UNITED STATES POSTAL INSPECTION SERVICE College Student Intern Program APPLICATION Please type or print your responses. STUDENT INFORMATION: Full Name (Last, First, Middle): Current Street Address: City, State, Zip: Current Phone Number: (______) - Email Address: Permanent Street Address: City, State, Zip: Date of Birth: Country of Citizenship: COLLEGE or UNIVERSITY INFORMATION: Name: Major Overall GPA: Major GPA: I plan to apply this internship for class credit: YES Expected Graduation Date NO (check one) _____________________ I am applying for an internship beginning: Fall; Spring; Summer* 20______ While completing my internship, I will be a: Junior; Senior; Graduate Other internships: Applied: Completed: [semester/year ] -2- Method of Transportation (select all that may apply): Personally owned vehicle Bicycle Walk Public Transportation Dates and times of other anticipated commitments (job, sport leagues, volunteer work, family, vacations, etc): Hours available for the internship (8am - 5pm): Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Please attach a resume to include the following information: Work history starting with most recent experience including: Employer, Address, Telephone Number, Dates of Employment, and Specific Titles and Duties. Education Special accomplishments (e.g. civic and academic honors) Special skills (e.g. computer skills, fluency in foreign language, etc.) Relevant experience (e.g. volunteer work, internship, or research projects) SUBMIT TO: Dan Grossenbach Postal Inspector Mail: P.O. Box 26320 Tucson, AZ 85726-6320 Fax: (520) 388-5315 Email: dhgrossenbach@uspis.gov Deadline: Applications must be received by Friday of the first week of classes each semester. Early submissions are encouraged. * Summer internships must begin at the first summer session semester and may extend into second session due to the compressed schedule. See your advisor for more information on adding this for course credit.