STEP 2 - Using Google Earth, answer the following questions. Determine the latitude and longitude of the following cities. 1. New York, NY lat. 40 degrees N long. 74 degrees W 2. Tokyo, Japan lat. 35 degrees N long. 139 degrees E 3. Sydney, Australia lat33 degrees S long. 151 degrees E Determine which city lies at each of these coordinate pairs. 4. 42 21’ 31” N, 71 03’ 35” W= Boston, Mass. 5. 48 51’ 24” N, 2 21’ 08” E= Paris, France 6. 12 02’ 52” S, 77 03’ 44” W= Lima, Peru There are 5 important lines of latitude (parallels) which are frequently referred to in dealing with the geographic grid. Indicate the latitude (including hemisphere) for each. 7. Equator = 0 degrees no hemisphere 8. Tropic of Cancer= 23.5 degrees N 9. Tropic of Capricorn= 23.5 degrees S 10. Arctic Circle = 66.5 degrees N 11. Antarctic Circle= 66.5 degrees S 12. The maximum number of degrees of latitude possible is 90 degrees in one direction. 13. The maximum number of degrees of longitude possible is 180 degrees in one direction. 14. What is the latitudinal distance between 20 S and 44 S? 24 degrees of latitude 15. What is the latitudinal distance between 20 S and 44 N? 59 degrees of latitude 16. “Search” these latitude and longitude coordinates 27.988406 N, 86.924983 E. Once you are there push the up arrow on the eye controller until your viewing angle is parallel with the ground, then rotate your view. What feature are you looking at? Mount Everest What is its elevation? 8848m/29028ft