FAQ - Ninos Malek

Frequently Asked Questions
1. When are tests (exams)?
I will let you know a few days in advance when I plan to upload the practice tests and the actual
tests. I will post the test two days before the due date. You also cannot bring a test to me after
class or leave it in my office. Tests must be turned in to me on the due date and during your
official class time.
2. Will there be essay questions?
No. All quizzes, all tests, and the Final will be multiple choice. You will need Scantron 882-E (NOT
the compatible version. Get the original 882-E)
3. Is there homework?
Not in the sense of you having to turn in written work. Your only “homework” is to review your
lecture notes, watch any video links that I send to you (or mention in class), and to read any
essays that I send to you (or mention in class). Of course, make sure you read the chapters in the
3 books as early as possible and I would read them a few times each.
4. When are quizzes?
You will not know. Quizzes are unannounced. No notes, books, dictionaries, or any other
materials will be allowed. The only things you will need are a pencil and Scantron 882-E.
5. When is the Final?
See the bottom of my green sheet. Also, it’s on the De Anza College website. If you come to take
the Final on the wrong day, you will not be allowed to take the Final.
6. Can I change the day or time that I take the Final?
7. What do I need to know for the tests?
See the Topics file link that is on my website. Everything under Test 1 can be on the first exam.
Everything under Test 2 can be on the second exam, etc.
8. Is class attendance mandatory?
No. Just understand I will not email the video links I showed in class or email the missing parts of
the lecture notes. Also, you could be missing a “pop” quiz.
You do not have to send me an email that you will be absent.
9. What if I cannot bring my test to class when it’s due? Can I give it to a friend?
You will receive a zero.
Also, I will not accept a test after the official class time is over. So, no late exams will be
accepted, regardless of the reason. But, remember, I drop one test anyway.
10. Do I need to bring my books to class?