PBIS at Beall Elementary Shannon Green Assistant Principal, Beall Elementary School Star Student Rules • 3 Star Student Rules: Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful • New Students: a new student is given a passport that explains the 3 Star Student Rules and tells the student key staff members to talk to about procedures. Matrix of Behavioral Expectations at Beall Elementary School Note: expectations listed under specific settings are in addition to those expected in all settings. All Settings Be Safe Work, play, and travel safely Walk Keep hands and feet to self Be Respectful Use respectful tone, words, and behavior Respect others’ belongings Avoid disrupting others’ learning Classroom Use materials and supplies safely Use an inside voice Listen when others speak Use problemsolving skills Be Responsible Take care of self and materials Clean up after yourself Follow directions Be honest in words & actions Do your best Be prepared to learn Cafeteria Halls/Restro om Stay in your seat Walk on the right-hand side Sit in chairs correctly (chair legs on floor) Use “good manners” Keep conversation polite Use inside voice, talk with people at own table only Follow procedures for entering, getting lunch, and exiting Obey stop signs Be silent in line Playgroun d Follow equipment rules Never leave playground w/o permission Play in designated areas Obey all bus staff directions Take turns, share equipment Keep conversatio n polite Respect others’ privacy in restroom Be in assigned locations only—have a pass if not with your class Bus Stay seated, facing forward Use an inside voice Leave playground clean No food or drinks on bus Take care of equipment Leave bus clean Walker Line Stay with school staff until released Cross only at crosswalks Wait quietly 4 Color Behavior Management System • 4 Color System: blue: excellent green: good yellow: fair red: poor Target Behaviors and Consequences • Teachers use the Target Behaviors and Consequences reference chart when moving students to the different color levels and for selecting the appropriate consequences for behaviors. Target Behaviors and Consequences at Beall Elementary School Level 1 • • • Be Safe Unsafe behavior not resulting in injury (e.g., running in hall, horseplay) Unsafe playground behavior (e.g., misusing equipment, breaking game rules) Be Respectful Talking, calling out, making noise during instruction, minor disruption Teasing or disrespectful tone/words not involving profanity toward student Inappropriate gestures/body language not involving vulgarity toward student Non-aggressive touch Using others’ materials without permission Be Responsible Out of seat, assigned location in room Not following directions (minor) Off-task Not completing assignments Not prepared for class Careless work Possession/playing with non-school items Not taking care of materials • • • • • • • • • (Classroom managed) Peer praise Increase proximity to adult Brief student-teacher conference Corrective “re-do” (1-2 repetitions) Use of recovery area in classroom Move to yellow level in classroom (if repeated) Logical consequences (e.g., loss of free time, clean up mess, apology letter) Temporary loss of privilege (e.g., portion of recess, loss of seat choice) Assignment to recess work room Note: for repeated level 1 behaviors not responding to level 1 consequences, level 2 consequences may be appropriate Target Behaviors and Consequences at Beall Elementary School Level 2 • • • Be Safe Unintentional behavior resulting in injury Out of assigned area (unsupervised) Be Respectful Arguing with staff, disrespectful tone/words toward staff profanity not directed toward people Inappropriate gestures/body language not involving vulgarity toward adult Be Responsible Not following directions (insubordination) Possession of others’ property without permission (low value) • • • • • • • • • (Classroom managed) Use of level 1 consequences adjusted for more significant behaviors Phone call home by teacher or student Parent-teacher-student conference Move to yellow level of classroom system (move to red if already on yellow level) Contract, self-monitoring sheet Intensity A BIP Loss of privileges Time out in another class Note: for repeated level 2 behaviors not responding to level 2 consequences, level 3 consequences may be appropriate (in consultation with administration) Target Behaviors and Consequences at Beall Elementary School Level 3 • Be Safe bus infractions physical attack on student/staff possession/use of illegal/dangerous substance possession of weapon leaving school grounds • Be Respectful repeated harassment of student profanity directed toward student/staff verbal or written attack/threat toward student/staff • Be Responsible property destruction theft (beyond items of nominal value) • • • • • • (Administration managed) Office referral with appropriate documentation— implementation of countywide discipline options, including suspension, as appropriate Move to red level LAP placement (by administration) Parent-teacher-administratorstudent conference Intensity B BIP (teacher completes ICT Request for Assistance) Referral to Pupil Services Team (by administration) Gold Star Coupons • Students earn gold stars when exhibiting behavior that is following the 3 Star Student Rules. The reason the student earns the gold star is circled on the coupon Student Name:______________________ SHOWS GOLD STAR BEHAVIOR! At Beall Elementary School Safe Responsible Respectful Staff Name:________________________ Start Student of the Week Star Student of the Week: gold star coupons are counted and put in a classroom jar on Friday’s and every Monday, a coupon is pulled from each classroom jar and the student gets his/her picture taken and the pictures are displayed in the hallway showcase. Students also have their names announced and they receive a certificate with a restaurant coupon. Treasure Tower Treasure Tower: when students earn a designated number of gold stars for the month, students earn a token to receive a prize from the treasure tower Bus Behavior Management Blue Bus Coupons: Bus drivers award the blue bus coupons 2-3 times per month. All the coupons are gathered and 3-4 students from each bus are drawn and their pictures are displayed in the main hallway for the month. Data Review: The SWIS data is reviewed monthly at the CAT/PBIS meetings and shared at full faculty meetings. Bus Behavior Management • During booster weeks, a day is devoted to reviewing bus rules and expectations on the morning announcements. • Administration works with the bus drivers to collaborate in writing and implementing individual behavior plans for students with recurring bus referrals. • Bus drivers have a matrix of behavior expectations in order to consistently carry out the school-wide rules and expectations. Bus Behavior Management Example of a bus behavior intervention strategy- 12 stamps earn a token. Bus Behavior Management Principal, Assistant Principal, or Instructional Assistant greet each bus every morning and at dismissal each evening. Booster Weeks Booster Weeks: Booster weeks occur 3 times throughout the school year, and are determined based on the behavior data. Grade level teams decide what the reward for their grade will be. Examples include: popcorn and a movie, a craft, puzzles and games afternoon, a snack, chocolate fever day, and a sock hop. For the end of the year incentive, a PBIS Fun Fair is planned. Silver Spoon Program • Purpose of this initiative is to encourage appropriate behavior in the cafeteria and improve the cleanliness of the cafeteria. Silver Spoon Program • Students are rewarded silver spoon coupons for demonstrating cafeteria rules listed on the behavior matrix. • Cafeteria staff, custodians, and classroom teachers/assistants are involved in distributing coupons to students. Silver Spoon Program • Parent volunteers count coupons weekly. The classroom with the most coupons gets a Silver Spoon Certificate to hang outside their classroom. Each classroom is recognized weekly on a Silver Spoon Bulletin Board in the cafeteria. Silver Spoon Program • Every Tuesday, students who have earned a Silver Spoon coupon for the previous week are eligible to eat with the Principal and the Assistant Principal on the stage in the cafeteria at a special table. Early Childhood Accommodations • Beall Elementary has a unique student population because 1/3 of the total students are 5 and under (of the 372 total students, 129 are enrolled in Judy Center Programs) • There is a faculty liaison that makes sure that behavior expectations are consistent among the programs: Kids Korner daycare, Head Start, Pre-K, Multi-Age, Pre-K Transition Time, and Kindergarten • Picture Clues are used to make behavior initiatives more appropriate. Pictures were added to the rules posters and pictures are used for prompting students to redirect their behavior. Early Childhood Accommodations • Four Color System was first introduced in kindergarten to be used as a visual for students to have a reminder of what level their behavior was at. • Treasure Box Rewards: Students in Pre-K and Kindergarten have a treasure box in their classroom to reward students in addition to the treasure tower. More frequent rewards are more appropriate for this age group. Early Childhood Accommodations • Home Reporting: Students in kindergarten color a star on a premade calendar to indicate their color on the Four Color System for the day and it is taken home in a behavior folder where parents must initial each day. Intermediate students use their assignment notebooks for reporting daily behavior. • New Student Passport: There is a primary and intermediate version. Learning Assistance Program Nikki Logsdon LAP Instructional Assistant Program Goals: *To provide a highly structured academic setting / interim station for students who are temporarily experiencing academic, social, and / or emotional difficulties in the school setting. *To provide individual behavior management plans which teach and reward socially acceptable behaviors and encourage academic success. Problem-Solving Plan Beall Elementary Name ___________________________ Date____________ 1. What exactly did you do that broke a Star Student Rule? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. Why did this happen? Tell your side of the story. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. Which of the Star Student Rules did you break? ___Be Safe ___Be Respectful ____Be Responsible 4. How did breaking this rule affect you and other people? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 5. Make a plan. List 2 to 3 things you will do differently to keep this problem from happening again. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Signatures: Parent ____________________ School Staff_______________ Student __________________________ Date to review: _______ successful ______needs revision