Shokofeh Markov Math 1030 BMI Project Body mass index (BMI) is a proxy for estimating human health. It is used for both man and woman based on the weight and the height of an individual. Body mass index is simply a number which may be applied on a scale to explain how fit and healthy an individual is. BMI does not calculate or compute one’s body fat. Once we know the body mass index however, we may apply it on another scale to approximate our body fat percentage. Such calculations are not always very accurate and could be misleading. Today we have other ways to calculate precisely how much body fat we have since such a calculation could give us an appropriate (prescription) of how healthy we are. BMI is a proxy to evaluate our overall fitness, to investigate our health and give it some numerical definition. Usually adults are the ones that use the body mass index as a precursor of health and wellness equivalent. BMI is easily calculated by using the simple formula: BMI= mass (kg)/ height (m) ². Body mass index numbers vary from around 15 to around 40. Anything less than 15 BMI range is considered very severe underweight and deficient of nutritional substances and anything over 40 BMI is obese class 3, which represents a very severe obesity and a critical condition. The ultimate health would be from 20 to 23 BMI and a normal and healthy weight would be from 18.5 to 24.5 BMI. 90% of Americans have a BMI of over 25. According to some statistics it is expected by 2034, 44 million Americans to develop diabetes. The obesity rates are the main cause of diabetes in United States. BMI has been used since the 19th century and the proxy was first published in 1972 in journal of the “chronic diseases”. BMI must be proportional to the height in relations to the weight. Usually adults are the subject of BMI calculations. There are variations of BMI calculations for children and infants. Different countries use different applications and apply body mass index differently. Due to the act that different races are differently built. Japan’s model of BMI is similar to the one used in the United States and the numbers for normal and healthy weight align from 18.5 to 23. Body mass index is important so that people can foresee possible diseases and conditions that could be of harm to them. Obesity is one of the biggest issues United States faces today. It ranks as number one most obese nation in the world. Because of this Americans develop conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, etc. Please, review chart 1 for a more precise explanation of where healthy and unhealthy individuals align. As we can see 22 seems to be the golden median, where the fittest people align. The further away we are from this median the higher probability we have to develop a severe condition of malnutrition. Another dangerous zone is the severely underweight individuals. Such are prone to develop anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa and other life threatening conditions. I have decided to analyze the body mass index because it presents a very simple but accurate description or evaluation of our overall health. We find numerical dependency and relation between medicine, nutrition and math. These three scientific disciplines are depending on one another and we need to very often apply information from one to another. Being able to understand how we can explain and reason health and disease control through mathematical reasoning is brilliant. I find this an interesting way and perhaps the only way to evaluate ourselves and predict deficiencies before they become severe conditions. Since I was a little girl, I have always wondered how math is applied in real world. This happens here, where numbers appear to have meaning. They can diagnose and predict physical conditions. Such are the basis of experiment and testing that have benefited and still benefits all. Even though chart one provides body mass index for everyone, but we all know that man and woman are differently “designed”. Body mass index for men usually allows more weight than the BMI for women. Women however have higher percentage of body fat due natural conditions and preparness for labor. The reason why the vast majority of people use one chart for man and woman is because difference in numbers is not that great. Some charts or calculators specifically ask about gender while others underestimate the difference. For some individual such charts could place them in critical condition while in reality they are not in one. Body mass index is something I heard from my husband and I got really interested. He measures his body fat percentage and explains to me how numbers explain the world. I found this topic to be an incredible source of numeral reasoning that explains relation between math and a conditional life such as health. Bibliography: WebMD - “Weight loss and body mass index (BMI)” Stanford hospital and clinics - body mass index calculator/ www.stanfordhospital.Org “Journal of Chronic Diseases” by Ancel Keys - In-depth BMI calculator – “44 million diabetics by 2034” CNN Health – “Cost of treating diabetes to triple by 2034” by Caleb Hellerman