FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY, METRIC SYSTEM, DATA TABLES AND GRAPHING (Use your White Note Packet, Vocabulary Sheets and Textbook) 1. What is scientific inquiry? 2. Can you identify all the steps of scientific inquiry and explain where each step will go? (page 11) 3. Convert the following numbers… a. 675 km = _______ m d. 83.5 cm = ______ hm b. .76 mg = ________ g e. 9.45 L = _______ dL c. .0056 hL = _______ kL f. .043 kg = ______ mg 4. What are the basic metric units for length, mass, temperature and volume? 5. What are the four components that make up a good data table? Looking at the data table on page 711, what component of a good data table is it missing? 6. What are the five components that make up a good graph? Looking at the graph on page 711, what component of a good graph is it missing? What trend, if any, do you notice with the graph? 7. Can you answer the following question based on this scenario: Your mom was given two plants for her birthday and she wanted them to grow really quickly. She heard that if you place this particular kind of plant in the dark they will grow really quickly. What is the purpose/objective of this scenario? Write a hypothesis for this statement in one of the correct forms: What is the Independent (manipulating) variable? What is the Dependent (responding) variable? What variables were kept constant? OCEANOGRAPHY REVIEW (Use the Blue Note Packet, Vocabulary Sheets and Textbook) 1. Be able to identify the ocean floor features if given a diagram. (seamount, guyot, etc.). Use your contour of the ocean floor project and/or the figure in the book on pages 474-475 & 503. 2. Solve the following word problems. Depth = (# of Seconds/2) X 1500 m/s A. How deep is the ocean if it took a sound wave 20 seconds to travel to the ocean floor and back to the surface? B. What is the depth if a sound wave took .33 seconds to travel to the ocean floor and back to the surface? 3. Give 2 examples of how salinity can increase and 2 examples of how salinity of ocean water can decrease: INCREASE SALINITY DECREASE SALINITY 4. What is echosounding and how does it work? 5. What are the parts of the water cycle (use page 393 or 431 of your textbook)? Give the definition of each part. 6. Know the following ocean zones and what examples might be found in each: intertidal, neritic, open-ocean, surface, transition and deep (page 476 of your textbook). 7. What are the parts of a wave (page 436 of you textbook)? 8. How do waves change/shape a beach? 9. What causes surface currents? What causes most deep currents? 10. What causes tides? 11. What is the difference between a spring tide and a neap tide? What is the alignment of the earth, moon and the sun for each (page 445 of your textbook)? 12. Can you label - Permeable/Impermeable/Saturated/Unsaturated/Water Table (use page 405 of your textbook) GEOLOGY REVIEW (Use the Green Note Packet, Vocabulary and Textbook) 1. What are the three types of volcanoes and know their differences (page 218 & 219 of your textbook). 2. What is the difference between magma and lava? 3. What is the difference between the epicenter and the focus of an earthquake? 4. Explain/describe the different types of waves that are produced from an earthquake and how you use them to find the epicenter on a map (page 175 of your textbook). 5. Name the five characteristics a mineral must have. 6. Be able to calculate Specific Gravity Problems. A. A mineral has a water weight of 35 grams and an air weight of 50 grams. What is the specific gravity of the mineral? B. The air weight of a mineral is found to be 84 grams. The difference between the two weights is 12 grams. What is the specific gravity of the mineral? 7. Describe how each of the three types of rocks form and the rock cycle. Study your rock cycle diagrams (pages 115 & 121 of your textbook). 8. Erosion and deposition play roles in the formation of ________________________ rock. 9. Great heat and pressure play a role in forming _________________________ rock. 10. Volcanic activity (cooling and hardening of magma) plays a role in forming ________________________ rock. 11. Understand the difference between coarse-grained, fine-grained, and glassy. 12. What is the Law of Superposition? Given a diagram, be able to state which layer or event happened first/last, etc (page 322 & 351 of your textbook). 13. Which is the era of invertebrates? The age of reptiles/dinosaurs? The age of mammals? 14. Element “J” has a half-life of 30 years. How much will be left in 120 years if you start with 240 grams? 15. What is the theory of plate tectonics? What natural events can occur because of the theory of plate tectonics? (textbook page 151) 16. What is the theory of seafloor spreading? What is created ocean floor features are created during seafloor spreading and what processes occur? What causes seafloor spreading to happen? (page 146) 17. Tell the difference between the three boundaries (convergent, divergent, transform). 18. Tell the difference between the three faults (normal, reverse, strike-slip) and the stresses associated with each. ASTRONOMY REVIEW (Use the Yellow Note Packet, Vocabulary and your textbook) 1. The Hertzsprung Russell Diagram tells us what information about stars? (use textbook page 758) 2. (Using page 758 in your textbbok) Algol is what type of star? Color? Alderbaran is what type of star? Color? 3. Understand the difference between rotation, revolution and orbit. (textbook page 661) 4. What is a constellation? Know the circumpolar constellations. 5. Be able to describe the life cycle of a star and all of the paths that a star can take from birth to death (764 & 765 of your textbook). 6. Know the 3 types of galaxies. What type is the Milky Way? (textbook page 770) 7. What is a lunar eclipse? What is a solar eclipse? During what phases of the moon can an eclipse occur? (pages 673-675 in your textbook) 8. Make sure you understand the different theories of astronomy – big bang, geocentric, heliocentric, collision. (page 701 & 702) 9. Know the forces associated with earth – gravity, inertia, law of universal gravitation 10. Know the difference between cosmic background radiation, dark matter and dark energy. METEOROLOGY STUDY GUIDE (Use your Tan Note Packet, Vocabulary and your textbook) 1. Name that……. Instrument: An instrument that measures humidity Instrument that measures air pressure Instrument used to measure temperature Winds and Lines: Name of the wind that affects the United States Winds that move long distances from one direction Winds that move short distances from any direction Lines on a map used to connect areas of the same air pressure Lines on a map used to connect areas of the same temperature All About Water: The process by which molecules of water vapor become liquid A measure of the amount of water vapor in the air The percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum it can hold Liquid water becomes water vapor The temperature at which condensation begins 2. Can you solve………(remember all three steps) 45oF ------- oC 93oF ------- oC 8oC ------- oF 27oC ------- oF 3. Using the chart on page 562 of your textbook, determine the relative humidity. Dry Bulb Temperature = 14 OC Wet Bulb Temperature = 13 OC Dry Bulb Temperature = 18 OC Wet Bulb Temperature = 14 OC Dry Bulb Temperature = 15 OC Wet Bulb Temperature = 13 OC 4. Using you textbook page 513, what percent of the air does Nitrogen take up? What percent of the air does Oxygen take up? 5. Name the layers of the atmosphere and the important characteristics of each (use page 523 of your textbook). 6. Name the 4 major types of air masses and state whether they are dry/humid and/or warm/cold (use page 579 of your textbook). 7. Please answer the questions below that pertain to this diagram. What is the name of this diagram? What is the Air Pressure? 74 Sunny 1032 What is the Dew Point Temperature? What is the Wind Direction? (write it out) What is the Present Weather? What is the Cloud Coverage? 8. Calculate cloud height – [(ta-td) X 4.5] X 1000 What is the cloud height if the air temperature is 72oF and the dew point temperature is 68oF? If the dew point temperature is 13oF and the air temperature is 20oF, what is the cloud height? 9. Using the map on page 603 of your textbook, can you answer the following questions? What is the object called over Boise, ID? What kind of air does it bring to the area? What is the line with blue triangles called? What type of air does it bring to an area? What is the object that is over Richmond, VA? What type of air is associated with this object? What are the black lines on the map called? What are the circles with arrows and flags sticking out from it called? THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE AND THERE MAY BE QUESTIONS ON THE FINAL THAT ARE NOT ON THIS REVIEW SHEET… YOU SHOULD ALSO STUDY YOUR TEST REVIEW SHEETS FROM EACH UNIT TEST THAT WAS GIVEN, YOUR HOMEWORK NOTEBOOK, LABS AND NOTE PACKETS. IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, PLEASE SEE ME DURING MPP. FINAL EXAM DATE –