MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, 22(2): 394–412 (April 2006) C 2006 by the Society for Marine Mammalogy DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2006.00035.x ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS (PUSA HISPIDA) IN THE FJORDS OF SPITSBERGEN, SVALBARD, DURING THE PEAK MOLTING PERIOD BJØRN A. KRAFFT KIT M. KOVACS 1 MAGNUS ANDERSEN JON AARS CHRISTIAN LYDERSEN Norwegian Polar Institute, N-9296 Tromsø, Norway E-mail: TORBJØRN ERGON Centre for Evolutionary and Ecological Synthesis, Department of Biology, University of Oslo, 0316 Oslo, Norway and USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel MD 20708–4017, USA TORE HAUG Institute of Marine Research, 9294 Tromsø, Norway ABSTRACT Ringed seal (Pusa hispida) abundance in Spitsbergen, Svalbard, was estimated during the peak molting period via aerial, digital photographic surveys. A total of 9,145 images, covering 41.7%–100% of the total fast-ice cover (1,496 km2 ) of 18 different fjords and bays, were inspected for the presence of ringed seals. A total of 1,708 seals were counted, and when accounting for ice areas that were not covered by images, a total of 3,254 (95% CI: 3,071–3,449) ringed seals were estimated to be hauled out during the surveys. Extensive behavioral data from radio-tagged ringed seals (collected in a companion study) from one of the highest density fjords during the molting period were used to create a model that predicts the proportion of seals hauled out on any given date, time of day, and under various meteorological conditions. Applying this model to the count data from each fjord, we estimated that a total of 7,585 (95% CI: 6,332–9,085) ringed seals were present in the surveyed area during the peak molting period. Data on interannual variability in ringed seal abundance suggested higher numbers of seals in Van Keulenfjorden in 2002 1 Corresponding author. 394 KRAFFT ET AL: ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS 395 compared to 2003, while other fjords with very stable ice cover showed no statistical differences. Poor ice conditions in general in 2002 probably resulted in seals from a wide area coming to Van Keulenfjorden (a large fjord with stable ice in 2002). The total estimated number of ringed seals present in the study area at the time of the survey must be regarded as a population index, or at least a minimum estimate for the area, because it does not account for individuals leaving and arriving, which might account for a considerable number of animals. The same situation is likely the case for many other studies reporting aerial census data for ringed seals. To achieve accurate estimates of population sizes from aerial surveys, more extensive knowledge of ringed seal behavior will be required. Key words: aerial survey, digital photography, abundance, ringed seal, Pusa hispida. The ringed seal (Pusa hispida) is the most abundant marine mammal species in Svalbard. It is a small seal (adults normally weigh 50–90 kg, Lydersen and Gjertz 1987), which is specially adapted to life in close association with sea ice (Smith and Stirling 1975, 1978; Smith 1987). Both young and adult ringed seals of both sexes maintain breathing holes usually in land-fast ice, and are able to access areas deep into pack- and land-fast ice, which are unavailable to most other marine mammals. In areas where enough snow accumulates, ringed seals dig lairs over some of their breathing holes (Smith and Stirling 1975). These lairs are used for resting, and adult females use them as a place to give birth. The lairs protect the animals from harsh environmental conditions (Smith et al. 1991) and also provide some degree of protection from predation (Smith and Stirling 1975, Smith 1976, Lydersen and Gjertz 1986, Lydersen and Smith 1989, Furgal et al. 1996). Each adult ringed seal has several lairs and breathing holes within its territory, and can move between these structures in case of attacks from a predator. Subadult animals also use lairs, but do not appear to be as exclusive about space use as adults; at least in terms of their use of haul-out holes it is normal for several subadults to occur together. The peak pupping period for ringed seals in Svalbard is during the first week of April (Lydersen 1995). Following birth, the mothers nurse their single pups for about 40 d (Hammill et al. 1991). Toward the end of the nursing period in mid to late May, ringed seal adults enter breeding condition and mating takes place. Following the breeding season, ringed seals commence the molting period. All true seal species go through this loss and replacement of hair and top layers of skin on an annual basis. During this process the animals prefer to stay out of the water, on ice or land depending on the species. In the air they can perfuse their skin with blood and thus accelerate the growth of new hair with much less energy loss than if this process occurs in the water. The availability of ringed seals on the surface of the ice during the molting period provides the best opportunity to determine how many ringed seals occur in an area. To estimate seal population sizes, surveys should be timed to coincide with those times when the maximum proportion of a population is visible for counting (Erickson et al. 1993). For many seal populations this occurs during the birthing period when they congregate in traditional areas. However, ringed seals occupy lairs at this time and are not available for counting until later in the spring when they haul out on the surface of the ice for their annual molt. For the Svalbard area, the peak of the molting period for ringed seals occurs during the first part of June (Carlens et al. 2006, this issue). Estimation of the size of local ringed seal populations has been conducted using a variety of methods including: ship-based surveys (McLaren 1961); land-based counts 396 MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 2, 2006 (Smith 1973a); extrapolation from breathing hole or lair densities found during dog surveys (Hammill and Smith 1990, Lydersen et al. 1990, Lydersen and Ryg 1991, Smith and Lydersen 1991); acoustic monitoring (Stirling et al. 1983, Calvert and Stirling 1985); using the size of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) populations and their estimated energy requirements in terms of numbers of ringed seals they would need to consume (Stirling and Øritsland 1995); and the most common method, aerial surveys (McLaren 1966; Burns and Harbo 1972; Smith 1973b, 1975; Helle 1980, 1986; Finley et al. 1983; Kingsley et al. 1985; Jensen and Knudsen 1987; Lunn et al. 1997; Frost et al. 2004). Even during the peak of the molting period there will always be a proportion of the seals that are in the water and thus not accessible for counting on the ice surface. Many studies have shown that the fraction of time ringed seals spend hauled out varies considerably with location, season, time of day, and various meteorological factors (e.g., Smith 1973b, Finley 1979, Smith and Hammill 1981, Kelly and Quakenbush 1990, Kingsley and Stirling 1991, Härkönen and Lunneryd 1992, Harwood and Stirling 1992, Heide-Jørgensen et al. 1992, Lydersen et al. 1993, Lydersen and Hammill 1993, Gjertz et al. 2000, Born et al. 2002, Moulton et al. 2002). Studies of haul-out activity of ringed seals in the Svalbard area, based on a combination of visual surveys of seals on the ice surface and activity of VHF-tagged individuals, have revealed a clear diurnal and seasonal patterns and also significant effects of temperature and wind (Carlens et al. 2005, this issue). These natural sources of variation in the number of seals on the surface must be taken into account when doing population assessments. The purpose of the present study was to estimate the number of ringed seals in the fjords of Spitsbergen, Svalbard. This was accomplished by (1) counting seals hauled out on the ice during the peak molting period using aerial digital-photographic images in combination with (2) the development of a model that accounts for seals in the water at any given time based on novel analyses of data collected during a companion study (Carlens et al. 2005, this issue). METHODS The aerial digital photographic surveys were conducted from 9 to 21 June 2002 and 2003 on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway (∼77◦ –80◦ N, 10◦ –20◦ E; Fig. 1). All fjord and bay areas containing fast ice at this time of year (Areas 1–18; Fig. 1) were included in the surveys. Areas 1–16 were surveyed in 2002, while Areas 17 and 18 were surveyed in 2003. Additionally Areas 2, 3, and 13 were repeated in 2003 to provide interannual comparative data. All flying was conducted between 0900 and 2100. The aircraft used was a Piper Seneca II (PA 34). Two camera houses (Hasselblad 555 ELD) outfitted with backpacks (H-20 Phase One A/S, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark), containing CCD chips designed to capture digital images, were mounted through the floor of the aircraft. The cameras were connected to two laptop computers with external hard disks. Orientation and positions of the line transects to be flown were determined prior to each flight using specialized software (Snapplan and Snapshot) from Track Air, Aerial Survey Systems (B.V. Boortorenweg 20, 7550 Hengelo, Netherlands). Snapplan was used to plan the photo flights because this software deals well with the specifications of the camera, survey altitude, and precalculated GPS positions. GPS positions were exported into the flight control program Snapshot. Snapshot was used to control the Tracker External Camera Interface (TECI-3) box; which contained a built-in 12 channel GPS system. TECI-3, in combination with KRAFFT ET AL: ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS 397 Figure 1. Map of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, showing the fast-ice distribution (dotted areas) at the times the aerial surveys were conducted. Fast ice was found in Hornsund (Area 1), Van Keulenfjorden (Area 2), Van Mijenfjorden (Area 3), Fridtjovhamna (Area 4), Tempelfjorden (Area 5), Billefjorden (Area 6), Skansbukta (Area 7), Dicksonfjorden (Area 8), EkmanNordfjorden (Area 9), Borebukta (Area 10), Ymerbukta (Area 11), St. Jonsfjorden (Area 12), Kongsfjorden (Area 13), Krossfjorden (Area 14), Raudfjorden (Area 15), Liefdefjorden (Area 16), Sorgfjorden (Area 17), and Lomfjorden (Area 18). All these fast-ice areas were included in the survey. 398 MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 2, 2006 Figure 2. Map showing the transect lines flown over the land-fast ice in Van Mijenfjorden (Area 3) and Fridtjovhamna (Area 4) in June 2003. Each small square on the transect lines corresponds to a digital image covering 336 × 336 m. All land-fast ice in Fridtjovhamna and 48.2% of the ice in Van Mijenfjorden were covered, resulting in 26 and 2,235 digital images, respectively. (The ice-covered area northeast in Van Mijenfjorden was not surveyed because this is a very shallow, muddy area that is unsuitable for ringed seals). Snapshot, automatically activated the two digital cameras, when predefined positions were reached. Two parallel images were shot every fifth second from an altitude of 2,400 ft (∼730 m), with 80-mm lenses; each image thus covered an area of 336 × 336 m of the surface. The aircraft was flown at 110 knots (∼200 km/h). At this height and speed, there was no overlap between the images. Parallel transects were flown, starting in the innermost parts of each fjord or bay and ending outside the fast-ice edge (Fig. 2). The airplane’s position, angle of inclination, track, and altitude during the time when the images were taken was stored in World Geodetic System (WGS-84) format. Image processing software (Light Phase Image Capture, Phase One A/S, 2000, Frederiksberg, Denmark), was used to manually inspect the digital photographic material. Using this software, the images were classified into five categories: (1) ice images, in which the entire photo covered only fast ice or ice comprised of large floes, (2) ice–land images, in which the photo included areas with fast ice connected to land or glacier fronts, (3) ice–land–water images that included areas with fast ice or floe ice, land or glacier, and seawater, (4) ice–water images that included areas with fast ice or floe ice and seawater, and (5) land–water/water/land images that did not include fast ice or floe ice. All image types that included fast ice (categories 1–4) were enlarged and inspected in detail for the presence of seals. The software also enabled us to enlarge the digital images and thus improve our ability to detect hauled out seals. Initially, a large number of digital images (n = 1,000) were inspected by two readers for the presence of seals in order to examine potential reader biases. Seals were easily detected on the digital images. The variation in the number of ringed KRAFFT ET AL: ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS 399 seals detected between the two readers was only 1.6% and therefore no attempt was made to correct for reader bias. The area of the fast ice that was covered during the photographic survey was calculated based on the classification of the images, known GPS positions from each image, and by utilizing ArcGIS software (ESRI Arc View, Ver. 8.3, Redlands, CA). Counts from the aerial surveys were used to estimate the total number of seals that were hauled out on the fast ice in each fjord. In each fjord i a fraction q i was covered by r i images from the aerial survey, and the number of seals y ij on each image j was counted ( j = 1, . . . , r i ). Letting K i be the total number of observed seals i y ij ), the total abundance of seals hauling out on the fast ice in a given (K i = rj=1 fjord (Areas 1–18, Fig. 1) was estimated as Ŷi = K i /q i . Since the survey covered a large proportion of the fast ice in each fjord (42%–100%; Table 1), and the images were systematically dispersed over the entire ice (see Fig. 1), we treated the images as a random sample of the entire fast ice in the fjord, and hence used the standard estimator for the sampling variance when samples are drawn from a finite population without replacement (Williams et al. 2002). 2 ˆ i ri − ri , v ar(Ŷi ) = qi qi where ˆ 2 is the empirical variance in number of seals between the surveyed images r i ˆ i2 = (y − ȳ i )/(r i − 1). j=1 ij In order to obtain an estimate of the total abundance of seals (on and below the ice) in each fjord, the estimated number of seals hauled out on the ice was divided by an estimate of the proportion of seals that were on the ice surface during the time of survey. In order to accomplish this, detailed behavioral data were required. The raw data were collected in a companion study (Carlens et al. 2006, this issue). Carlens et al. is partly based on the behavior patterns of 24 ringed seals equipped with VHF tags, which were monitored every 0.5 h around the clock via an automatic receiving station. In the present study we used the raw data from these animals to construct a model to predict the proportion of the seals present in a fjord, which were hauling out on the fast ice at a given date, hour of the day, and under given weather conditions (temperature, sunlight, and wind speed). Generalized linear mixed models, with a binomial error and a logit-link, were fitted using the “glmmPQL” function in the MASS Library of S-Plus 6.2 (Venables and Ripley 2002). In order to account for autocorrelation in repeated observations of proportions of the tagged seals that were hauling out on the ice, checked at 0.5 h intervals by the automatic logging station, a first-order autoregressive correlation structure at the level of the residuals, together with a random between-day variance component was included in the model. The effect of date (season), hour of the day, temperature, wind speed, and intensity of sunlight was examined as fixed-effect predictors in candidate models. Assumptions of linearity were assessed by exploratory GAM-plots (S-Plus 6.2, Insightful Corporation 2001) and by examining the residuals of fitted models. There was a relatively strong nonlinear effect of both date (season) and hour of the day. The proportion of VHFtagged seals hauling out on the ice was highest in the beginning of the study (early May), and then declined from late May onward. We modeled this with a threshold model and estimated the time at which a linear (on a logit scale) decline started by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Area no. Hornsund Van Keulenfjorden Van Mijenfjorden Fridtjovhamna Tempelfjorden Billefjorden Skansbukta Dicksonfjorden Ekman-Nordfjorden Borebukta Ymerbukta St. Jonsfjorden Kongsfjorden Krossfjorden Raudfjorden Liefdefjorden Sorgfjorden Lomfjorden Total Area name 20 June 12 June 12 June 12 June 13 June 13 June 13 June 14 June 11 June 15 June 15 June 15 June 16 June 20 June 20 June 20 June 11 June 11 June Date 1000–1800 1400–2100 1400–2100 1400–2100 1330–1600 1330–1600 1330–1600 1240–1540 1400–2000 1130–1600 1130–1600 1130–1600 1200–1430 1000–1800 1000–1800 1000–1800 0900–1330 0900–1330 Flight time 0 12 12 12 10 10 10 15 0 15 15 15 20 5 0 0 10 20 Wind speed (knots) 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 −2 −2 −5 −7 Temperature (◦ C) 39.6 72 390 2.7 49 107 0.5 155 316 34 3.5 53 45 7 16 3 38 165 1,496.3 60.6 41.7 46.2 100 53.1 56.1 100 74.2 46.5 73.5 100 62.3 53.3 100 65.6 50.0 44.7 42.4 422 335 2,117 30 559 254 9 691 1,734 221 46 269 257 199 376 69 782 775 9,145 139 187 204 8 268 143 0 78 262 39 14 62 86 22 128 13 22 33 1,708 Fraction of No. of No. of seals Area of fast ice total fast-ice images counted on covered with images cover (%) inspected images (km2 ) (q) (r) (K) Table 1. Data from an aerial digital photographic survey of ringed seals on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, June 2002 and 2003, showing areas included in the survey, number of images inspected with the resulting number of ringed seals. 400 MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 2, 2006 KRAFFT ET AL: ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS 401 searching for the threshold point that minimized the deviance of the model. The proportion of seals hauling out on the ice peaked at mid-day, and this effect was adequately modeled with a second-order polynomial (on a logit scale). Model selection with respect to the fixed effects of temperature, wind speed, and sunlight was based on conditional F-tests as recommended by Pinheiro and Bates (2000); we settled on a model including only a linear effect of wind speed. Subsequently, we used the predictions from the model fitted to the VHF data ( p̂ i ) together with the aerial survey estimates (Ŷi ) to estimate the total number of seals present (on and below the ice) in each fjord, N̂i = Ŷi / p̂ i . The variance of logit( p̂ i ) was estimated as the prediction error variance based on the fixed effects plus the estimated between-day variance (i.e., variance of the predictions at a random day rather than an average day). Using the ∂-method (Morgan 2000) we then obtained p̂ i ) = (1 − p̂ i ) p̂ i Var(logit( p̂ i )), Var( and N̂i ) = Var( 1 p̂ i 2 Ŷ Ŷi ) + − i Var( p̂ i2 2 p̂ i ) Var( = N̂ 2 (CV2 (Ŷ) + CV2 ( p̂ )), where CV2 (x) = Var(x)/x 2 . The m total number of seals in all (m) fjords surveyed N̂i , and the variance of N̂tot was estimated in was then estimated as N̂tot = i=1 accordance with the ∂-method as Y 0 Var( N̂tot ) = a a , 0 p where a is a row vector of the partial first derivatives of N̂tot with respect to the Ŷi ’s and the p̂ i ’s, a = [1/ p̂ i , · · · , 1/ p̂ m , −Ŷ/ p̂ i2 , · · · , Ŷ/ p̂ m2 ], and where ΨY is a diagonal matrix with the variances of the Ŷi ’s and Ψp is the variance–covariance matrix of the p̂ i ’s. The reported confidence intervals of N̂’s are based on the assumption of a normal distribution on a log scale (±2 standard errors on a log scale). RESULTS The fast ice in the 18 fjords and bays included in this study constituted an area of 1,496 km2 (Fig. 1, Table 1). The fraction of the fast ice area that was covered with digital images varied between locations, from 41.7% to 100% (Table 1). A total of 9,145 images (69% of total number of images taken) from these 18 fjords and bays were classified into categories 1–4 and inspected for the presence of hauled out ringed seals. A total of 1,708 ringed seals were detected on these images (Table 1), and when the ice areas that were not covered with images were accounted for a total of 3,254 (95% CI: 3,071–3,449) ringed seals (Table 2) were estimated to be hauled out on the ice during the survey. The model designed to account for the proportion of ringed seals in a fjord, which were hauled out on the ice during the time of the aerial survey is presented in Figure 3 (see Methods for a detailed description). Applying this model 402 MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 2, 2006 Figure 3. Fitted model of the proportion of VHF-tagged seals hauling out on the ice depending on date (panel A), time of the day (B), and wind speed (C). Each panel shows the fitted predictions (solid line) using the mean values of the two other predictor variables. Innermost stippled lines show 95% CI (±2 SE on a logit scale) of the predictions of the mean, and outermost dotted lines show uncertainty in the predictions for a random day (including both uncertainty in the mean and random day-to-day variation; i.e., ±2 SE2 + ˆ 2 ) where ˆ 2 is the estimated random between-day variance component). The distribution of the predictor variables in the calibration data is shown in the bottom of each panel, and the distributions of the variables in the aerial survey data are shown in the top of the panels. Panel D shows deviance residuals plotted against fitted predictions for each day (daily coefficients accounted for). The predicted proportion of seals hauling out before 23 May is, on a logit scale, −1.18 (SE = 0.23) + 0.30 (SE = 0.04) × h − 0.011 (SE = 0.001) × h2 − 0.038 (SE = 0.011) × wind speed. After 23 May the predictions decline by 0.031 (SE = 0.005) on a logit scale per ˆ was estimated to be 0.24 (95% day. The between-day standard deviation on a logit scale () CI: [0.16, 0.37]) and the correlation between observations at the half-hour intervals was 0.63 (95% CI: [0.59, 0.66]). There was no evidence of overdispersion (dispersion scale estimated to 0.93, but fixed to 1 in the final fit). to adjust the estimated numbers of seals hauled out on the ice in each fjord, so that estimates of the total abundance of seals in the fjords (on and below the ice) were obtained, resulted in a total estimate of 7,585 (95% CI: 6,332–9,085) ringed seals in the study area (Table 2). The average density of ringed seals hauled out on the ice in the study area was 1.4 per km2 , but densities varied substantially, ranging from locations with no seals (e.g., Skansbukta, Area 7) to regions with 8.0 seals per km2 (e.g., Raudfjorden, Area 15; Table 3). The highest numbers of hauled out seals were found in Van Area name Hornsund Van Keulenfjorden Van Mijenfjorden Fridtjovhamna Tempelfjorden Billefjorden Skansbukta Dicksonfjorden Ekman-Nordfjorden Borebukta Ymerbukta St. Jonsfjorden Kongsfjorden Krossfjorden Raudfjorden Liefdefjorden Sorgfjorden Lomfjorden Total Area no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 229 (33) 449 (47) 442 (28) 8 (0) 505 (30) 255 (20) 0 (0) 105 (7) 563 (37) 53 (6) 14 (0) 100 (10) 161 (29) 22 (0) 195 (23) 26 (17) 49 (11) 78 (13) 3,254 (94) Estimated no. of seals hauled out on the fast ice (SE) (Ŷ) 3.50 (0.51) 2.60 (0.27) 0.52 (0.03) 2.96 (0) 5.47 (0.33) 1.34 (0.10) 0 (0) 0.50 (0.03) 0.83 (0.05) 1.15 (0.13) 4.00 (0) 1.18 (0.12) 1.91 (0.34) 3.14 (0) 8.00 (0.94) 4.33 (2.83) 0.58 (0.13) 0.20 (0.03) Estimated density of hauled-out seals km−2 (SE) 48.4 (6.6) 39.1 (6.7) 39.1 (6.7) 39.1 (6.7) 44.2 (6.8) 44.2 (6.8) 44.2 (6.8) 39.2 (7.1) 52.1 (6.3) 38.6 (7.1) 38.6 (7.1) 38.6 (7.1) 33.6 (7.5) 43.8 (6.6) 48.4 (6.6) 48.4 (6.6) 45.0 (6.7) 36.0 (7.6) Proportion seals estimated hauled out (SE) ( p̂ × 100) 474 (94) 1,148 (231) 1,131 (207) 20 (4) 1,142 (187) 577 (99) 0 268 (52) 1,082 (149) 137 (29) 36 (7) 258 (55) 480 (137) 50 (8) 403 (72) 54 (36) 109 (29) 216 (57) 7,585 (685) Estimated total no. of seals in area (SE) ( N̂ = Ŷ/ p̂ ) 182–394 821–1,425 89–211 25–52 169–394 271–851 37–68 282–576 14–204 64–187 127–367 6,332–9,085 319–703 767–1,718 784–1,631 15–29 822–1,585 409–813 95% CI Table 2. Estimated numbers of ringed seals hauled out on the fast ice and total number of seals present (including animals not hauled out) in the various areas included in the aerial digital photographic survey on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, June 2002 and 2003. KRAFFT ET AL: ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS 403 Area of fast ice covered with images (km2 ) Fraction of total fast ice covered (%) (q) No. of images inspected (r) No. of seals counted on images (K) Estimated no. of hauled out seals on fast ice (SE) (Ŷ) Estimated density of hauled out seals km−2 (SE) Proportion seals estimated hauled out (SE) ( p̂ × 100) Total no. of seals in area (SE) ( N̂ = Ŷ/ p̂ ) 95% CI Relative difference − [95% CI] = (( N̂2003 − N̂2002 )/ N̂2002 ) Variable 2003 72 183 41.7 46.5 335 911 187 117 449 (47) 252 (19) 2.60 (0.27) 0.64 (0.05) 39.1 (6.7) 50.5 (6.4) 1,148 (231) 499 (73) 767–1,718 372–669 −0.56 [−0.73, −0.28] 2002 Van Keulenfjorden (Area 2) 2003 390 465 46.2 48.2 2,117 2,235 204 193 442 (28) 401 (25) 0.52 (0.03) 0.42 (0.03) 39.1 (6.7) 51.7 (6.3) 1,131 (207) 774 (106) 784–1,631 588–1,019 −0.30 [−0.55, 0.08] 2002 Van Mijenfjorden (Area 3) 2003 45 63 53.3 100 257 676 86 187 161 (29) 187 (0) 1.91 (0.34) 2.97 (0) 33.6 (7.5) 51.6 (6.4) 480 (137) 362 (45) 271–851 283–463 −0.25 [−0.58, 0.36] 2002 Kongsfjorden (Area 13) Table 3. Area coverage, percentage of ice covered, number of images inspected, resulting numbers of ringed seals, estimated number of ringed seals hauled out, estimated density of seals, proportion hauled out, estimated total numbers of seals present. CI, and interannual differenced for various areas that were included in the digital aerial photographic survey on Spitsbergen, Svalbard, both in June 2002 and 2003. 404 MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 2, 2006 KRAFFT ET AL: ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS 405 Keulenfjorden (Area 2), Van Mijenfjorden (Area 3), Tempelfjorden (Area 5), and in Ekman-Nordfjorden (Area 9), each of which had more than 1,000 individuals (Table 2). In order to study annual variation in ringed seal abundance, three large areas known to be used by ringed seals during the molt, Van Keulenfjorden (Area 2), Van Mijenfjorden (Area 3), and Kongsfjorden (Area 13) were surveyed both in June 2002 and June 2003 (Table 3). Based on comparisons of confidence intervals between years, the number of seals inhabiting Van Keulenfjorden was significantly higher in 2002 compared to 2003, while the two other areas showed no statistically significant difference in seal abundance between the two years (although the difference between years was potentially large, Table 3). DISCUSSION Photographic surveys have been conducted on a variety of marine mammal species (e.g., Stenson et al. 2003). But the use of digital photography during aerial surveys of marine mammals is a relative recent technique that to our knowledge has only been used for narwhal (Monodon monoceros) surveys in Greenland (Heide-Jørgensen 2004). The advantage of any photographic technique, over more traditional visual surveys, is that observer biases (perception biases) can be avoided. Such biases are a significant source of uncertainty in many population surveys (see Frost et al. 2004). Digital images are superior to analogue images in that they are cheaper to produce and are more user friendly in terms of storage and analysis due to a host of analytical tools (various software applications) that have been created for use with these sorts of images. In the present study we assumed that all ringed seals on the digital images were detected. The image processing software (Light Phase Image Capture) enabled the readers to adjust enlargement, clarity, and light condition on each image to maximize readability. This also made it easy to separate bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) from ringed seals, based mainly on size and haul-out location. The difference between readers (1.6%) in the number of ringed seals found when two independent readers inspected the same 1,000 images was deemed small enough that this source of variance would not have a significant impact on the precision of the final results. A similar finding was made regarding the digital image readings in a narwhal survey (<1%, Heide-Jørgensen 2004). Our aerial survey was flown at 2,400 ft (∼730 m), which is so high that the noise from the aircraft should have no impact on the behavior of the seals. Previous studies have shown only minor responses by hauled out ringed seals to survey-plane flights performed at 300 ft (∼90 m) (Richardson et al. 1995, Born et al. 1999). Another potential disturbance factor that could impact the presence of ringed seals on the ice is snowmobile traffic that at times can be relatively extensive in parts of the study area. However, snow and ice conditions during spring 2002 and 2003 were such that the snowmobile season had ceased well before early June when the aerial surveys took place. We are therefore confident that our aerial survey reflects a precise, and representative, picture of the number of ringed seals in our study area. The average density of ringed seals hauled out on the fjord-ice in the present study was 1.4 seals km−2 , which is quite similar to densities reported from other fjord habitats in the Arctic (Eastern Baffin Island: 1.7 seals per km2 Finley et al. (1983); Kong Oscars Fjord: 1.0 seals per km2 Born et al. (1998); Scoresby Sund: 2.0 seals per km2 Born et al. (1998)). However, as in the present study, other ringed seal 406 MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 2, 2006 surveys have also reported large amounts of variation in seal densities within their study areas (Stirling et al. 1977, Helle 1980, Härkönen and Heide-Jørgensen 1990, Lunn et al. 1997). In Spitsbergen, we found the density of ringed seals varied from 0.0 to 8.0 seals per km2 among the 18 fjords and bays that were surveyed. These differences are likely the result of one or more biotic or physical factor(s). Proximity to an ice edge, where the density of prey is often high, is a factor that has been shown to influence ringed seal density (Hammill and Smith 1989). During the molting period, ringed seals, similar to most seal species, have a reduced food intake or do not eat at all (Ryg et al. 1990), but most of the adult breeding population reside in the fjords during the entire winter season (Lydersen 1998). They are thought to be territorial during this period (Smith and Hammill 1981) with adult animals at least defending underwater territories with associated breathing holes and lairs. The winter and perhaps especially the early spring, which is the nursing period for the adult females, is energy demanding (Lydersen 1995). Prey availability during this period is therefore likely to be a determinant of the densities of ringed seals in a given fjord area. This factor’s influence might extend into the molt since at least the breeding animals likely stay in their home areas until the molt is over. Polar bears and arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) are ringed seal predators that potentially could have impacts on the number of seals present on the sea-ice surface during our survey. However, neither of these predators was seen on the digital images that were analyzed. Arctic foxes would have been difficult to detect due to their small size and cryptic coloration, however, they mainly prey on new-born ringed seal pups that are available only during a short period about 2 mo before the survey was conducted. Other possible disturbance factors could be caused by humans. However, as mentioned above, the ice conditions did not allow for snowmobile traffic, there were no ice-breaking vessels in any of the fjords or bays at the time of the survey, and most of the surveyed areas are remote places far from human settlements. Probably the most important physical factors determining ringed seal densities are the stability of the sea ice and the presence of sea-ice structures around which snow accumulates, and in which the seals dig lairs. The latter condition is particularly important for breeding. The date of ice formation is also likely important to how much snow accumulates. Such conditions vary from year to year (Smith and Lydersen 1991), but in general, the most stable areas of fast ice are in the inner parts of the fjords, and the fjords that tend to be good for breeding in Svalbard, where relatively little snow falls, are those that have active glaciers calving into them. The pieces of ice from the glaciers (calves) become frozen into the fjord ice and accumulate snow around them. The presence of outer islands also serves to protect the sea ice deep within some fjords keeping the inner-fjord ice stable later into the season (e.g., Van Mijenfjorden and Kongsfjorden in Svalbard). Van Mijenfjorden (Area 3) has a very stable ice cover due to the presence of a large island at the mouth of the fjord that protects ice inside it from wave action. However, there is very little glacier activity in this area and it has previously been classified as a poor breeding habitat (Lydersen et al. 1990) due to the low number of places where it is possible for the seals to construct lairs. During the present survey we found a seal density in this area of only 0.5 seal per km2 while areas such as Tempelfjorden (Area 5) and Raudfjorden (Area 15) which have stable ice and contain active glaciers, have seal densities above 5.0 seals per km2 (Table 2). Other physical factors that may contribute to the observed densities are variation in weather parameters such as temperature and wind, but these factors are reasonably well accounted for in our modeling of correction factors. KRAFFT ET AL: ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS 407 Van Keulenfjorden (Area 2), Van Mijenfjorden (Area 3), and Kongsfjorden (Area 13) were surveyed both in 2002 and 2003 to explore potential interannual variation in the numbers of seals using specific areas for molting. It is known that at least some adult ringed seals return to the same fjords for breeding in consecutive years, and that adult animals display strong territoriality in the breeding season (Smith and Hammill 1981, Lydersen and Kovacs, unpublished data). If philopatry is a general phenomenon, one would expect that a given area would contain a similar number of seals each year. This was the case for Kongsfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden, however, Van Keulenfjorden had significantly more ringed seals in 2002 compared with 2003 (see Table 3). The ice situation in Kongsfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden were more similar between the two years while it differed substantially between these same years in Van Keulenfjorden. Ice data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute show that in 2002 the sea ice in the Van Keulenfjorden formed later, broke up earlier and was generally much less abundant compared to 2003. The ice cover in Kongsfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden is generally less affected by many of the conditions that determine when ice breaks up elsewhere, because islands protect the ice from current and wave action from the west in both of these fjords. Van Keulenfjorden on the other hand has no such protection and the ice cover here varies substantially on an annual basis, mainly as an effect of wind, waves and currents. In a poor ice-year like 2002, the small bays south of Van Keulenfjorden are probably ice free and thus Van Keulenfjorden might attract seals from these areas that are searching for a molting platform. Biological differences, in abundance, between years could have been masked by the broad confidence intervals around the estimates for Kongsfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden. However, a visual aerial survey of ringed seals in Van Mijenfjorden and Van Keulenfjorden conducted in 1986 (Jensen and Knudsen 1987), during the same period as in the present study produced an estimate remarkably similar to our estimate in 2002. The ice conditions in 1986 strongly resembled those we experienced in 2002. This indicates that the numbers of seals using these fjords for molting appears to be quite similar to two decades ago. A ground survey performed in Van Mijenfjorden during the breeding season in 1986 estimated that the total breeding population was approximately 125 animals (Lydersen et al. 1990), which is considerably lower than the numbers estimated in this study during the molt (1,131 SE 207, Table 3). However, it is not surprising that this fjord that offers so little breeding habitat, but is stable late into the season, is more important for molting than for breeding. In this study, we surveyed 16 of the areas in 2002 and the remaining two areas (Sorgfjorden Area 17 and Lomfjorden, Area 18) in 2003 (in addition to repeating Areas 2, 3, and 13; see above). Both Sorgfjorden and Lomfjorden have stable ice cover with little interannual variation due to the fact that they face northeast and are hence protected by land and polar pack-ice against wave action, so we felt confident that the number of seals occupying these two fjords was likely to be quite similar between the two years. Another factor that justifies merging the 18 areas into one survey, relates to whether or not the area is a good breeding habitat. The breeding fraction of a population using a given area is likely more stable than the transient part of the population that moves in just for molting. Ringed seals that use an area for breeding prefer to stay in the inner parts of the fjords where the sea ice breaks up last. Seals that use an area only for molting do not need to travel far into the ice, and therefore would likely haul out closer to the ice edge. If we consider survey results for Van Mijenfjorden and Kongsfjorden that both have a stable ice cover but where Van Mijenfjorden is considered to be a poor breeding habitat (Lydersen et al. 408 MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE, VOL. 22, NO. 2, 2006 1990) while Kongsfjorden is a good breeding habitat (Lydersen 1998), we find that 87% of all seals (same numbers in 2002 and 2003) were found in the outer half of Van Mijenfjorden, while the corresponding number for Kongsfjorden was 13%. The aerial survey showed that Sorgfjorden and Lomfjorden had 27% and 36% of their ringed seals distributed in their outer parts, respectively, suggesting that these fjords are relatively good breeding areas and likely to have relatively stable numbers of seals from year to year. This study has shown that (1) about 7,585 (95% CI: 6,332 – 9,085) ringed seals are present in the molting grounds on Spitsbergen during the peak of molting; (2) the density of hauled out ringed seals in Spitsbergen is relatively similar with densities of ringed seals in other Arctic fast-ice habitats; (3) densities vary substantially from area to area within Spitsbergen as a consequence of various biotic and physical factors, where sea-ice quality and prey availability are likely to be among the most important factors; and (4) data on interannual variability in ringed seal density indicate that fjords and bays with relative stable ice conditions contain quite stable numbers of animals, while other fjords show considerable variation in the number of animals present during the molt. However, despite the fact that (1) this aerial digital photographic survey was performed at an altitude high enough not to bias the results by frightening the hauled out seals, (2) the survey was performed during the optimal period to visually detect the largest proportion of the population of ringed seals, (3) the results from the interpretation of the digital images were reliable and of high quality, and (4) we have adjusted for animals that were in the fjords but not visible from the air using extensive behavioral data, the total number of ringed seals estimated in this study is probably still far below the real population size. This is due to the fact that the number of animals in the molting areas, even during the peak molting period, represents a currently unknown fraction of the whole population. In the ringed seal behavior study by Carlens et al. (2006, this issue), the number of tagged animals declined while the total number of seals (based on hourly visual counts each day) was still increasing. This does not compromise the modeling of the correction factor for seals in the water at the time of the survey. However, it indicates that only a fraction of the population is present in an area during any given time period. In the present study it was estimated that 7,585 (95% CI: 6,332–9,085) ringed seals were present in the molting grounds of Spitsbergen during the peak of the molting period. In a previous study of ringed seals in Svalbard, the annual production of pups in the Spitsbergen area was estimated to be about 8,000 (Smith and Lydersen 1991). This study was based on the knowledge of ice distribution, ice type, and densities of birth lairs found during dog surveys in various types of ice. For harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) that have similar life history traits to ringed seals the population size is normally modeled to be about five times pup production (ICES 2004). Applying this factor to the ringed seal pup estimate one would expect the Spitsbergen ringed seal population to be about 40,000 seals. This method for estimating ringed seal pup production is a very crude method, despite being very labor intensive and requiring specially trained dogs and handlers and it might overestimate the population size; however, it gives some insight into the order of magnitude that the in- and out-flux of ringed seals through the molting period might represent. For many seal species it is normal that different age and sex groups molt at different times (Daniel et al. 2003, Kirkman et al. 2003, Reder et al. 2003). For harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Svalbard subadults molt before the adult animals and adult females start the molt before adult males (e.g., Reder et al. 2003). A similar progression could be expected to occur for ringed seals. However, the 24 VHF-tagged animals included KRAFFT ET AL: ABUNDANCE OF RINGED SEALS 409 pups of the year, subadults and adults of both sexes, and the tagged animals that left the area having finished molting were a heterogeneous group. This indicates that there is a significant in- and out-flux of ringed seals of various age and sex groups from the molting grounds. As a consequence this study does not claim to produce an estimate for the population size of ringed seals in Spitsbergen, although we believe it does give an accurate estimate of the number of ringed seals present in the molting grounds during the peak of this process. Ringed seals are a species that is difficult to survey; they spend a lot of time underwater when at sea, and spend a lot of time under snow (in lairs) when using ice to haul out during winter and early spring. They are only available for visual or photographic counting at reasonable densities during their annual molt. Aerial surveys at the time of peak molting are certainly the most straightforward methodological tool we have to assess ringed seal populations. But to achieve accurate assessments of total population size based on aerial surveys, much more extensive knowledge regarding ringed seal behavior is required. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Electronic equipment, a pilot, the plane(s) and a data operator were hired from COWI A/S ( Financial support for this project was provided by Store Norske Spitsbergen Grubekompani A/S, the Norwegian Research Council, and the Norwegian Polar Institute. We thank Odd Harald Hansen for advice regarding the use of ArcGIS software and Dr. Tom Smith for his helpful review. LITERATURE CITED BORN, E. W., J. TEILMANN AND F. RIGET. 1998. Abundance of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) in the Kong Oscars Fjord, Scoresby Sund and adjacent areas in eastern Greenland. 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