BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSB40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Kit Page 1 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Table of Contents About this RPL Kit Page 3 The Certificate IV in Frontline Mgt qualification Page 4 The RPL process Page 5 Gathering evidence Page 6 Submitting the evidence Page 8 Summary of Evidence (Matrix) Page 10 Evidence Planner Page 12 Page 2 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 1. About this RPL Kit This kit is designed to help you compile evidence through a recognition process to achieve this qualification. This is a formal process that is based on a portfolio of evidence submitted by you, the student. You are going to work through the requirements of the qualification and gather: Evidence of prior training and qualifications Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Evidence of current competence Recognition of Current Competence (RCC) This is an “assessment only”pathway This is an “assessment only” pathway based on designed for candidates with relevant qualifications and/or business experience. You may be eligible for some but not all of the units that make up the qualification. So it is possible you are mixing the recognition process with some formal learning (components of a course). Quality portfolio preparation takes time We appreciate that evidence gathering and portfolio preparation takes some time. It is in your best interest to start planning, organising and get the process under way as quickly as possible. Planning, organisation and presentation are important This kit provides planning tools that guide the evidence gathering. Use these tools and tables to build up your planned evidence. Here are some tips to putting your portfolio together: Look for evidence that meets the requirements for multiple units of competency If you can demonstrate evidence that covers several units of competency, it will minimize time spent searching for and compiling multiple forms of evidence for each unit. Authenticity You need supporting evidence to authenticate that the products and processes you are submitting are indeed your work. Third party letters or references may be requested to support your portfolio. Recent evidence is preferred The assessor is looking for currency of competence so use recent projects as evidence. As a rule of thumb, evidence from the last two years is preferable and do not go back more than five years. This should be discussed with the assessor. Your academic training and qualifications may go back further than five years to demonstrate knowledge of vocational education and training. Label the evidence Complete the cover page, evidence summary matrix, provide an index and label the evidence. The assessor will not proceed unless the cover page and summary are submitted and the evidence is organised and labelled. Page 3 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 2. Course Structure BSB40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management BSBMGT401A Show leadership in the workplace BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements BSBMGT403A Implement continuous improvement BSBMGT404A Lead and facilitate off site staff BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness BSBREL401A Establish networks BSBREL402A Build client relationships and business networks BSBADM409A Coordinate business resources BSBLED401A Develop teams and individuals Page 4 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 3. The RPL Process STAGE 1 1. Enquiry-call Open Training Institute on +61 (03)86282500 2. Enrolment and payment of fees STAGE 2 1. Access RPL Kit online via My Study Centre STAGE 3 1. Read RPL Kit thoroughly Support Available from your Assessor on +61 (03)86282500 2. Commence compiling your Portfolio STAGE 4 1. Upload Evidence Planner, Summary of Evidence and your supporting documents. 2. Portfolio assessed DEEMED COMPETENT (COMPLETE AND SUFFICIENT) 1. Conversation with Assessor for validity. 2. Assessor signs off DEEMED NOT YET COMPETENT (INCOMPLETE OR INSUFFICIENT) 1. Assessor will provide feedback and request additional evidence or information on supporting documents provided. 2. You submit additional evidence/information. QUALIFICATION OR STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT ISSUED Page 5 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 4. Gathering Evidence Contact with the Assessor If required, you can contact the Assessor by calling student services on (03) 8628 2500 to assist the evidence gathering process. The Assessor can help to: interpret the units of competency advise on matching evidence to the competencies clarify ways to organise the portfolio clarify the underpinning knowledge and skills required identify ways to fill gaps in experience and learning What will the Assessor be looking for in the assessment of the portfolio? The Assessor will take an integrated and holistic approach to assessment and is looking for: evidence of the specific evidence requirements for each unit of competency evidence of valid, current products that align to the units of competency, the performance criteria and evidence guide which can be authenticated as the work of the candidate evidence of valid, current processes that aligns to the units of competency, the performance criteria and evidence guide which can be authenticated as the work of the candidate evidence of the application of required skills and key competencies/employability skills What if I don’t achieve all competencies by the end of the portfolio appraisal? On submission of your portfolio, you will receive feedback from the Assessor. If there are gaps in evidence or a question arising from the quality of the evidence, authenticity or currency you will be contacted and given the opportunity to resubmit further evidence. You will have an agreed time from when you enrolled in the RPL process to complete all assessments with reasonable adjustments depending on your circumstances. The Assessor will sign off on the units of competency that have been achieved and the Statements of Attainment indicating partial completion or the full qualification will be issued. What sort of evidence should you provide? The Assessor is looking for specific evidence across the units of competency. The evidence will be made up of: 1. Products –that have been developed, documented and used by you. 2. Processes –evidence that shows “how” you do what performed tasks, conducted research or applied required knowledge and skills 3. Required knowledge and required skills –that demonstrate your understanding of theory, legislation, and the principles of business. Page 6 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Rules of Evidence Currency – relates to the age of collected evidence. Competency requires demonstration of current performance – therefore the evidence collected must be current/very recent. Try to find evidence which shows that you can perform the competency now. If all your evidence is 5 to 10 years in the past and you have not been active in recent years then currency of skills and knowledge is questioned. Validity –is when the process assesses what it claims to assess. Try to ensure that the evidence relates clearly and directly to the elements and performance criteria in each unit of competency. Check the overview of evidence and the specific evidence requirements if you are not sure if the products and processes are appropriate. Sufficiency –relates to the amount of evidence collected. The collection of sufficient evidence is necessary to ensure all aspects of the competency have been captured and to satisfy the need for repeatable performance. Supplementary sources of evidence may be necessary. Try to present enough evidence, not too much, not too little across the units of competency. The specific evidence requirements in each unit will indicate the minimum amount of evidence that must be submitted. Authenticity –relates to ensuring the evidence is from the candidate and not another person. The assessor needs to be satisfied the own work. Do not make things up and do not say that work done by someone else is yours. Provide evidence that the work is yours through third party letters of authentication or statutory declarations. Range –Try to collect a number of pieces of evidence that cover a range of contexts, locations and the times you have demonstrated the competencies. These explanations have been adapted from the TAA04 Training and Assessment Training Package Glossary of Terms ©ANTA 2004 Examples of Evidence Curriculum Vitae and authenticated work history Qualifications (E.g- Vocational, Higher Education), Certificates of Attendance (Training Seminars) or Training records Products, Processes and examples of work (E.g- Strategic/Business/Marketing Plans, Procedures, Job Descriptions, Performance Appraisals, Coaching logs) Third party reports from verified and appropriate people, preferably from the workplace Work records that support your evidence (E.g- project files, emails, meeting notes, diaries) Reports, Assignments Page 7 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Putting the portfolio of evidence together Step 1: Start preparing the Summary of Evidence Matrix The matrix is an overview of your portfolio. Keep building this table as you continue evidence gathering. The Summary of Evidence Matrix must be submitted with the portfolio. Step 2: Start to fill in the Evidence Planner table–by unit of competency. Fill in the Evidence Planner table listing your evidence and explaining how it aligns to each units of competency that it addresses. Remember, some evidence will address more than one unit of competency. The Evidence Planner explanation will give the Assessor a better understanding of how the documents you submit meet the requirements of the unit and your understanding of the required knowledge and skills across the qualification. Read the units in detail this time clarifying your potential evidence against: the elements, required skills/knowledge and performance criteria. Check the range of variables to clarify the language and terms and the application of performance criteria in your own work context. Step 3: Review and finalise your evidence You should now have your evidence organised and be able to see areas where the evidence might be weak. Organise the verification and third party letters. The Assessor will prefer to see letters on company stationery. Emails are not acceptable. The declaration forms in this kit can also be used. Step 4: Compile the portfolio Check the labels and organise the evidence. Do not send originals of qualifications; get copies certified as a true copy. Finalise the certified Summary of Evidence table with the explanations of your evidence in your own words. Finalise the Evidence Planner Matrix –the ‘at a glance” summary pa the top of your portfolio. Open Training Institute will accept photocopies certified by anyone who is currently employed as: an accountant (they must be a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants, or the National Institute of Accountants, or the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants or Registered Tax Agents). Page 8 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit a a a a a a a a a a bank manager, but not a manager of a bank travel centre barrister, solicitor or patent attorney credit union branch manager commissioner for declaration Justice of the Peace medical practitioner (doctor) police officer in charge of a police station, or of the rank of sergeant and above postal manager pharmacist principal of an Australian secondary college, high school or primary school Step 5: Submit the portfolio Presentation of your portfolio is important. RPL applications should be uploaded via My Study Centre. Copies of all parts of the applications must be retained by the applicant. Page 9 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit 6. Summary of Evidence (Matrix) The following matrix is completed as an example. Please use the matrix provided in the following page Evidence Resume BSBDIV301A BSBSUS301A BSBCUS301B BSBITU301A BSBWRT301A BSBFLM306C BSBINM301A X X X Certificates Letter from Supervisor BSBWHS302A X BSBINN301A BSBFLM309C X X X X BSBINM302A X Page 10 of 32 X X BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Certificate IV in Frontline Management- Summary of Evidence Matrix Use this summary to build a picture of your evidence across the units of competency in the Certificate IV in Frontline Management Evidence BSBMGT401A BSBMGT402A BSBWHS401A BSBMGT403A BSBMGT404A BSBWOR402A Page 11 of 32 BSBREL401A BSBREL402A BSBADM409A BSBLED401A BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Certificate IV in Frontline Management-Evidence Planner Use these summary tables to gather evidence that addresses the details in units of competency. BSBADM409A Coordinate business resources Element Determine resource requirements Acquire and allocate resources Monitor and report on resource usage Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Determine resource requirements in accordance with business and operational plans, and organisational requirements Provide opportunities to individuals and workgroups to contribute to the identification of resource requirements Ensure resource expenditure is realistic and makes efficient use of available budget resources Present recommendations on resource requirements in the required format, style and structure using relevant business equipment and technology Acquire physical resources and services in accordance with organisational requirements Check resources to ensure quality and quantity, in line with service agreements Allocate resources promptly to enable achievement of workgroup objectives Ensure consultation with individuals and teams on allocation of resources is participative and is conducted using appropriate interpersonal skills Measure effectiveness of resource planning, and assess against actual costs, identified shortfalls and surpluses Develop and implement methods of monitoring resource use to enable timely and accurate reporting against business and operational plans Identify improvements in resource planning through consultation and feedback, and implement in accordance with organisational requirements Maintain records concerning equipment and resource purchases, in accordance with organisational requirements Page 12 of 32 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No Critical Aspects of Assessment BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit monitoring resource usage to determine resource needs maintaining records of resource requirements calculating costs and expenditures in relation to use and maintenance of business resources knowledge of relevant legislation communication skills to request advice, to receive feedback and to work with a team literacy skills to draft complex reports and to display logical information on resource usage numeracy skills to interpret, compare and calculate resource usage costs planning skills to schedule and track resource use and availability common equipment faults functions of a range of business equipment key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government that may affect aspects of business operations, such as: anti-discrimination legislation ethical principles codes of practice privacy laws environmental issues occupational health and safety (OHS) organisational policies, plans and procedures Skills Required Knowledge Required record management processes and techniques related to maintenance schedules Page 13 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBLED401A Develop teams and individuals Element Determine development needs Develop individuals and teams Monitor and evaluate workplace learning Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Systematically identify and implement learning and development needs in line with organisational requirements Ensure that a learning plan to meet individual and group training and development needs is collaboratively developed, agreed to and implemented Encourage individuals to self-evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement Collect feedback on performance of team members from relevant sources and compare with established team learning needs Identify learning and development program goals and objectives, ensuring a match to the specific knowledge and skill requirements of competency standards relevant to the industry Ensure that learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning goals, the learning style of participants, and availability of equipment and resources Provide workplace learning opportunities, and coaching and mentoring assistance to facilitate individual and team achievement of competencies Create development opportunities that incorporates a range of activities and support materials appropriate to the achievement of identified competencies Identify and approve resources and time lines required for learning activities in accordance with organisational requirements Use feedback from individuals or teams to identify and implement improvements in future learning arrangements Assess and record outcomes and performance of individuals/teams to determine the effectiveness of development programs and the extent of additional development support Negotiate modifications to learning plans to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning Document and maintain records and reports of competency according to organisational requirements Page 14 of 32 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No Critical Aspects of Assessment BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit giving and receiving feedback from team members to encourage participation in and effectiveness of team creating learning plans to match skill needs knowledge of relevant legislation communication skills to receive and report on feedback, to maintain effective relationships and to manage conflict culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities leadership skills to gain trust and confidence of clients and colleagues literacy skills to read, write and understand a variety of texts; and to edit and proofread documents to ensure clarity of meaning, accuracy and consistency of information negotiation skills to achieve mutually acceptable outcomes technology skills to support effective communication and presentation. key provisions of relevant legislation from all levels of government that may affect aspects of business operations, such as: anti-discrimination legislation ethical principles codes of practice privacy laws occupational health and safety (OHS) facilitation techniques to encourage team development and improvement organisational policies, plans and procedures career paths and competency standards relevant to the industry Skills Required Knowledge Required identifying and implementing learning opportunities for others Page 15 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBMGT401A Show leadership in the workplace Element Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes Model high standards of management performance and behaviour Enhance organisation's image Make informed decisions Ensure management performance and behaviour meets the organisation's requirements Ensure management performance and behaviour serves as a positive role model for others Develop and implement performance plans in accordance with organisation's goals and objectives Establish and use key performance indicators to meet organisation's goals and objectives Use organisation's standards and values in conducting business Question, through established communication channels, standards and values considered to be damaging to the organisation Ensure personal performance contributes to developing an organisation which has integrity and credibility Gather and organise information relevant to the issue/s under consideration Facilitate individuals and teams active participation in decision making processes Examine options and assess associated risks to determine preferred course/s of action Ensure decisions are timely and communicate them clearly to individuals and teams Prepare plans to implement decisions and ensure they are agreed by relevant individuals and teams Use feedback processes effectively to monitor the implementation and impact of decisions Page 16 of 32 No Critical Aspects of Assessment BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit articulation of organisational values and expectations of behaviour instances where leadership and decision making have been demonstrated and which have led to positive changes in the workplace knowledge of leadership styles and concepts. communication and presentation skills to represent the organisation, to explain its work to others and to model professionalism decision making skills to demonstrate good judgement and follow through Skills Required Knowledge Required basic theory of group behaviour leadership styles and concepts Page 17 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan Element Implement operational plan Implement resource acquisition Monitor operational performance Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Collate, analyse and organise details of resource requirements in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist resource managers Implement operational plans to contribute to the achievement of organisation's performance/business plan Identify and use key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor operational performance Undertake contingency planning and consultation processes Provide assistance in the development and presentation of proposals for resource requirements in line with operational planning processes Recruit and induct employees within organisation's policies, practices and procedures Implement plans for acquisition of physical resources and services within organisation's policies, practices and procedures and in consultation with relevant personnel Monitor performance systems and processes to assess progress in achieving profit/productivity plans and targets Analyse and use budget and actual financial information to monitor profit/productivity performance Identify unsatisfactory performance and take prompt action to rectify the situation according to organisational policies Provide mentoring, coaching and supervision to support individuals and teams to use resources effectively, economically and safely Present recommendations for variation to operational plans to the designated persons/groups and gain approval Implement systems, procedures and records associated with performance in accordance with organisation's requirements Page 18 of 32 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No Required Critical Aspects of Assessment Skills BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit ability to monitor and adjust operational performance, produce shortterm plans for the department or section, plan and acquire resources, and provide reports on performance as required knowledge of principles and techniques associated with monitoring and implementing operations and procedures Knowledge Required coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to colleagues literacy skills to access and use workplace information, and to prepare reports planning and organising skills to monitor performance and to sequence work of self and others to achieve planned outcomes. principles and techniques associated with: contingency planning methods for monitoring and reporting on performance monitoring and implementing operations and procedures problem identification and methods of resolution relevant budgeting and financial analysis, interpretation and reporting requirements resource management systems at the tactical implementation level resource planning and acquisition tactical risk analysis including identification and reporting requirements Page 19 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBMGT403A Implement continuous improvement Element Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes Implement continuous improvement systems and processes Monitor and review performance Provide opportunities for further improvement Implement systems to ensure that individuals and teams are actively encouraged and supported to participate in decision making processes, assume responsibility and exercise initiative Communicate the organisation's continuous improvement processes to individuals and teams, and obtain feedback Ensure effective mentoring and coaching allows individuals and teams to implement the organisation's continuous improvement processes Use the organisation's systems and technology to monitor and review progress and to identify ways in which planning and operations could be improved Improve customer service through continuous improvement techniques and processes Formulate and communicate recommendations for adjustments to those who have a role in their development and implementation Implement processes to ensure that team members are informed of savings and productivity/service improvements in achieving the business plan Document work performance to aid the identification of further opportunities for improvement Manage records, reports and recommendations for improvement within the organisation's systems and processes Page 20 of 32 No Required Knowledge Required Skills Critical Aspects of Assessment BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit taking active steps to implement, monitor and adjust plans, processes and procedures to improve performance supporting others to implement the continuous improvement system/processes, and to identify and report opportunities for further improvement knowledge of principles and techniques associated with continuous improvement systems and processes communication skills to: coach and mentor team members gain the commitment of individuals and teams to continuously improve innovation skills to design better ways of performing work principles and techniques associated with: benchmarking best practice change management continuous improvement systems and processes quality systems. Page 21 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBMGT404A Lead and facilitate off site staff Element Facilitate off site work outcomes Support off site staff Manage off site staff performance Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Clarify roles and responsibilities of off-site work supervisors with management and off-site staff Provide leadership and direction to off-site staff to foster independent selfmanaged work practices that address agreed outcomes in terms of quality and milestones Ensure that work objectives for off-site staff are linked to measurable targets and include agreed timeframes Use participative, transparent decision making to review work allocation responsibilities of off-site staff and related on-site staff Provide guidance to off-site staff to establish and maintain a supportive working environment in accordance with legal and organisational requirements Assign key personnel/mentors to support off-site staff and to provide a link between off-site staff and the organisation Establish and maintain effective working relations between on-site staff and off-site staff through regular meetings and other occasions used to build organisational culture and values Plan and conduct regular meetings to determine individual progress, identify needs, clarify and solve issues, and provide networking opportunities Evaluate performance against agreed goals and targets, and address in accordance with organisational policy and practice Address problems in work performance through constructive solutions identified with off-site staff Ensure evidence relating to performance is valid, documented and evaluated to identify learning and development requirements Page 22 of 32 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No Critical Aspects of Assessmen t BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit methods for providing feedback and adapting the performance management system so that work outcomes are met knowledge of legal and ethical requirements for e-work communication skills to negotiate and manage conflict and to manage performance computer skills to undertake online communication literacy skills to interpret requirements and to document performance management outcomes numeracy skills to determine time lines and milestones e-work policy and practices legal and ethical requirements for e-work occupational health and safety relationship management Skills Required Required Knowledge strategies to facilitate work and provide support for off-site staff Page 23 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBREL401A Establish networks Element Develop and maintain business networks Establish and maintain business relationships Promote the relationship Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Use appropriate network strategies to establish and maintain relationships that promote the development of business opportunities Identify and pursue network opportunities to maximise a range of contacts Communicate information regarding new networks to inform individuals, colleagues and clients of potential benefits Participate in professional networks and associations to obtain and maintain personal knowledge and skills Develop and maintain relationships to promote benefits consistent with organisational/client requirements Gain and maintain trust and confidence of contacts through demonstration of high standards of business practices Use a high level of negotiation skills to encourage positive outcomes Identify difficult situations and negotiate solutions using collaborative problem-solving techniques Seek specialist advice in the development of contacts where appropriate Develop strategies to represent and promote the interests and requirements of the relationship Use appropriate presentation skills to communicate the goals and objectives of the relationship Effectively communicate issues, policies and practices of the relationship to a range of audiences, in writing and verbally Obtain feedback to identify and develop ways to improve promotional activities within available opportunities Page 24 of 32 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No Skills Required Critical Aspects of Assessment BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit establishing contacts and participating in networks identifying opportunities for networking knowledge of related organisations, agencies and networks maintaining records of relevant contacts communication skills to receive and report on feedback, to maintain effective relationships and to manage conflict culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities leadership skills to gain trust and confidence of clients and colleagues negotiation skills to achieve mutually acceptable outcomes technology skills to support effective communication and presentation client or organisational policies, plans and procedures related organisations, agencies and networks trends and forecasts for relevant industries, services and products Required Knowledge Page 25 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBREL402A Build client relationships and business networks Element Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Identify and use preferred client communication styles and methods Initiate interpersonal communication with clients Establish client relationship management strategies Maintain and improve ongoing relationships with clients Build and maintain networks Establish rapport with clients using verbal and non-verbal communication processes Investigate and act upon opportunities to offer positive feedback to clients Use open questions to promote two-way communication Identify and act upon potential barriers to effective communication with clients Initiate communication processes which relate to client needs, preferences and expectations Develop client loyalty objectives focussing on the development of long term business partnerships Assess client profile information to determine approach Develop client loyalty strategies to attract and retain clients in accordance with the business strategy Identify and apply client care and client service standards Develop strategies to obtain ongoing feedback from clients to monitor satisfaction levels Develop strategies to elicit feedback which provide information in a form that can be used to improve relationships with clients Obtain feedback to develop and implement strategies which maintain and improve relationships with clients Allocate time to establish and maintain business contacts Participate in business associations and/or professional development activities to establish and maintain a network of support for the business and to enhance personal knowledge of the market Establish communication channels to exchange information and ideas Provide, seek and verify information to the network Page 26 of 32 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit establishing and maintaining relationships with a range of clients related to the candidate's business participating in and providing, an active contribution to a business related network. communication skills to determine client needs and preferences through active listening and presenting ideas clearly and precisely culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities interpersonal skills to establish rapport, and to build and maintain relationships with clients. key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government, codes of practice and national standards that may affect aspects business operations, such as: anti-discrimination legislation consumer laws including appropriate state/territory legislation ethical principles marketing code of practice privacy laws Trade Practices Act marketing communications concepts and processes principles and techniques for effective communication and networking sources of business related networks Skills Required Critical Aspects of Assessment Knowledge Required Page 27 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements Element Provide information to the work team about WHS policies and procedures Implement and monitor participation arrangements for managing WHS Implement and monitor organisational procedures for providing WHS training Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Accurately explain to the work team, relevant provisions of WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice Provide information about the organisation’s WHS policies, procedures and programs, and ensure it is readily accessible to and understandable by the work team Regularly provide and clearly explain to the work team, information about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control Communicate to workplace parties the importance of effective consultation mechanisms in managing health and safety risks in the workplace Apply consultation procedures to facilitate participation of the work team in managing work area hazards Promptly deal with issues raised through consultation, according to organisational consultation procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements Promptly record and communicate to the work team the outcomes of consultation over WHS issues Identify WHS training needs according to organisational requirements, and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements Make arrangements to meet WHS training needs of team members in consultation with relevant individuals Provide workplace learning opportunities, and coaching and mentoring assistance, to facilitate team and individual achievement of identified WHS training needs Identify and report to management the costs associated with providing training for work team, for inclusion in financial and management plans Page 28 of 32 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit Implement and monitor organisational procedures and legal requirements for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risks Implement and monitor organisational procedures for maintaining WHS records for the team Identify and report on hazards in work area according to WHS policies and procedures, and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements Promptly action team member hazard reports according to organisational procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements Implement procedures to control risks using the hierarchy of control, according to organisational and WHS legislative requirements Identify and report inadequacies in existing risk controls according to hierarchy of control and WHS legislative requirements Monitor outcomes of reports on inadequacies, where appropriate, to ensure a prompt organisational response Accurately complete and maintain WHS records of incidents of occupational injury and disease in work area, according to WHS policies, procedures and legislative requirements Use aggregate information and data from work area records to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work area Critical Aspects of Assessment Skills Required applying organisational WHS management systems and procedures in the work team area applying procedures for assessing and controlling risks to health and safety associated with those hazards, according to the hierarchy of control and as specified in commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice providing specific, clear and accurate information and advice on workplace hazards to work team knowledge of legal responsibilities of managers, supervisors, PCBUs or their officers and workers in the workplace analytical and problem solving skills to: identify hazards assess risks in the work area review information relating to monitoring and evaluating incidents, and the effectiveness of risk controls coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to colleagues literacy skills to understand and interpret documentation, and to interpret WHS requirements Page 29 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit hazards and associated risks in the workplace key provisions of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply to the business organisational policies and procedures relating to hazard management, fire, emergency, evacuation, incident investigation and reporting relevance of consultation and participation as key mechanisms for improving WHS and culture WHS legislative responsibilities, duties and obligations of managers, supervisors, persons conducting businesses or undertakings (PCBUs) or their officers, and workers in the workplace Knowledge Required Page 30 of 32 BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness Element Plan to achieve team outcomes Develop team cohesion Performance Criteria Evidence Provided Identify, establish and document team purpose, roles, responsibilities, goals, plans and objectives in consultation with team members Support team members in meeting expected outcomes Provide opportunities for input of team members into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team Encourage and support team members to take responsibility for own work and to assist each other in undertaking required roles and responsibilities Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions Recognise and address issues, concerns and problems identified by team members or refer to relevant persons as required Participate in and facilitate work team Actively encourage team members to participate in and take responsibility for team activities and communication processes Give the team support to identify and resolve problems which impede its performance Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image within the work team, the organisation and with clients/customers Maintain open communication with line manager/management at all times Liaise with management Communicate information from line manager/management to the team Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by the team/team members to line manager/management and ensure follow-up action is taken Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems related to the team/team members raised by line managers/management to the team and ensure follow-up to action is taken Page 31 of 32 Internal Use Only Satisfactory Yes No Critical Aspects of Assessment BS40812 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit teamwork plan with details of how it was generated and how it will be monitored so that team goals can be met techniques in communicating information, dealing with team conflict and resolving issues knowledge of organisational goals, objectives and plans communication skills to: boost team morale deal with team conflict deliver messages from management facilitate discussion mentor and coach leadership skills planning and organising skills organisational goals, objectives and plans organisational policy and procedures framework organisational structure, including organisational chart principles and techniques associated with: delegation and work allocation goal setting group dynamics and processes individual behaviour and difference leadership motivation negotiation planning. Skills Required Knowledge Required Page 32 of 32