Enzymes of Digestion Quessay An adventure in learning The purpose of this Quessay is to allow you to use your creativity and knowledge in a nontraditional manner. You will explore the enzymes of the human digestive system to determine what they are, where they are, and how they work. Chapter 41 – Animal Nutrition (specifically chemical digestion pages 885 to 889) should help you complete this assignment. Requirements: 1. The Quessay must be typed. 2. The Quessay must be a minimum of 1.5 pages and maximum of 3 pages. 3. The Quessay must include the enzymes involved in digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. 4. The Quessay must state the location within the digestive system where each enzyme is found. 5. The Quessay must state the substrate and product of each enzyme. 6. Your Quessay must be accurate and in-depth. 7. Your Quessay may be written as a story, epic poem, play or narrative. (Songs are also acceptable.) 8. Creativity and originality on the part of the author (YOU) must be demonstrated by the use of humor, pathos, anger, fear, or other emotions. Due Date: Wednesday 10/23/13 The Quessay is worth 25 points Enzyme Quessay Rubric Length Grammar /typos Carbohydrate digestion Protein digestion Nucleic Acid digestion Lipid digestion Creativity Excellent! 1.5 to 3 pages 2pts 1 or fewer 2pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Present 1pt Ok… Less than 1.5 more than 3 1 pt 2 to 5 1pt Most information is present Really? None 0pt More than 5 0pt Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Absent 0pt Length Grammar /typos Carbohydrate digestion Protein digestion Nucleic Acid digestion Lipid digestion Creativity Excellent! 1.5 to 3 pages 2pts 1 or fewer 2pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Present 1pt Ok… Less than 1.5 more than 3 1 pt 2 to 5 1pt Most information is present Really? None 0pt More than 5 0pt Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Excellent! 1.5 to 3 pages 2pts 1 or fewer 2pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Enzymes, locations, and end products clearly identified 5pt Present 1pt Ok… Less than 1.5 more than 3 1 pt 2 to 5 1pt Most information is present None 0pt More than 5 0pt Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Most information is present Minimal information 0pt Absent 0pt Enzyme Quessay Rubric Length Grammar /typos Carbohydrate digestion Protein digestion Nucleic Acid digestion Lipid digestion Creativity Really? Absent 0pt