Is Marriage for Life?

Is Marriage for Life?
What Did Jesus Say?
Matthew 19:1-6
Is Marriage for Life?
• What did Paul Teach?
Hebrews 13:4
• “Marriage is to be held in honor by all,”
Husbands & Wives - Colossians 3:18-19;
Older Women in the Church - Titus 2:3-5
Fathers in the home - Ephesians 6:4
Shall We Save or Destroy Marriage?
 We
are the defenders of the Faith!
Jude 3
 We are the light of the world! Matthew
 We are the defenders of Marriage, not
the destroyers of what God has joined
Shall We Save or Destroy Marriage?
Is Marriage really just a matter of property, or
possessions, or just a piece of paper? Vows vs. Paper!
Have we become the “Lawyers” of the Faith? Luke
What is happening to the Church of our Lord? James
How can we be at Peace with God when we are at
odds with each other over the simplicity that is found in
Christ Jesus our Lord?
We Must Preach the Rule
and Not the Exception!
The Simplicity of the Rule is [One Man for One
Woman for Life!] This is the Biblical Concept
of Marriage, that God gave to man, and it is a
human relationship to be held in Honor by all!
From my youth up, I was taught that Marriage
was to be held in honor, and divorce was never
an option. Why should that change today? It is
sinful to teach the exception as though it were
the rule? God Hates Divorce! Malachi 2:16
Marriage Belongs to God!
How dare I set myself up as some authority on
the God given relationship of marriage and
preach my think so’s and hold my thoughts as
higher than God’s thoughts! Isaiah 55:8-9
How dare any man think that he has an answer
for every question, when his answer clearly goes
beyond what is written! 1 Corinthians 4:6
Some Questions Work to Undermine
the Authority of the Scriptures!
1 Peter 3:15-17, Peter didn’t teach us that we must answer every
question! We are not to take part in a debater’s mentality!
1 Timothy 1:3-11; 6:3-5, Purpose of the commandment?
2 Timothy 2:14-15, “charging them not to strive about words to
the ruin of the hearers.” “Study to show thyself approved unto
God!” 23, “Avoid foolish and ignorant questions!” (Human
Terminology is Unacceptable) – We are pleading for “Simplicity
in Christ?” 2 Corinthians 11:3
We are Not Saying We should not “contend earnestly for the
Faith! Jude 3, But stop playing the devil’s advocate!
Paul said, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, “And my speech and my
preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom,”
Marriage is for Life!
Romans 7:1-3, No waiting game is being taught
here, because Marriage belongs to God, and one
cannot break their marriage vows and be right in
the sight of God to make another vow to
another person!
1 Corinthians 7:10-13, is not an exception to the
rule of One Man, for One Woman for life! It
can not mean that because Jesus has spoken in
Matthew 19:6-8,9
Marriage does not belong to man, but to God!