跨学科专业和跨学科学位 --从莫尔和莫奈谈起 杭州师范大学外语学院 钱兆明 MARIANNE MOORE(1887-1972) 玛丽安·莫尔 Blue Bug 青虫 upon seeing Dr. Raworth Williams’ Blue Bug with 7 other ponies, Sports Illustrated 体育图报, 13 Nov. 1961. MOORE, “BLUE BUG” In this camera shot, from that fine print in which you hide (eight-pony portrait from the side), you seem to recognize a recognizing eye, limber Bug. 照片里 你隐藏在左侧八匹 马球赛马中间 马识人心 人识马心 机灵的青虫 “BLUE BUG” bug brother to an Arthur Mitchell dragonfly, speeding to left, speeding to right; reversible, 如跳蜻蜓舞的 阿瑟·密歇尔 忽而往左 忽而往右 回身腾空 阿瑟·密歇尔在<仲夏夜之梦>中扮演小精灵帕克 MOORE, “BLUE BUG” Like “turns in an ancient Chinese melody, a thirteen twisted, silk-string three-finger solo.” 又如用三指 在十三根丝弦上 独奏出的中国古典乐曲 MOORE, “BLUE BUG” There they are, Yellow Riverscroll accuracies 那《黄河图》 长卷的精确 周洽 李含漠等 “BLUE BUG” (LAST STANZA) as in the acrobat Li Siau Than, gibbon-like but limberer, defying gravity, nether side arched up, cup on head not upset— China’s very most ingenious man 犹如杂技演员李小谭 比猴还机灵 无视地球引力 躬着腰 头顶的杯不倒 中国数他最灵巧 Polo 1st played in Persia, 5th c. BC Polo popular in Tang China, as seen in this painting unearthed from a Tang prince tomb MOORE, “TEDIUM & INTEGRITY,” 16 OCTOBER 1957 “单调与完美” “In China Six Canons of Painting were formulated, as has been said, about A.D. 500 by Hsieh Ho. Of these the first — basic to all—controlled the other five. The word ch’i—in Cantonese version pronounced hay, is almost like exhaling a breath, cognate in meaning to pneuma and the word spiritus.” “中国的绘画六法公元500年由谢赫提出.六法之首气韵生动 为本,制约其它五法. ‘气’字在广东话里发音‘哈’,如同呼一口 气,与‘元气’和精气同义”. The Tao of Painting by Mai-Mai Sz Bollingen Foundation, 1956 《绘画之道》作者施 美美, 原名施蕴 珍,民初外交家施肇 基之长女 ,琴棋书画 无一不通. 1957年7月17日美国 《新闻周刊》专题介 绍剧作家奥尼尔,封 面上的奥尼尔像为施 美美所绘. 莫尔1957年1月22日致巴雷特 “You cannot imagine my excitement in possessing this book. The exposition of subjects and the terminology in discussing ‘the Elements of a Picture’ in the Chinese text is pleasure enough for a lifetime. Now!—I need five copies of the Tao … I have been talking to my friend Bryer . . . about how the Tao makes study charming and I cannot rest till she has this treatise—of all my friends the one perhaps who deserves it most.” “您无法想象我拥有这部书的兴奋之情.书中的绘画 之道浅说以及译介绘画要素所用的术语让我一辈子 也享用不尽. 对了,我要订购五套绘画之道 …..” Sze The First Canon of painting, Ch’I Yun sheng tung, is a terse statement of the Idea that Ch’i (the Breath of Heaven, the spirit) stirs all of nature to life and sustains the eternal processes of movement and change; and if a work has Ch’i it inevitably reflects a vitality of Spirit that is the essence of life itself. 绘画第一法,”气韵生动“,高度概括 了气 (上天之气或 精气)激发生命 维持运动变化的观点。作品有气就 有活力,就有生命力。 Binyon We are probably nearer to its essence when we speak of the rhythmic movements of the body, as in games or in the dance. We all know, by experience, that in order to apply the energy of the body to the utmost effect, we must discover a certain related order of movements. 以打球或跳舞时身躯有节奏的 活动为例,较能说到点子上 。我们凭直觉就知道,要使 出最大的劲就得捉摸出合适 的运动节奏。 FRENCH IMPRESSIONIST PAINTER CLAUDE MONET (1840-1926) MOUTH OF THE SEINE WOMAN IN A GARDEN 赛纳河口 (1865) 花园里的女人 (1867) SIMON, PASADENA, CA HERMITAGE, ST PETERSBUR Size of this preview: 800 × 571 pixels. Other resolutions: 320 × 229 pixels | 640 × 457 pixels | 1,024 × 731 pixels. IMPRESSION, SUNRISE 印象~日出(1872) “忘掉你眼前是哪种物体,想到的只是一小方蓝 色、一小块长方形的红色、一丝黄色。” 《伦敦议会大厦》, from Savoy Hotel, Feb. 1902 Wilde, “A long wave of yellow light / Breaks silently on tower and hall.” HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, LONDON, MUSEE MARMOTTAN MONET 《伦敦议会大厦》,March 1903 HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, LONDON MUSEE MARMOTTAN MONET 《伦敦议会大厦》,漫天黄色由何而来?是幻觉还是真实的写照? 大气化学家 Brimblecombe气象学家 Thornes 合力解疑 HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, LONDON, 1904 MUSEE MARMOTTAN MONET 阳光几何学测试 HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, LONDON MUSEE MARMOTTAN MONET WATER- LILY POND(1916-1926) 人物/自然; 客观/主观 MONET’ SURROUNDED BY JAPANESE PRINTS “IMAGES OF A FLOATING WORLD ” 北斋,歌川“浮世绘画“ UNO on List of 20 Most Popular in the US 《美国新闻与世界报道》:美国学生最喜欢的20所高校 UNO Interdisciplinary studies since 2006 Interdisciplinary studies (IDS) is a unique degree program that incorporates courses of study from more than one discipline. Students in Interdisciplinary Studies are able to synthesize broad perspectives, knowledge, skills, interconnections, and epistemology in an educational setting. Berkeley, IDS since 2010 Curriculum Minimum of 120 applicable hours 39 Credit Hours of General Education (基础课) 45 hours taken at junior-senior level (3000-4999) with 36 credit hours in Integrative Learning Plan (综合学科)* 1 Credit Hour in Introductory Seminar (入门研讨) 1 Credit Hour in University Success (资格考试) 1 Credit Hour in IDS Capstone (论文选题) 33 Credit Hours in Supporting Prerequisite or Elective Course Work (必修课的辅助课 或选修课) General Education Requirements ENGLISH - (6) LITERATURE - (3) ONE COURSE MATHEMATICS - (6) TWO COURSES NATURAL SCIENCES - (9) HOURS CONSISTING OF SIX HOURS OF ONE SCIENCE (TWO LECTURES) AND THREE HOURS OF ANOTHER. ONE OF THE SCIENCES MUST BE BIOLOGY AND THE OTHER MUST BE CHEMISTRY, EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, OR PHYSICS. ARTS - (3) COURSEWORK SELECTED FROM FINE ARTS, MUSIC OR THEATRE. HUMANITIES - (6) HOURS TO INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF 3 HOURS AT THE SOPHOMORE LEVEL (2000) OR ABOVE. HUMANITIES INCLUDE ENGLISH, FILM, THEATRE AND COMMUNICATION ARTS, FOREIGN LANGUAGES, HISTORY, JOURNALISM, PHILOSOPHY AND WOMEN AND GENDER STUDIES. SOCIAL SCIENCES - (6) HOURS TO INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF 3 HOURS AT THE SOPHOMORE LEVEL (2000) OR ABOVE. SOCIAL SCIENCES INCLUDE ANTHROPOLOGY, ECONOMICS, GEOGRAPHY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, SOCIOLOGY AND URBAN STUDIES. Major Requirements IDS 1001 INTRODUCTORY SEMINAR - (1) THE IDS INTRODUCTORY SEMINAR IS REQUIRED OF ALL IDS STUDENTS WITHIN THE FIRST TWO SEMESTERS OF ENROLLMENT AT UNO. IN THIS COURSE STUDENTS WILL ENGAGE IN AN INTERACTIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCE EXPLORING THE PRINCIPLES OF INTEGRATIVE LEARNING IN THE INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES DEGREE PROGRAM. THIS COURSE WILL BE TAUGHT UTILIZING DISTANCE LEARNING. THIS COURSE IS GRADED PASS/FAIL. INTEGRATIVE LEARNING PLAN (ILP) - (36) INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAM CONTAINING A MINIMUM OF TWO SUBJECT AREAS CLEARLY REPRESENTING A CENTRAL THEME OR FOCUS FOR THE STUDENT. A MAXIMUM OF SIX COURSES (18 CREDIT HOURS) FROM ANY SINGLE SUBJECT IS ALLOWED. COURSES OFFERED BY THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS, THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION OR THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ARE CONSIDERED AS SINGULAR DISCIPLINES.** UNO IDS Thesis Titles: 1. The Connectivity of Filming and Psychology as It Reflects to My Life 2. Collision: Analyzing and Applying Sociology and Marketing 3. Health Care in the 21st Century Urban Environment 4. Business and Urban Society as an Integrated Path 5. From T. Rex to the Kitchen Table: Making Connections in Science & History 6. Opening New Markets through the Spanish Language