Digestive System Guided Notes

Digestive System Guided Notes
1. _____________________________ (intake of food)
2. _____________________________ (physical and chemical break down of food)
3. ______________________________ (passage of chemicals into blood or lymph)
4. _______________________________ (elimination of indigestible substances as feces)
Divided into:
• Mouth
• Pharynx
• Esophagus
• Stomach
• Small intestine
• Large intestine
• Rectum
• Teeth
• Tongue
• Gallbladder
• Salivary glands
• Pancreas
• liver
Digestive Organ Functions
1. ________________________________________
______________________ mechanically digest food
• cleans mouth (contains many antimicrobial chemicals)
• chemically digests food (the enzyme amylase breaks down starch into sugar)
• ______________________ repositions food and helps form a __________________that can be
2. __________________________________•
Passage for food, water, and air
3. _________________________________________
Passage to stomach for food and water only
____________________________________________ is composed of muscles at the lower end of
espophagus that prevent stomach contents and acids from traveling back up the esophagus.
Food is moved through the GI tract by __________________________ – ______________________________ &
__________________________________ in the walls of the GI tract
4. _____________________________
_____________________________________ food by churning and mixing it, to form
_________________________________ food by releasing extremely acidic gastric juice which contains
HCl and proteases, such as pepsin, that __________________________________ into amino acids
_________________________________________ (alcohol, aspirin, other drugs)
5. ____________________________________
___________________________is completed here
Sm. intestine produces _____________________________, which is alkaline and contains some
digestive enzymes
____________________ is produced by the liver, stored by the gall bladder, and is dumped into
the small intestine. It digests fats.
Pancreas releases _________________________________into the small intestine. Include
proteases, lipases, amylase, and nucleases.
Digested carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins, electrolytes, and some water
6. _______________________________________________________
Absorption of water, electrolytes, and some vitamins
Everything not absorbed is expelled by rectum as feces
Absorption occurs when nutrients pass out of the alimentary canal and into the blood capillaries (water-soluble
nutrients) or lymph lacteal (fat-soluble nutrients).
Some nutrients are absorbed through diffusion, but many require active transport.
The small intestine has many adaptations for absorption:
Enormous surface area due to: long length (20 ft), folds, and numerous villi & microvilli
SLOOOW movement of chyme (3-6 hours)
What is digestion, and in which structures does it occur?
How does the process of digestion differ for different foods?
What is absorption, and in which structures does it occur?