Muharram1436-Night 7

The Ahlul Bayt (as)
ِ ‫س أ َ ْه َل ْالبَ ْي‬
ُ‫ُاَّللُ ِلي‬
َّ ‫ِإنَّ َمايُ ِريد‬
َ ِ ُ
ْ َ ‫ط ِه َر ُكم ت‬
َ ُ‫َوي‬
ً ‫ط ِه‬
“Allah only desires to keep away impurity from
you, O People of the House (Ahlul Bayt), and to
purify you a (thorough) purification.” (33:33)
The Ark of Salvation
‫انما مثل أهل بيتي فيكم كمثل سفينة نوح من ركبها‬
‫نجا ومن تخلف عنها غرق‬
“The likeness of my Ahlul Bayt amongst
you is similar to Noah's Ark. Whoever
embarks on it is saved, and whoever
rejects it drowns…”
The Ahlul Bayt
“He has made obligatory upon you Hajj,
Umrah, establishing prayers, giving charity,
fasting and Wilayah. He made Wilayah for
you a door with which you can open the
doors to the obligations, and a key to His
path. If it were not for Muhammad (pbuh) and
his trustees from among his descendants,
you would be bewildered like animals, not
knowing any of the obligations. Is the city
entered from other than its gate?”
Imam Hasan al-Askari, narrated in Tuhaful Uqool
The Qualities of the Ahlul Bayt (as)
Divine Appointment
"Verily, your Wali is Allah, His Messenger,
and the believers, - those who perform
prayer, and give charity while they bow
down…" (5:55)
Divine Appointment
The Prophet (saw): “Verily, I leave behind
among you two weighty things, which as long
as you continue to adhere to, you will never
go astray after me, and one of which is
greater than the other. The Book of Allah is
the rope stretched from the heavens to the
Earth, and my progeny, my household.
Behold, verily they will never separate from
each other until they meet me at the Pond
(in Paradise).”
The Scale of Wisdom, n. 333
ِ ‫س أ َ ْه َل ْالبَ ْي‬
ُ‫ُاَّللُ ِلي‬
َّ ‫ ِإنَّ َمايُ ِريد‬
َ ِ ُ
ْ َ ‫ط ِه َر ُكم ت‬
َ ُ‫َوي‬
ً ‫ط ِه‬
“Allah only desires to keep away impurity from
you, O People of the House (Ahlul Bayt), and to
purify you a (thorough) purification.” (33:33)
The Prophet: “I am the city of knowledge,
and ‘Ali is its gate. Whoever wishes the
city, and wisdom, should come to it from
its gate.”
Dua al-Nudba
True Theology
“An atheist asked Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.): ‘Do you not say that
He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing?’...The Imam (as) replied:
“He Hears by His Self, and He Sees by His Self, He
Himself is Hearing, He Himself is Vision, not that He is
something that has vision and has hearing…and when I
say He Sees by His self this does not mean that He is
something and that His Self is something else, but I
wanted an expression for myself as one who is being
asked and as a clarification for you as a questioner…He
hears with All of Himself…I say He hears with All of
Himself, but not with the meaning that the total has
Al-Kafi, v. 1, p.108-109
"Allah has preferred in grades those who
strive hard and fight with their wealth and
their lives above those who sit." [4:95]
Karamat: all our Imams performed
miracles of one form or another. Miracles
performed by the Imams are called
The Gate to Allah
ِ ‫ع ْب ِد‬
ُ ‫صيَا ُء ُه ْم أَب َْو‬
َ ‫ قَا َل أَبُو‬
ِ ‫ « ْال َ ْو‬: ‫للا عليهالسالم‬
ُ ‫ َولَ ْو ََل ُه ْم َما‬، ‫ع َّز َو َج َّل ـ الَّ ِتي يُؤْ تى ِم ْن َها‬
َ ‫للا ـ‬
ُ‫ف للا‬
َ ‫ع ِر‬
‫على خ َْل ِق ِه‬
ْ ‫ َو ِب ِه ُم‬، ‫ع َّز َو َج َّل‬
َ ‫ار َك َوتَعَالى ـ‬
َ َ‫احت َ َّج للاُ ـ تَب‬
Imam al-Sadiq (as): “The trustees are the
gates of Allah, the Exalted, from whence he is
approached. If it were not for them, Allah
would not be known. Allah, the Exalted, sets
them as proof over his creation.”
Wasailul Shia, n. 516
"Daughter of My beloved! Go back and look
for everyone in whose heart was love for
you or for any of your progeny; take their
hand and lead them into paradise!"
The Values of the Ahlul Bayt (as)
The Rule Belongs Solely to Allah
“I am afraid for you because
you see the covenant enacted
with God being violated and
trampled under foot, yet you
show no anxiety…”
Imam Husain, the Sermon of Mina
Social Justice
“O people! The Prophet has said, that when
you see an oppressive ruler legitimising that
which has been prohibited by Allah and
breaking His covenant, and opposing the
customs of the Prophet, and he behaves
unjustly and oppressively with Allah's
servants, then if a person does not oppose
him through his word or deed, it is
incumbent upon Allah to place that person
on the status of that oppressor.”
Imam Husain as, a Sermon at Karbala
Goodness to People
Mu’awiyah ibn Wahab asked Imam al-Sadiq (as): “How
should we interact with our brothers in faith and with other
people that we mix with who do not follow our faith?”The
Imam (as) said: “Look at your Imams whom you took as
guides and do what they do. By Allah, your Imams visit their ill,
and attend their funerals, and give testimony for them or
against them and fulfil their trusts….once you become very
careful about your religion, tell the truth, fulfil the trusts and
make your manners with people good, then they will say: ‘this
is a Ja’fari…’ and that would please me”.
[al-Kaafi vol.2. p. 464]
Moral Goodness
Love for the Ahlul Bayt
“There are various degrees of
serving Allah, but affection for us,
the Ahlul Bayt, is the highest one.”
Imam al-Sadiq (as)
The Ahlul Bayt
“Am I not the grandson of your Prophet and the
son of his Vicegerent and cousin, who was the
foremost in believing and the bearer of witness
upon everything that the Prophet had brought
from Allāh? Was not Hamzā, the chief of Martyrs,
the uncle of my father? Was not Ja'far, who flies
with two wings in Paradise, my Uncle? Did not the
Tradition of the Prophet reach you in which he has
said about me and my brother that both of us are
the chiefs of the youth of Paradise?”
Imam Husain (as), the day of Ashura