Goal 3.01 Quiz 2

All body cells in an organism contain the same
DNA; however, the only DNA active in a cell is
the DNA used to produce a certain protein.
Which process is most likely being described?
A. mitosis
B. gene regulation
C. gene deactivation
D. genetic fingerprinting
Each DNA nucleotide is composed of three
parts. If nitrogen bases are found within the
DNA double helix, what two components make
up the nucleotide backbone?
A. ribose sugar and base
B. ribose sugar and
phosphate group
C. nitrogen base and
deoxyribose sugar
D. deoxyribose sugar and
phosphate group
Which is true about the nature of DNA replication?
A. Each daughter DNA strand consists of two
complementary new strands.
B. Daughter DNA strands consist solely of formerly free
floating nucleotides.
C. Daughter DNA strands consist of a strand of DNA from
the parent and a newly synthesized strand of DNA.
D. Daughter DNA strands consist of two template strands
of DNA that had previously unraveled during replication.
Which strand is complementary to a DNA segment
with the bases ACGAAT?
Before a cell divides, DNA must replicate. In which
part of the cell does DNA replication take place?
A. nucleus
B. Vacuoles
C. Cytoplasm
D. endoplasmic reticulum
What determines what kind of cell an
undifferentiated cell will become?
A. what kind of genes are present
B. how quickly the cell can reproduce
C. which genes are turned “on”
D. the shape of the cell
Which two organelles are involved in this
A. nucleus and ribosome
B. nucleus and cytoplasm
C. nucleolus and cytoplasm
D. nucleolus and ribosome
Based on the diagram, which best describes the process of
A. Transcription occurs outside the nucleus.
B. Transcription occurs within the nucleus.
C. A new DNA strand is produced by the process of
D. A growing protein chain is produced by the process of
Based on the diagram, which best describes the
process of translation?
A. Translation involves DNA.
B. Translation occurs within the nucleus.
C. A mRNA strand is produced by the process of
D. A growing protein chain is produced by the process
of translation.
Which best explains the functions of tumor
suppressors and oncogenes?
A. Both tumor suppressors and oncogenes
inhibit cell division.
B. Both tumor suppressors and oncogenes
encourage cell division.
C. Tumor suppressors inhibit cell division, and
oncogenes encourage cell division.
D. Tumor suppressors encourage cell division,
and oncogenes inhibit cell division.