Unit 77 { Designing Tests for Computer Games Understands types of defects present within a game build Understand test phases and processes within a test programme Be able to design a test suite for use with a game build or module Be able to produce a bug report using a test suite GC Summary Defect Types – This is what the bugs can be classified as, for example documentation, pathing, asset checking Defect Triggers – What causes the bug? ODC, hardware setup, software setups etc Operating Regions – Areas of the game where bugs are encountered. Pre-game, in-game, post-game etc. 1: Types of Defects Test Phases – When is the game tested? Preparatory, alpha, inhouse beta, closed beta, open beta, gold testing. Processes – What happens during testing? Play testing, ad hoc testing, patch testing Life Cycle – What is the testing process? Plan and design, test, report, retest 2: Test Phases What to test – Breaking the game into sections. Events, settings, options, hardware configs, attributes and customisation Combinational testing – Some stuff here. Test Flow Diagrams – Flowcharts, game flows, software to use 3: Design Tests Test status – The result. Pass, fail, version numbers Supporting material – Evidence logs, sreenshots, memory dumps, debug files Written report – The actual report you would give to the programmers. Details on each bug, classifcation, reproduction method etc 4: Produce Bug Report