Strategies for Success in the Nursing Program NRS 100 Elizabeth Keele • • • • • • • • Mrs. MOM P.T.A. C.N.A. Psych. Tech. LPN BSN RN • • • • • • CN DON DSD DOE CRRN Instructor! Housekeeping • • • • Be on time Don’t cheat Casual environment Ask questions! Syllabus Hours/Days: Tuesday: 9:20 AM – 11:25 AM Course Description: • This course is designed to prepare students for successful completion of the nursing program. The student will be given an overview of the program requirements and expectations, and he/she will acquire information and skills that facilitate student success once admitted into the program. Students will also explore nursing career options which will guide the development of their educational plan Grading 90 – 100% = A 80 – 89% = B 70 – 79% = C 60 – 69% = D < 60% = F Grading Criteria • • • • • • Quizzes 5 @ 25 points each 125 pts Education Plan* 25 pts Research paper* 100 pts Final exam 100 pts ________________________ Total 350# pts Your homework is to study! Quizzes • A quiz, test or work-sheet will be given on a regular basis . • Please bring a scan-tron form #882-ES to all quizzes and tests. • Pop Quizzes • No cheating! • No cell-phones • No scan tron = -10% • Late = -10% Quizzes • Tests and quizzes are timed – 1 minute for each question. • Quizzes and tests are based on reading and lecture notes. General • Students are expected to be on time for each scheduled class. If you are unable to attend class, you must notify the instructor prior to the start of class. Only those who make arrangements before missing a class will be able to complete make-up assignments. You cannot make up a missed quiz. The instructor reserves the right to drop any student who misses two or more classes. Text book Katx, J. Keys to Nursing Success: Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2010 Office Hours • • • • By appointment only Call me at home! Not after 10:00 P.M. Not on Sundays F.Y.I. • Cell phones on vibrate • Tape players are appropriate HONESTY! • I require honesty on tests and assignments. Following Porterville College policy, if a student cheats on a test or assignment, or plagiarizes, I will give an “F” grade on that assignment and I will report the incident to the Dean. The student will have to meet with the Dean of Students to determine whether further disciplinary action is necessary. I will also notify the chair or the Health Careers division. Research Paper • There is a mandatory research paper required to pass this course. This paper is due on March 22 2011. This paper is not accepted late. Failure to turn in a paper results in an F in the class. • (Please see the attached research paper guidelines. The grading rubric will be given out at a later date) Your research paper must be: • Typed, double spaced, in a normal typing font of 12 (Times New Roman or equivalent) • Content 3 to 5 pages in length (excludes cover page and bibliography) • Grammatically correct (spelling and grammar count) • Written in your own words (no copying from books or the inter-net) • Accompanied by a bibliography of 3-5 sources. Citations in text. • Submitted on time • The research paper will be submitted to “” a resource that checks for plagiarism Proud to be a NURSE • Florence Nightingale