Gender, Marriage, and the Family Test Review

Gender, Marriage, and Family Review
1. Gender
2. Gender Roles
3. Gender Identity
4. Patriarchy/Matriarchy/Egalitarian
5. Patrilocality/Matrilocality/Neolocality
6. Sexism
7. Title IX
8. Wage Gap
9. Glass Ceiling
10. Second Shift
11. Strategies of Resistance
12. Family
13. Nuclear Family
14. Family of Orientation
15. Family of Procreation
16. Extended Family
17. Kinship
18. Primary Relatives
19. Secondary Relatives
20. Monogamy
21. Polygamy
22. Polygyny
23. Polyandry
24. Homogamy/Heterogamy
25. Dual-Earner Family
26. Empty Nest
27. Marriage Gradient
28. Sandwich Generation
29. Voluntary Childlessness
30. Blended Families
Key Issues:
1. How do parents reinforce their child’s gender role from birth?
2. What are the functions of family?
3. How have dual-earner couples changed the nature of family and marriage?
4. What are examples of family disruption?
5. What are the main reasons for divorce?
6. What impact does divorce have on men and women?
7. How has the average age of marriage changed over the years? Why?
8. How has the average age of childbearing changed over the years? Why?
9. How do single-parent families affect their children?