Latin I - Family Tree

Latin I - Family Tree
This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to explore the family of a
character from Roman History or Mythology.
You are a genealogy student at the University of Ancient Rome and have
been given an assignment by your Professor:
o Create a Powerpoint or Prezi of the family tree of a famous Roman
(from history or mythology).
o You must present this visual medium orally (in Latin) to your
o Each family tree must include 8 members with sentences
describing their relationship to your character.
This will count as a 50 pt. quiz grade.
mater (f) – mother
pater (m) – father
filius (m) - son
filia (f) - daughter
privignus (m) - step son
privigna (f) - step daughter
frater (m) - brother
soror (f) - sister
frater vitrici – step-brother
soror vitrici – step-sister
avus (m) - grandfather
avia (f) – grandmother
proavus (m) – great grandfather
proavia (f) – great grandmother
patruus (m) - paternal uncle
patrua (f) - paternal aunt
avunculus (m) – maternal uncle
avuncula (f) – maternal aunt
sobrinus (m) – maternal cousin
sobrina (f) – maternal cousin
patruelis (m/f) – paternal cousin
noverca (f) – step-mother
vitricus (m) – step-father
HW#1: Use an English dictionary to find 10 English words derived from the
vocabulary list: (20 pts.)
English Derivative
Latin Cognate
1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. ___________
6. ___________
7. ___________
8. ___________
9. ___________
10. ___________
HW#2: Write a complete Latin sentence describing each of the 8 members of
your character’s family tree. (24 pts.)
Quiz: Complete your Prezi or Powerpoint and present it to the class (50 pts.)
Family Tree Rubric
8 Family members? (8 pts.)
Grammatically correct sentences? (24 pts.)
Quality of Prezi or Powerpoint (5 pts.)
Accuracy of content (10 pts.)
Presentation (3 pts.)
Total (50)
Family Tree Rubric
8 Family members? (8 pts.)
Grammatically correct sentences? (24 pts.)
Quality of Prezi or Powerpoint (5 pts.)
Accuracy of content (10 pts.)
Presentation (3 pts.)
Total (50)
Family Tree Rubric
8 Family members? (8 pts.)
Grammatically correct sentences? (24 pts.)
Quality of Prezi or Powerpoint (5 pts.)
Accuracy of content (10 pts.)
Presentation (3 pts.)
Total (50)