Unit 5: A Lucky Day Comprehension Questions: The pack is made of

Unit 5: A Lucky Day
Comprehension Questions:
1. The pack is made of branches.
2. The poor people are hungry because the new season’s rice crop has just begun
to grow and it will be many months before they can glean the fallen grain from
the field.
3. The man should have made a double wall in his container, but it would have
taken more time. Now he is praying the price for his impatience.
4. It means that if someone does something kind for you, you should repay him or
her and do a kind deed in return.
5. Tree-ear things that foraging requires time and work and is honorable, stealing
is not.
Looking Closely
1. To “wrestle” means to fight or struggle. Tree ear is struggling with the problem of
whether to tell the man he is losing rice, or to take it for himself.
2. A temporary patch is a cover over a hole which is only meant to hold for a short
time. The man makes it with leaves.
3. He addresses him as “Honorable Sir” and “Kind Sir”.
4. Regretfully or sorrowfully.
T.A.S.K (pages 77-83)
Unit 6:
Wild Buffalo
1. It’s obvious the buffalo is in a dangerous mood because he had destroyed the
2. Jaques attracks the Buffaloes attention by standing up and taking photographs.
3. The guide’s plan is to make a zebra run away in fear so that the Buffalo will think there's danger
and they’ll run away too.
4. The buffalo runs because the zebras whistling is a warning of danger
5. Jacques does not understand that wild animals can be dangerous.
6. no one speaks to Jacques as the group walk back to the camp.
7. The Buffalo might have charged and attacked the group
Jenny`s Secret
1. It is a big cavern that is home to a family of seals.
2. If people disturbed the family of seals, the mothers might abandon their cubs or even kill them.
3. If she tells her family they will want to see the seals too and then other people might hear them
talking and come to look for themselves. The seals would be disturbed.
4. The story about the sealskin gives Jenny something connected with a seals to tell her family and
help her keep her secret.
Looking Closely
1. Abandoned
2. “To betray” means to give away a secret or to be disloyal. If Jenny betrayed the seals people
would come and disturb them and if the mothers might abandon their pups or even kill them.
3. “Wading” means walking through
4. Choppy
5. Unbearablethe
Saving the Siberian Tiger (Pg. 94-95, 98-101)
Unit 7: The Red Rooster
1. At the end of the story they are all winners. The younger brother is a winner because he will get
his fair share of the property and the older brother because he has learned an important lesson
and they will all live in harmony together.
2. The folktale teaches us to treat each other fairly and with respect.
3. The property should be divided equally
I’d Like to Squeeze
Looking Closely
He thinks that squeezing it would make a fair shape and give everyone an equal share.
Example “like an orange” “like dough””like a sponge” like a pillow.”
The lack of punctuation could be because the poem is written as if the poet is thinking out loud.
The phrase “I'd like to squeeze” is repeated the repetition emphasizes the idea and mimics the
repeated actions of squeezing.
Toro, Toro (pages 111-115; 118-121)
1. Antonito is running away to save Paco from the bullring.
2. He plans to release Paco into the cork forests.
3. Antonito’s village is destroyed by bombing.
4. The black crosses are the markings that identify the Air Force involved in the story. They
suggest something frightening.
5. The vultures symbolize death or that something is dying danger is nearby
Unit 8: Shauzia’s Dream, Alien Abduction (pages 126, 127 and 130)