Movie Guide Review Arab-Israeli Conflict Israeli=Jew=Jewish=Judaism Palestinian=Arab=Muslim=Islam They are Israeli (Jews) living in Jerusalem Opinion about land ownership: They think it is the Israeli’s land and the Palestinian’s land They feel that both sides should be able to live in Israel They think the “smartest people in the world” should decide who gets the land. It should be a global discussion, not just between Israelis and Palestinians Opinion about Palestinians: Afraid of bus bombings from Palestinian terrorists They do not agree with the checkpoints and the occupied territories. Palestinians should be able to live and move freely. They meet with Faraj and Sanabel to play and discuss the conflict. He is a Palestinian (Muslim) living in Jerusalem Opinion about land ownership: “The Koran says Muhammad flew from Mecca to the Al Asqa Mosque (in Jerusalem). Jerusalem belongs to us.” “This is my land, I was born here, the Israelis have no right to take it.” Opinion about Israelis: He hates Israelis- “they are mean and deceitful” He supports terrorist groups who bomb buses, etc. because they are working towards Palestinian freedom He wants Israelis killed until Palestinians can reclaim the land He does not support the occupied territories/checkpoints He does not want to meet Israeli kids He is Israeli (Jew) living in Jerusalem Opinion about land ownership: He understands the Palestinian’s anger. “…because they were thrown off their land 5o years ago and they feel very small and hurt.” Opinion about Palestinians: “I have never been , or ever will be, a friend to an Arab. I will say hi when I pass them on the street.” Understands the plight of the Palestinians, but does not want to change the current system Does not want to meet Palestinian kids She is Palestinian (Muslim) living in the Deheishe camp outside of Jerusalem Opinion about land ownership: The Israelis kicked them off of their land and put the in camps The land is the Palestinians and the Israelis stole it Opinion about Israelis Believes that peace must be reached between Palestinian and Israeli kids Does not agree with checkpoints or occupied territory Has lived 10 min outside of Jerusalem her whole life but has never been there because of checkpoints Meets with Daniel and Yarko to play and discuss conflict. He is a Palestinian (Muslim) living in the Deheishe camp outside of Jerusalem Opinion about land ownership: He believes Palestinians own the land because he has land deeds dating back to 1931 saying he owns it. The Israelis were given the land after WWII by the UN, and took more of it in 1967 (6-Day War) Opinion about Israelis: He hates Israelis for taking his land, destroying his grandmother’s village, and killing his friend Bassam He kicks the Israeli star He supports terrorist groups who bomb Israelis “When I see a Jew I think of killing them” Does not support checkpoints A way to keep Jews/Arabs from meeting each other Does not support occupied territory Wants to return home to village that his Grandmother lived in He has a change of heart and meets with Daniel and Yarko to play and discuss the conflict He is Israeli (Jew) living in a Jewish military settlement in the West Bank. Opinion about land ownership: God promised Israelis the land in Israel and the Palestinians took it. Israelis simply took it back “God promised Abraham the land once, and because of that it is ours.” He reads from the Torah ***God to Abraham: “I will give to you and your descendants the land of Canaan (present day Israel) for an everlasting possession.” “This blessing is passed from Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob.” “Jacob is renamed as Israel and names Canaan after himself.” Opinion about Palestinians: He wants to become a military commander and make all the Palestinians “fly away.” He would never give any land back to the Palestinians, especially not in Jerusalem He hates Palestinians for killing his friend Ephraim Supports occupied territories/checkpoints but would prefer if all Palestinians were gone Does not want to meet Palestinian children The movie guide is a resource to prepare for the Socratic seminar. Thursday: RICE #6 due You will be assigned a role for the seminar You will do research and prepare an outline for the seminar Friday: You must have your outline ready to go for the seminar when you enter the room. We will conduct the seminar on Friday. The seminar is an assessment! This is your “test” for the unit.