipedia
Publications, usually periodical publications, that are printed or
published electronically. (The online versions are called online
magazines.) They are generally published on a regular schedule
and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by
Journal- from wikipedia
In academic use, a journal refers to a serious, scholarly
publication that is peer-reviewed. A non-scholarly magazine
written for an educated audience about an industry or an area of
professional activity is usually called a trade magazine.
1 – What details are important?
Obtain a Magazine and or Journal article from a Print, QVHSLibrary
Database or Website with the general topic:
Earth and Environmental Science OR
Environment and Climate Change
• Remember – TOPIC & Length of source (1page/hand length)
• Citation for a Magazine or Journal from a print, database or web
QVHS Library PRINT Magazines to consider:
Science News
Popular Science PA Game News Outdoor Life
Mother Earth News
National Geographic
QVHS Library DATABASE to consider: http://qvhslibrary.wikispaces.com
Gale Science in Context / Gale Global Issues Context
Website Magazine and or Journal to consider:
Source types =News, Magazines, Academic Journals and trans-scripted podcasts
USA Today Science & Space
Science Daily New York Times Topics, Science Section
Washington Post
CNN Student News
Information found in a
Bibliography Citation
Typically, a citation for a magazine or journal includes the
following information:
• Author
• Title of article
• Title of magazine or journal
• Date of the magazine or journal (issue & vol#)
• Date of access if from a database or website
• Page numbers – if a print version
• A URL for a database or website
• You can use the already created citation from the
bottom of all Gale Sources
Google – not the best place for an
evaluated website
• Go to the next slide and look at DESTINY QUEST
• Choose QVHS
• On left side of screen choose WebPath Express
WebPath Express = evaluated sources that may give
access to appropriate web based journals or
magazines for this assignment.
You many find some of the following online
magazines and or journals
Science USA Today Science & Space
Daily New York Times Topics, Science Section
Washington Post
CNN Student News
NoodleTools citation
• Magazine or Journal
• Print, Database, Web
• Remember the Quick Cite: copy and paste
citation feature in NoodleTools
2 - Add to the digital portfolio in NoodleTools
The details and information
GO TO NoodleTools
• Open “Current Events Biology Project 14-15”
• Create a Citation for Magazine or Journal
• Create a New Notecard set:
• Title/Main Idea = Earth OR Environment OR
Climate Change
• Source – Link to the current citation
Direct Quote Card – Place Information
Paraphrase Card – Place information
My Ideas Card – Place information
Typical Information needed from a
source for an Image
• Web Page Title
• Web Site Title
• E-publication / Copyright date [2014] if you
cannot find one
Note – Google Images and GALE are not a
search (tools) engines, not websites. Images
come from different locations.
• Find an image that relates to the article you
– Print the image on the QVHS Library COLOR
Printer or at home.
• Clearly describe the image and identify a connection it
has to what was learned from the article. Be very
• Descriptively tell us where you obtained the image.
Image Title, Source, Document, Website, Web Page,
What is a FACT?
A truth known by actual
experience or observation;
something known to be true:
Ex - Scientists gather facts about plant
from dictionary.com
What information do you need from the article:
• Read the article and write at least 1 paragraph
identifying the:
– Specific Topic of the article and how it relates to Biology
– Main idea –what specifically does the author want you to
know about the topic.
– Who (person, place or organization) is the article about?
– Why did the author write the article – About what, is the
author trying to inform, educate, explain, present
– Quote and elaborate on 1 fact (something known)
presented by the author.
New Author
/ Source Credibility
Remember, your use of a source is a means of supporting
• Where was the source published?
Is it in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal (i.e. an article
that is evaluated by other experts in the field) or
published by a university press, professional society, or
scientific publisher (all of which also operate peer-review
processes)? These texts will have scholarly credibility.
Who wrote it?
• You can undertake brief on-line research into the
author. Is the author affiliated with a university or
another institution? What else has the author written?
New Science Vocabulary
• Science is the field of study concerned with
discovering and describing the world around
us by observing and experimenting.
Biology, chemistry, and physics are all branches
of science. From vocabulary.com
Ex. Waste Stream: The total flow of solid waste from homes, businesses, institutions,
and manufacturing plants that is recycled, burned, or disposed of
Over the summer our community experienced a tremendous odor and we learned that
it was coming from the landfill in the neighboring community which collects all of the
recycled waste from homes and businesses in the surrounding communities.
At least 1 paragraph that explains:
• New - The source and or author credibility as
related to science.
• New - Identify 1 SCIENCE vocabulary word that
you are not familiar with – copy a definition for
it and then use the word in a sentence, along
with the definition, so that we know you
understand the meaning of the word and the
context for which it relates to science.
Due Date
• For Bonus Date 1/8_____________
Complete and post in NoodleTools by this date
Send an email to holleinr@qvsd.org indicating you wish to have
the bonus
Bonus = option to fix an error and gain a point back or have a
perfect score and earn an extra point.
Date Due 1/9 (Beginning of Class)
Bring to Class - the Printed Image ONLY!
Assessment Rubric
NoodleTools Format
Documentation 3/ ____
Exemplary / Focus on Details / Needs Improvement
– Complete MLA citation for a magazine/ Journal (Print or
Database or Website)
– NoteCard Set = Titled as indicated and Source attributed
to notecards
– Placed in appropriate project – “Biology Current Events 1415”
Assessment Rubric Continued
Academic Integrity: _____
• (Direct Quote) 3/_____
Exemplary / Focus on Details / Needs Improvement
– Printed image
• Clearly describe the image and identify a connection it
has to what was learned from the article. Pretend that
we cannot see it and be very descriptive.
• Descriptively tell us where you obtained the image.
Title of image, Source name, URL
Assessment Rubric Continued
Academic Integrity: _____
(Paraphrase /Summary) 3/____
Exemplary / Focus on Details / Needs Improvement
• Write at least a paragraph
• Identify Specific topic of the article and how it relates to
• Main idea –what specifically does the author need for you
to know about the topic.
• Who (person, place or organization) is the article about?
• Why did the author write the article – About what, is the
author trying to inform, educate, explain, or present
Assessment Rubric Continued
Academic Integrity: _____
(My Ideas) 4 _____
Exemplary / Focus on Details / Needs Improvement
At least 1 paragraph that explains:
New - How the source and or author of the source that you read related
to science.
New - Identify 1 SCIENCE vocabulary word that you are not familiar with –
copy a definition for it and then use the word in a sentence, along with
the definition, so that we know you understand the meaning of the word
and the context for which it relates to science.
Assessment Rubric Continued
Academic Integrity: _____
Technology / English Language Arts 4/ _____
Exemplary / Focus on Details / Needs Improvement
• Completed NearPod exercise.
• Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Sentence,
Structure (ex. complete sentences)
______ (17 Total)