Student Toolkit Undergrad



Student Internship Toolkit

For Credit-Bearing Internships



Paperwork Submission Deadline

Fall Semester

Winter Semester

Spring/Summer Semester

August 1

December 1

April 1

DU Internal Approval


August 15

December 15

April 15

There is no guarantee of course availability after the submission deadline.

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.




Internship Paperwork Deadlines ................................................................................................................................................................ 1

Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Welcome and Contact Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Policy Change for Online Students & Out of State, Online Internships: ......................................................................................................... 3

Internship Process Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Purpose & Benefits of the Internship ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

What is the difference between a credit-bearing and a brand-building (non-credit) internship?...................................................................... 5

Important Components of Davenport’s Internship Program ......................................................................................................................... 6

Internship Paperwork Deadlines ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Finding an Internship ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7

New Job as Internship .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Interning At Your Current Place of Employment .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Frequently Asked Questions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9

1) I want to do an internship abroad. Is there anything special that I need to do? ............................................................................. 9

2) What are the academic components of an internship course? ........................................................................................................ 9

3) Will I be required to undergo a background check? ....................................................................................................................... 9

4) I don’t have any open electives and have already taken my “and/or” class option; how do I apply for a course substitution? ............ 9

6) I want to intern at Davenport University, what is the policy around this? ........................................................................................ 9

7) Are there deadlines for internship enrollment? ............................................................................................................................ 10

8) What is the difference between a credit-bearing and a brand-building (non-credit) internship? ...................................................... 10

9) I would rather fill my forms out electronically. Where can I get them? ........................................................................................ 10

10) How will my internship experience be evaluated? What if I disagree with my course grade? ......................................................... 10

11) What if I fail my internship course? ............................................................................................................................................ 10

12) I want to intern for my family, what is the policy around this? ..................................................................................................... 11

13) I am interning in a health care organization. Is there anything special that I need to do because of this? ..................................... 11

14) How many hours will I be working? ........................................................................................................................................... 11

15) I am an international student, is there anything special that I need to do? ................................................................................... 11

16) My major is International Business, what is the policy around my internship requirement? ............................................................ 11

17) Am I placed into an internship? ................................................................................................................................................. 12

18) Are internships paid? ................................................................................................................................................................ 12

19) What are the prerequisites and GPA requirements to participate in an internship? ........................................................................ 12

20) I found my own internship, how do I propose this? .................................................................................................................... 12

21) My internship site would like me to start before the semester begins. Can I do this?.................................................................... 12

22) Do I pay tuition for an internship course? ................................................................................................................................... 12

Student Internship Checklist - Undergraduate .......................................................................................................................................... 13

Student Internship Intent Application....................................................................................................................................................... 15

Student Experiential Learning Agreement ................................................................................................................................................. 17

Internship Position Description Template ................................................................................................................................................. 19

Current Employment Verification For Internship ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Application .......................................................................................................................................... 23

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


Dear Undergraduate Student:

Considerable time has been spent designing and implementing improvements to the internship program; the purpose of this guidebook is to explain details of credit-bearing 290/490 internship options. We welcome any comments that would be helpful for the update of this guidebook. If we have not answered all your questions,

Internship Managers are eager to assist you. Feel free to call or e-mail anytime:

Undergraduate Internships

Debora Crudele ~ East Region Brandi Melkild ~ West Region

(586) 620-4041 ~

(616) 554-5502 ~

East Region







All Paralegal Students

All Project Management Students

West Region

Battle Creek

Grand Rapids



Traverse City


Effective Fall II, 2014, the Maine College of Business and College of Technology will no longer facilitate creditbearing internships for online students who reside outside of the State of Michigan and participate in internships outside of the state or Michigan resident students who choose to do an internship outside of the State of

Michigan. Nor for Michigan residents who wish to intern outside the state, and participate in an online internship course. This change is in response to the licensing requirements for practical experiences related to the U.S.

Department of Education’s regulation on “State Authorization of Out of State Institutions.” This policy does NOT apply to credit-bearing international internships which are still allowed for all students.

Online students who reside outside of the State of Michigan should contact their academic advisor to discuss the following options:

 Enroll in BUSN 489 or TECH 489 to meet the undergraduate Experiential Learning requirement

 Consider participating in a credit-bearing internship located in the State of Michigan

 Consider participating in a credit-bearing internship located close enough to Michigan, to easily commute back for the in seat class that will meet 2 - 6 times over the course of the semester.


Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


Enrollment in an internship course is not automatic; there is an application, eligibility and approval process as part of the enrollment process and deadlines apply. Please note the following phases must occur for enrollment.




•Speak with your Academic Advisor early in your program to determine which semester(s) you'd like to participate in credit-bearing internship(s) and request to be placed on the appropriate wait list(s).

•Request that your Academic Advisor email a signed/dated DegreePlan showing you have met the academic

eligibility requirements to participate in an internship course to the Internship Manager.

Career Services


•Meet with your Career Services Coordinator to learn about and begin the internship process. Your

Coordinator is happy to meet with you to discuss your internship and career-related goals. He or she will show you where / how to search for internship sites, positions, etc.

•Upload your resume to DUCareerNet / PantherJobs to initiate the resume review process.




•Attend an Internship Workshop to learn about the internship application process, tips on locating internships and how to showcase yourself as a rising star. Workshops are available weekly via Google

Hangout and in-seat once per semester. Please RSVP on DUCareerNet / PantherJobs for your selected option.

•Internship Workshop is also available for viewing online anytime at



•To declare your intent to participate in an internship course, turn the following items into your Internship

Manager as soon as you identify the semester(s) you are seeking an internship: 1) Internship Intent

Application, 2) Signed/dated DegreePlan from your Academic Advisor, and 3) approved resume.

Once you have accepted an internship, turn the following items into your Internship Manager as soon as possible to begin the enrollment process: 1) Student Experiential Learning Agreement, and 2) Job description. If you are an international student, you must also begin the CPT Application process.

•Once the Internship Manager receives your paperwork, s/he will connect with the employer to begin the paperwork to solidify their portion(s) of paperwork. Please allow time for this to take place.

•Once all paperwork and approvals have been secured, the Internship Manager will notify you, your

Academic Advisor and/or Faculty that you may be moved from "wait list" status to enrollment / registered in the internship course.

•You must then finalize your financial aid or / or pay for the internship course.

Internship &


•Completion of INTD-101/601 prior to beginning an internship if role is within a healthcare organization

•Internships have course requirements specified in the internship course syllabus. Students will have a

Faculty member, Blackboard shell, syllabus, etc. The internship course will be loaded the same day as other courses.

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.



Effective internships relate to students’ professional goals, require them to function within the standard procedures of the work setting, and to assume increased specified responsibilities. Students gain practical work experience and increase professional skills. The credits earned are applied to students’ degrees, and the related work experience makes students more attractive to employers after graduation. DU Relevance Requirement: our goal is that 70% of the work you are responsible for is directly related to your major, therefore meets course outcome criteria, and only 30% can be general administrative work or unrelated to your degree program.

Internships also provide students the opportunity to:

 Make informed career decisions

 Apply new skills and experiences to classroom instruction

 Gain academic credit toward graduation

 Enhance resumes, references, and work experience

 Develop professional skills

 Receive on-the-job training from knowledgeable people

 Experience industry firsthand

 Use specialized facilities and equipment on the job

 Grow in self-confidence, maturity and judgment

 Establish professional contacts within their field of study

Completing an internship is one of the most important things students can do in their college career. For students looking to get their foot in the door with an employer, there’s more evidence that taking part in an internship could be the answer, according to results of a new survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and

Employers (NACE).

Employers responding to NACE’s 2012 Internship & Co-op Survey reported:

 The percentage of interns receiving full-time job offers as a result of their internships increased from 56.9 percent in 2001 to 83.9 percent in 2009 and in 2010, 86.5 percent of interns offered a full-time job accepted it.

 Students from internship programs are the internship process.

“more successful as employees” than those drawn from outside of



Davenport University encourages all students to gain in-field experience; this can be accomplished through a variety of tactics such as internship and volunteerism.

 Credit-bearing Internship – In conjunction with onsite work, students will also participate in a 290/490 course. Credit-bearing internships must meet learning outcome criteria (Be relevant, see above.) and course work will be due throughout the semester.

 Brand-building (non-credit) Internship – This is an avenue to obtain professional experience without participating in a 290/490 course. Brand-building (non-credit) internships are not subject to deadlines or requirements outlined in this toolkit. o The non-credit internship would not need to meet the DU relevancy requirement.

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.



 Some academic programs have required internships, but it is highly recommended that all students complete an internship as part of their academic program. Options for course credit include: and/or options, open electives, course substitutions, etc.

 All internship courses at Davenport University are for academic credit, if the student meets academic and other requirements and meets deadlines. Please see course catalog and/or an Academic Advisor for prerequisites.

 Students are not placed in internships. The search and interview process for internships is competitive like a typical career search.

 Internships may be paid, but are often unpaid.

 The number of credits varies by degree program offerings. 1 credit hour = 50 hours of onsite work plus coursework. All programs have a “cap” of 290 / 490 internship credits that can be achieved. Many students work beyond the minimum number of hours require d to receive credit to meet the needs of the employer.

 Students interested in a 290/490 course must ask to be placed on the “wait list” by their Academic Advisor.

When the application process is completed, students are required to pay for the internship course just as they would for any other credit-bearing class.

 Internships have course requirements specified in the internship course syllabus. Students will have a

Faculty member, Blackboard shell, syllabus, etc. The internship course will be loaded the same day as other courses.

 Financial aid requirements state that a student must be enrolled in a minimum of 6-credits to use financial aid means for course payment. Internship course credits count towards the 6.

 There is a lot of work that happens behind-the-scenes to get internship roles to “approved” status. Please be aware that signatures, approvals, legalities, etc. take time.

 Once you have submitted your paperwork, please give ten working days before following up on approval status to allow for processing time.


Please approach the internship approval process in accordance with the DU Excellence System. You have been challenged in the classroom to engage in life-long learning, for success in your chosen profession. The learning outcomes have been reinforced throughout the curriculum of each academic program. We reinforce them here at the internship deadlines. Please treat this process with the same level of planning and effort you would apply to an important graded assignment. At this pivotal point of your student experience – just when you are stepping out of your classrooms to represent skills to employers, we want to reinforce the competencies of:

Information & Technology Proficiency

Ethical Reasoning & Action

Professional Communication


Fall Semester

Winter Semester

Spring/Summer Semester

Paperwork Submission Deadline

August 1

December 1

April 1

DU Internal Approval


August 15

December 15

April 15

There is no guarantee of course availability after the submission deadline. Students should make an inquiry to their Internship Manager about course availability if an internship is located after the deadline but before the beginning of the semester.

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


For greatest success, you should begin the internship application process and begin your search at least 6-

months before the semester in which you wish to complete the internship. One year ahead in the case of

International internship search. The interview process for internships is competitive like a typical career search. Students are not placed in internships. There are several ways to find an internship, including the following:

DUCareerNet / PantherJobs


Soon you will click into:

System transition 8/2015. DUCareerNet / PantherJobs is the career portal provided as a service from Davenport

University. This database lists internship opportunities as well as a myriad of full-time, part-time, and volunteer opportunities. Best click is the East MI or West MI Internships One – Click search function.

For now DUCareerNet / PantherJobs is at

on the Career Services site, or on Blackboard

Propose Your Own Internship

The number one way to locate a new career related role is networking, so we leave the option available for you to propose internships to the Internship Manager. If the pre-approved internship options in DUCareerNet do not meet your interests or goals, you may propose your own internship at an organization.

 Network with family, friends, professional networks, professors, etc. to recommend internship opportunities

 Search websites or external internship databases such as: o Career Fairs o Company websites o Trade associations websites o Chamber of Commerce websites o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o


As of 4/8/2015, you may use new employment as a for credit internship, if the role description meets academic relevancy requirements. New employment is defined as:

 Not yet begun

 Or not having worked in the role longer than 6 months – by the start of the internship course / academic semester.

Proof of hire, or promotion date is required from your employer. We will encourage your employer to assign a

Mentor to you for the course of the internship time frame, to be sure you are adequately supported in both learning and performance objectives during your academic coursework. If you will have worked in the role for more than 6 months by the start of the course / semester you wish to receive academic credit for, you are considered an intern at Current Place of Employment and the policy below applies.

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.



You may intern at your current place of employment if the following three criteria can be met:

 Serve in a different department or work unit

 Report to a different supervisor

 Have substantially different responsibilities than your current employment and the responsibilities are closely connected to your field of study at Davenport University.

To see if an internship at your current employer may qualify, complete the Current Employment Verification

Form. This form will showcase what you currently do and how the internship will be different and match your degree program.

** Please note: students cannot intern for immediate family members in a family business.

** Limitation: No more than 6 internship credits will be awarded to a student at the same employer, or within the same degree program.

For any of the scenarios above, you must provide a detailed position description to the Internship Manager as early as possible. Your employer must agree to participate in the Davenport for-credit internship process via providing a detailed outline of the work you will be responsible for, by completing the Employer Experiential

Learning Agreement and the Employer Decision Form, before your internship course enrollment will be approved.

The Internship Manager will work to determine if the internship can count for academic credit, and will send your employer these documents. No internship will be allowed for credit unless approved through this process.

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.



1) I want to do an internship abroad. Is there anything special that I need to do?

Yes. Begin your process one year ahead of when you want to travel. DU students who are US residents, or International students wishing to pursue an internship abroad, should notify the Internship Manager of their goal and then contact the Global Programs Office at (616) 554-4700 or Dr. Stephen Snyder, Associate

Dean of Arts and Sciences at

, (616) 871-6176, to facilitate the internship search and approval process. The student will need to work through both the International and academic portions of the approval process at the same time. The Global Programs Office and Internship Managers will work in conjunction to support your goals.

2) What are the academic components of an internship course?

Academic work varies based on the course, but you can likely expect to keep a daily or weekly journal of your internship experience, write reflective papers, complete a final research paper, and deliver a final presentation on your internship experience.

3) Will I be required to undergo a background check?

Possibly. A criminal background check, fingerprinting, drug screening, required testing, vaccinations, proof of insurance, or other risk management processes may be required by the internship site. This is particularly true for health care organizations. For students interested in the health care industry, please request a Health Care Supplement Packet for special instructions.

4) I don’t have any open electives and have already taken my “and/or” class option; how do I apply for a course substitution?

Notify your academic Advisor that a course substitution is your desired goal. Work with him or her to see if this is possible based on your major and catalog year – it may or may not be available to you. Together, you and your Academic Advisor will complete a Course Substitution request that will be forwarded onto your Department Chair and Associate Dean for approval review. ** Please note that internships cannot be substituted for any Capstone requirement in any academic program. If approved, you may being to work with Career Services and Internship Manager to seek an internship appropriate for your major.

5) I want to intern at my new job, or current place of employment, what is the policy for this?

Please see page 7.

6) I want to intern at Davenport University, what is the policy around this?

Current Davenport students may intern in university offices, programs, or departments if the following conditions apply:

 The position must be for credit and under the joint supervision of a Davenport University Faculty member and a Davenport University on-site supervisor.

 Internships will be part-time and credit-bearing; positions may be compensated depending on fund availability per unique student financial aid and assistance / tuition payment package.

 The work must provide an opportunity to meet academic objectives appropriate to the student’s program (be relevant).

 The internship position description must be approved by the Internship Manager and academics.

 Students already employed for pay in any Davenport University office or department may not be eligible. Please check with the Internship Manager before proceeding. The following criteria will be used to determine eligibility: o Serve in a different department or work unit than currently working o Report to a different supervisor o Have substantially different responsibilities than their current employment

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.



Additional Student Application Process for an Internship at DU:

 Apply for internship position(s) at

 Interview with the hiring supervisor

 Notify Internship Manager of position acceptance through completion of 1) Student

Experiential Learning Agreement and 2) Providing position description

 Complete the Employment Disclosure Agreement with the hiring supervisor which will be sent onto Davenport Human Resources for a criminal background check

 Sign confidentiality, anti-harassment, and policy agreements

Are there deadlines for internship enrollment?

Yes. Please see page 6.

8) What is the difference between a credit-bearing and a brand-building (non-credit) internship?

Please see page 5.

9) I would rather fill my forms out electronically. Where can I get them?

Microsoft Word versions of all internship forms can be located at Please then e mail completed forms to your Internship Manger.

10) How will my internship experience be evaluated? What if I disagree with my course grade?

You will receive an evaluation of your performance during the internship from your site supervisor as well as be evaluated on your academic performance in the internship course by your assigned Faculty member.

These evaluations are based on your performance related to the Davenport Excellence System outcomes as well as your specific position responsibilities in the internship. A copy of the evaluation can be obtained from your Davenport University Faculty member.

Occasionally, students may misunderstand or disagree with the grade they receive in their internship course. The grade is calculated based on the academic assignments in the internship course and the evaluation of the internship site supervisor. All questions about internship course grades must first be addressed with the Faculty member assigned to the course. supervisor to discuss the course and evaluation grades.

The student should not contact the internship site supervisor to discuss the course grade.

The Faculty member will work with the student and the site

11) What if I fail my internship course?

Certain degree programs in the Donald W. Maine College of Business and College of Technology include internships as graduation requirements. Failing an internship that is required for graduation will affect a student’s ability to graduate.

While every effort is made to ensure student success, occasionally students fail an internship for any of the following reasons:

 Failure to meet specific academic and performance requirements for the internship course

 Unsatisfactory evaluation by a site supervisor

 Repeated unsatisfactory performance or a significant behavioral incident which jeopardizes the agency or facility and/or the liability and reputation of Davenport University

 Harassment of an internship site supervisor, fellow student, or Faculty member

 Other student issues beyond the control of Davenport University

Thus, no internship course in the Maine College Business or College of Technology may be repeated due to failure without explicit written permission from the Dean of Donald W. Maine College of Business or the

Dean of the College of Technology. At least one semester prior to repeating an internship course, the student must submit a letter to the appropriate Dean stating:

 Area(s) of academic, behavioral, or performance challenges

 Personal plan for improvement

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.

 Evidence of consultation with a Career Services staff member on the identified challenges

 Date requested to repeat the failed internship course

The considerations which will be assessed to determine a student’s ability to complete another internship after failure of a first experience are:

 Damage to the relationship with the internship employer and university reputation

 Attitude of the student and the student’s desire to accept and amend performance issues

 Ability to identify a second satisfactory internship site for the student in a future semester

 Decision of any academic or judicial affairs review process associated with the experience

12) I want to intern for my family, what is the policy around this?

Students cannot intern for immediate family members, in a family business. Alternate supervisors are required.


13) I am interning in a health care organization. Is there anything special that I need to do because of this?

Yes. Please request Health Care Student Experiential Learning Agreement from Internship Manager.

Students who accept an internship role in a health care environment may be required to enroll, complete and pay ($125.00) for INTD-101/601: Site Requested Internship Preparation, prior to beginning an internship role. This course provides the structure needed to assure any Maine College of Business or

College of Technology student preparing to begin an internship in a specialized environment, such as health care management, has completed all requirements of the internship site. These may include drug screening, criminal background checks and an introduction to laws such as HIPAA or other specialized training. Students may expect to devote approximately 5 hours to completing these requirements and no student will be allowed to enroll in this course later than the first day of week five in order to assure timely completion of all requirements. This course in not intended for any student in the College of Health


14) How many hours will I be working?

The number of credits varies by degree program offerings, usually 150 hours for 3 credits, over the course of the full semester. Students and their internship site supervisor set the actual schedule of hours per week. Internships have specific requirements based on your program and the individual course syllabus. 1 credit hour = 50 hours of onsite work plus coursework. All programs have a “cap” of 290/490 credits that can be achieved. Many students work beyond the minimum number of hours required to receive credit to meet the needs of the employer.

15) I am an international student, is there anything special that I need to do?

Yes, upon acceptance of an internship role you must complete a Curricular Practical Training (CPT) application and begin the application process.

Please see for detailed information on CPT work authorization and the most up to date form and FAQ.

 Who do I call with questions regarding CPT?

Davenport’s International Office staff can be reached at

16) My major is International Business, what is the policy around my internship requirement?

All students enrolled in the Davenport University International Business degree program, whether in-seat or online, are required to complete a study abroad experience as part of the degree. The following are options available to students for meeting this requirement:

For United States Residents:

Students whose country of residence is the United States must choose from the following options:

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


 Participation in a Davenport-sponsored or Davenport-approved short or long-term study abroad program. Students must enroll in SABR-381: The Study Abroad Experience.

 Participation in an internship in an organization OUTSIDE of the United States via a Davenportapproved internship provider. Students must enroll in MGMT-490I: Study Abroad Experience.

For Non-United States Residents:

Students whose country of residence is outside of United States must choose from the following options:

 Participation in a Davenport-sponsored or approved short or long-term study abroad program outside of their country of residence. Students must enroll in SABR-381: The Study Abroad Experience.

 Participation in an internship in an organization OUTSIDE of their country of residence via a

Davenport-approved internship provider. Students must enroll in MGMT-490I: Study Abroad


17) Am I placed into an internship?

No. Please see page 7.

18) Are internships paid?

Varies. The rate of pay for internships will be set by the employers. However, please note that many internships do not offer wages. Please look at your household budget and decide if you are able to apply for both paid and unpaid positions and communicate this to your Internship Manager and Career Services

Coordinator to best assist you. If you can only accept a paid position, know that you need to plan ahead to search, apply, and compete for the opportunity you want. Also, internship work assignments do not qualify you for unemployment benefits, and you cannot file for such benefits upon completion or termination of your internship assignments for any reason.

19) What are the prerequisites and GPA requirements to participate in an internship?

Prerequisites and GPA requirements vary by degree program, course taken, etc. Please see the course catalog, click on the internship course number in your Degree Plan (example MGMT 490), and/or meet with your Academic Advisor to answer this question and make sure you get, and stay eligible. Visit for the online version of the catalog.

20) I found my own internship, how do I propose this?

The process is the same, just turn a position description into your Internship Manager so the role review process can begin.

21) My internship site would like me to start before the semester begins. Can I do this?

Only with permission. Please let your Internship Manager know about early start date requests as soon as possible to ensure that the role and internship site can be approved before you begin. There is no guarantee that you will be eligible and approved after you start, so make sure that you would be willing to stay on and honor your commitment in a not for credit capacity, if you begin before approval.

Please note that “minimum hour” accumulation must occur during the semester time frame.

Also, you should inform your host organization that Davenport liability insurance is only available during the enrolled term.

22) Do I pay tuition for an internship course?

Yes. Credit-bearing internships are an academic course so tuition is treated the same as any other course you are enrolled in at the university.

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


Student Name:

Internship course selected:

ACCT-290 ACCT-490

CISP-490 FINC-290





Semester/Year of Internship:

Internship Manager:

Academic Advisor:
















Approving Faculty:




Career Services Coordinator:




Application Processing Requirements – these are listed IN ORDER to ensure your success!

Student Documents

I spoke with my Academic Advisor to:

 Be placed on the wait list for desired semester(s) and course(s)

Discuss eligibility requirements

Obtained a signed/dated DegreePlan showing I meet the prerequisites and GPA requirements, when eligible

 Work on any waiver needed based on my unique student and academic status

I worked with my Career Services Coordinator to:

 Learn about the internship process and know where to search for internship positions

Get my resume approved and it is uploaded in DUCareerNet / PantherJobs @

Begin work on my professional brand: Cover letter, references / reference letters, LinkedIn, work samples and / or portfolio if needed; interview skills

I attended an Internship Workshop in seat or online!

I turned in the following documents to my Internship Manager to show that I am serious about my internship search and am eligible:

Internship Intent Application

Signed/dated DegreePlan

Approved resume

 I found an internship!

I turned in the following documents to my Internship Manager:

Internship description – if the role is NOT with a current employer and is NOT your full time job, or

Job description – if the role IS with your current employer and IS a new job or promotion of less than 6 months, or

Current Employment Verification Form – ONLY if proposing an internship with a current employer of more than 6 months

Student Experiential Learning Agreement Form

International Student (CPT) Curricular Practical Training Application Form (if applicable)

 I have signed up to take INTD-101/601; I understand that this course may need to be completed before beginning my internship if I am interning at a healthcare organization

Employer Documents – These Internship Manager will email these documents directly to the organization

Organization Experiential Learning Agreement Form

Employer Decision Form

Session Paperwork Submission Deadline DU Internal Approval Deadline

Fall Semester

Winter Semester

Spring/Summer Semester

August 1

December 1

April 1

August 15

December 15

April 15

There is no guarantee of course availability after the submission deadline. Students should make an inquiry to their Internship Manager about course availability if an internship is located after the deadline but before the beginning of the semester.

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


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Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.





Current address:





ZIP Code:

Please highlight or circle: US Citizen Resident Alien International Student Other

Academic Advisor: GPA: Credits for internship: 3 or 6 or ___

Student ID: Major: Specialty:

Total DU Credits completed toward your degree by internship semester:

Semester of internship:

Internship course selected (Please highlight or circle): ACCT-290 ACCT-490 ACCT-790 BITS-290 BUSN-790

CAPS-790 CISP-290 CISP-490 CSCI-490 FINC-290 FINC-490 GPMT -290 GPMT-490 HRMG-290

HRMG-490 IAAS-490 LEGL-290 LEGL-490 MGMT-290 MGMT-490 MGMT-490I MGMT-290S MGMT-490S

MKTG-290 MKTG-490 NETW-290 NETW-490 RMGI-490 TGMT-790


Current employer:

Employer address:


Position Title:

Position Duties:



ZIP Code:


If you have already accepted an internship with an employer, please skip this section.

Sign and date the Intent Application and complete the Student Experiential Learning Agreement.

Tasks, duties, skills, etc. that I will be looking for in an internship experience:

Have you started searching for an internship (Please highlight or circle): Yes No

If so, where have you applied:

What cities do you plan to target:

What companies do you plan to target:

Can you work a minimum of 10-hours weekly during a 15-week (Fall or Winter) term? Yes No

Can you work a minimum of 12.5-hours weekly during a 12-week (Summer) term? Yes No

Are you open to (Please highlight or circle all that apply):

Paid positions Unpaid positions Both paid and unpaid positions

Do you have reliable transportation (Please highlight or circle): Yes No

Desired start date: Desired end date:


I certify that the information on my application and resume is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to work with my assigned Internship Manager to complete all internship paperwork by the required deadlines. I grant permission to send out copies of my resume and unofficial transcripts (when requested) to organizations to assist in the process of obtaining an internship position which the

DU staff considers appropriate at any time. I also grant permission to have Davenport University contact my employer/supervisor to verify my employment and to send correspondence and evaluation forms during the semester in which I am participating in an internship. I agree to fulfill all the requirements of the internship program as outlined by my Internship Manager, my Internship Site Supervisor, and

Davenport Faculty member in the appropriate course syllabus and well as abide by all conditions of the DU Student Experiential Learning


Date: Signature:

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


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Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.






Student name: Student ID:

City: State: ZIP Code:




Expected graduation date:

Please highlight or circle: US Citizen Resident Alien International Student Other

Academic Advisor:

Student ID:



Credits for internship: 3 or 6


Credits that will be completed by internship semester: Semester of internship:

Internship course selected (Please highlight or circle): ACCT-290 ACCT-490 ACCT-790 BITS-290 BUSN-790

CAPS-790 CISP-290 CISP-490 CSCI-490 FINC-290 FINC-490 GPMT -290 GPMT-490 HRMG-290

HRMG-490 IAAS-490 LEGL-290 LEGL-490 MGMT-290 MGMT-490 MGMT-490I MGMT-290S MGMT-490S

MKTG-290 MKTG-490 NETW-290 NETW-490 RMGI-490 TGMT-790



Organization name:

Supervisor name:

Organization / Supervisor Address (your work location):

City: State:

Supervisor title:

ZIP Code:

Phone: Email:



Internship position title:

Start date: End date: Compensation:



Responsibilities of the Student

Student Agrees: I certify that the information on my application and resume is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to work with my assigned

Internship Manager to complete all internship paperwork by the required deadlines. I grant permission to send out copies of my resume and unofficial transcripts (when requested) to organizations to assist in the process of obtaining / validating an internship position which the DU staff considers appropriate at any time. I also grant permission to have Davenport University contact my employer/supervisor to verify my internship and to send correspondence and evaluation forms during the semester in which I am participating in an internship. I agree to fulfill all the requirements of the internship program as outlined by my Internship Manager, my Internship Site

Supervisor, and Davenport Faculty member in the appropriate course syllabus and well as abide by all conditions of the DU Student Experiential Learning Agreement, below.

1. As a representative of Davenport University ("Davenport") at your experiential learning site in an internship, academic service learning, or other experiential learning activity with the organization listed above (the "Organization"), you are expected to perform in a professional manner during the entire course of your experience. In this off-campus experience, you are subject to all regulations, policies, and expectations of the Davenport Student Code and you are expected to conduct yourself with integrity, respect and responsibility, including adherence to the Organization's workplace expectations for conduct, dress codes, and professional etiquette. This is important for both your career and for future Davenport students who may seek a position at your experiential learning site.

2. You acknowledge that in the course of your participation in the experience, you may have access to certain confidential information of the Organization (the

"Confidential Information") which has coordinated with Davenport to offer these real-world learning experiences to students. "Confidential Information" includes all proprietary information, documents, data, methods and know-how related to the Organization that is provided to you in connection with the experience. You acknowledge that the Confidential Information is the sole property of the Organization. You agree not to disclose the Confidential Information to any person that is not involved in the experience. You further agree to use the Confidential Information only for purposes of your participation in the experience. You understand and agree that your obligations under this Confidentiality Agreement will continue after your completion of the experience.

3. You acknowledge that you will not receive any monetary compensation for your participation in an experiential learning activity unless this is clearly determined and arranged between you and the Organization before the start of the experience.

4. The Organization and Davenport Faculty will review your performance. Either the Organization or Davenport may terminate your participation in any experiential learning activity because of unsatisfactory performance. Credit may not be granted in such a situation as determined by Davenport.

V. Assumption of Risk

1. You are voluntarily agreeing to participate in Davenport's Experiential Learning Program.

2. Use good judgment when applying for, interviewing for, and accepting positions.

3. You will be engaged in an Organization and activities over which Davenport has no control. This includes all activities connected with your experiential learning, including travel. For these reasons, it is of particular importance that you pay careful attention to any situation or risk that may be present and which may have the potential to harm you in any way. Davenport cannot accept responsibility for any such situation, risk, or harm, because Davenport has no control over those environments. However, Davenport wants to support and assist you, and will address and follow up on any complaint or concern that you may raise with Davenport. For that reason, it is very important that you promptly tell your Davenport Faculty member, Career Development staff, or other Davenport representative of any such potential situation or risk. I understand and accept responsibility for the agreements of this program, as listed above.

Date: Signature:

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.

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Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.



Use this form for internships NOT with your current employer**


Organization name:

Organization description:







Supervisor name:

Organization / Supervisor Address (your work location):






ZIP Code:

ZIP Code:

Student Name (If known):

Start date:


End date:


Student ID#:


Primary responsibilities (major responsibilities, duties, expectations, etc. of the internship):

Secondary responsibilities (Please note that administrative, coaching, etc. tasks can only comprise up to 30% of the internship duties):

Project(s): (Is there a specific project that the intern will be expected to complete):

Qualifications / Skills: (Degree(s) required, experience required, and/or expected or special skills):

How will the student apply classroom concepts: (What will the student be able to apply from the classroom?):


Internship Application Process: (Organization’s preferred way for students to apply):

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.



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Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


*Use this form to propose internship:

WITH YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER, of more than 6 months*



Phone: Phone:

Student ID: Major: Specialty:

Internship course selected (Please highlight or circle): ACCT-290 ACCT-490 ACCT-790 BITS-290 BUSN-790

CAPS-790 CISP-290 CISP-490 CSCI-490 FINC-290 FINC-490 GPMT -290 GPMT-490 HRMG-290

HRMG-490 IAAS-490 LEGL-290 LEGL-490 MGMT-290 MGMT-490 MGMT-490I MGMT-290S MGMT-490S

MKTG-290 MKTG-490 NETW-290 NETW-490 RMGI-490 TGMT-790

Organization name:


Current Supervisor name: Supervisor title:

Current Department: Start Date: End Date:



Supervisor phone:

Current position title:


Supervisor phone:


Current position duties:


Internship Position Title:

Internship Supervisor name: Supervisor title:

Internship Department:



Supervisor phone:


Supervisor phone:


Start date:


Start date:


Primary Internship responsibilities (major responsibilities, duties, expectations, etc. of the internship):

Secondary Internship responsibilities (Please note that administrative, coaching, etc. tasks can only comprise up to 30% of the internship duties):

Internship Project(s): (Is there a specific project with an expected outcome?):

Internship Qualifications / Skills: (Degree(s) required, experience required, and/or expected or special skills):


You certify that your proposed internship meets the following criteria:

 It is in a different department than my permanent role

 I will be reporting to a different supervisor

 I will have substantially different responsibilities than my permanent employment role and the internship responsibilities are closely connected to my field of study at Davenport University

Date: Date:


Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.


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Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.








































F1 VISA International Students ONLY

Student to complete this section and submit with materials, to Academic Advisor / DSO:

Degree Level: __ Assoc. __Bachelor __ Masters Academic Major: ______________________


igned Offer Letter on company letterhead OR CoHP Practicum Placement Notification

OR DU Employer Internship Decision Form (for credit-bearing internships only)

AND Copy of position description

Note: Letter or Form must include Company name, address, position title, number of hours per week, and dates of experience.

I request approval for curricular practical training (CPT) employment related to my program and agree to following requirements:

Work only at approved site/position during approved dates

Maintain full-time enrollment status

Complete course requirements during experience

(for credit-bearing internships/practicums only)

Notify International Office of any changes in approved CPT

Student Name: _________________________________ ID Number: _________________

Student Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________


Academic Advisor / DSO sends to the Department Chair (DC) of the student’s academic program to complete this section and returns to Academic Advisor:

The position is integral to the student’s academic program and is approved for CPT**


The position needs to be revised to be relevant to the student’s academic program and returned to the DC for review and approval

Revise position description and return to DC

DC Name: ______________ DC Signature: __________________ Initial Review Date: _______

DC Final Approval Signature: ___________________________ Approval Date: ____________

** See reverse side for Department Chair guidelines for approving CPT


DSO / PDSO to Confirm:

Student has completed one full academic year in F1 status

Student is enrolled full-time in course of study

Student is wait listed in credit-bearing Internship or Practicum course

(if applicable)

Signed Offer Letter, CoHP Practicum Placement Notification, or Employer Decision Form


PDSO approval __________

Issue I-20 with CPT authorization

Name: ______________________ Signature: __________________________ Date: _________

6191 Kraft Avenue SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512

| 800.686.1600

Revised March 2015

Final 2015 Revision 8/2015 by: B. Melkild, D. Crudele and W. Sneath.
