7 Consideration and adoption of annual report

Belmont Bowls Club, Clubhouse
Belmont Bowls Club Inc
Founded 1906
BBC Annual Report 2013/14
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Page 1
Table of Contents
Page 2
Board of management, Office Bearers and Life members
Page 3
Notice of AGM and Agenda
Page 4
Minutes of 2010/2011 AGM
Page 5 - 7
Report from Chairman, Wally Lake
Page 8 - 9
Report from Administration Director, Bob Dainton
Page 9 – 10
Report from Bowls Director, Peter Cornell
*Club Champions
Page 10 - 15
Page 16
Report from Membership & Sponsorship Director, Karen Hayes
Page 17
Report from Marketing and Communications Director, Terry Cullen
Page 17 – 19
*Bowls Champions
Page 19
Report from Facilities Director, Cam Cuthbertson
Page 20 - 21
Report from Finance Director, John Shanahan
Page 21 - 22
*2013/2014 Premiership Teams
Page 23
Financial statements and Auditors Report
Page 24 - 39
Acknowledgement of Sponsors
Page 40
Your Notes
Page 41
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Belmont Bowls Club Inc
Board of Management
Ladies Assistant Director:
Wally Lake
Ros Baylis
Director of Administration:
Mens Assistant Director:
Bob Dainton
Robert Agg
Director of Finance:
Bowls Secretary:
John Shanahan
Jandi Slattery
Director of Bowls:
Bowls Treasurer:
Peter Cornell
Alwyn Trigg
Director of Membership & Volunteers:
Bar Manager:
Karen Hayes
Andrew Walker
Director of Marketing & Communication:
Club Treasurer:
Terry Cullen
John Wilson
Director of Facilities:
Social Committee:
Cam Cuthbertson
Barry Hirst
Indoor Bowls:
Winston Burville
Bob Simpson
Coral Trickey, Alan Rogers,
Len Carr, Bruce Davies, Ron Ryder,
Ken Wilson, Allan Henderson, Fran Davis,
Warwick Plunkett
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Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Belmont Bowls Club Inc is to be held
in the Clubrooms, Reynolds Road Belmont on Friday 2 May 2014, commencing at 7.30pm
Bob Dainton
Director of Administration
Reading of notice convening the meeting and confirmation of sufficient number of Members
Apologies & recognition of Life Members present
A minute silence to remember deceased Members
4 Reading and confirmation of minutes of 2012/2013 Annual General Meeting
5 Chairpersons review of the Club’s year
6 Presentation and adoption of balance sheet, statement of accounts and Auditors Report
7 Consideration and adoption of annual report
8 Approve the amount of annual subscriptions and fees
9 Consider any proposed amendments to the Constitution
10 Consider any recommendations for Life Membership
11 Declaration of results of ballot for office bearers and the Board
12 Installation of Office Bearers for 2014/2015
13 Appointment of auditors
14 Appointment of Club Coaches
15 Any other suggestions for the incoming Board.
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Minutes of 2012/2013 Annual General Meeting held on Friday 3 May 2013
The meeting opened at 7.30pm
Bob Dainton, Director of Administration read the notice convening the meeting informing members that everything had
been done in accordance with the Club’s constitution and that a quorum was present therefore the meeting was legally
Apologies were called for from the floor, three additional apologies were received J.Slattery, G Clyne and H.Lucas that
needed to be added to the written list of 18.
Chairperson Wally Lake gave a warm welcome to all Members attending, particularly the life Members present, they were,
Fran Davis, Allan Henderson, Len Carr and Alan Rogers
Chairperson Wally asked the Members to stand for a minutes silence in respect for and to remember Members who
passed away during season 2012/2013 and offer Condolences to their families.
Confirmation of minutes of 2011/2012 Annual General Meeting. No amendments required.
Moved: A.Rogers Seconded David Ross that the minutes be confirmed. Carried.
Consideration and Adoption of Annual Report and Chairperson’s review.
Chairperson Wally thanked Directors for their support during the year Directors with their expertise, knowledge and
commonsense approach assisted the Chairperson and was work a pleasure to work with.
Special thanks to John and Marlene Wilson for compiling the Annual Report and Barry Plant Real Estate-South Barwon
for printing the report
Commended the work undertaken by all volunteers, with special thanks to Jamie Wray and all the greens and
surrounds support staff for making our greens and facilities the envy of other clubs. Our greens were given an "A''
rating by the GBR greens committee. Our volunteers are also the envy of all other clubs, that he very pleased at the
number of volunteers in the club, who with great enthusiasm, day in and day out; contribute to the smooth running
of our great club. (This was ably demonstrated by the making of Salad rolls for the Baseball effort under the direction
of Robin and Karen Hayes)
Arthur Groves has relinquished his position as Bar Manager after many years; we thank him very much for his great
effort throughout his tenure. Also thanked retiring Managers Os Nelson and Phil Meulblok for their great work as
Social Club President and Membership Secretary Respectively.Well done.
The year has been a great one for the club on the greens, with 2 midweek and 7(of 8) Saturday pennant teams in the
finals. Congratulations to Division 11 Blue on winning their grand final.
On that note Wally congratulated all pennant teams for their tremendous effort throughout the year and the sportsmanship
Congratulations to all our club champions and award winners, and it was heartening to see so many more players entering
these club events.
There have been many improvements throughout the year, some of which are:
Upgrade of Ladies and Men’s washrooms.
Refurbishment of Kitchen and Bar.
Concrete path on south side of “D” green.
Shade cloth on north and south side of “A”green.
Shade cloth 0n north and south side 0f”D’’ green
New Aluminium Seating for B,C and D greens.
The Club is pleased to be hosting both the Australian Masters Games and Australian Over 60’s Sides Championship
in October this year.
A full review is contained in the Annual Report
Moved: J.Shanahan Seconded D.Elford that the Annual report and Chairman’s report is adopted
Presentation and adoption of Balance Sheet, Statement of Accounts and Auditors Report
John Shanahan presented his report of financial accounts after due processes and conforming to Consumer Affairs
John stated it was his pleasant duty to report that the club is in a very strong financial position and continues to trade
Total Members Equity is now $3.1m with Liabilities $104K and in excess of $157K held in cash reserves .Council
revaluation has increased our property asset position by $1.2M.
The club has been able to carry out and complete a number of projects and improvements this year with grants from
the Department of Veteran Affairs and City of Greater Geelong and the use of club funds in excess of $32K.
These results have been achieved by the ongoing support of our members and hardworking respective groups within
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the club.
Sponsorship $27K-A very good result and includes $5K from Buckleys $15,000 over 3 years deal.Thanks to Karen Hayes
and her team.
Bar $100K-A record result and Arthur and his bar staff can be justly proud. Arthur is stepping down as Bar Manager after
nearly ten years and during his reign the bar has contributed in excess of $750K.
Social Committee $35K-Another record congratulations to Os and his group a special mention to the Friday night teams
and members support to all our social events.
Catering $44K-A tremendous effort by all members who have helped in this area especially the baseball project.
Bowls $45 K-A great result with members and event organisers thanked for their support of all bowls events.
There are a number of areas within the club that make a significant contribution to the club’s financial position
viz.Indoor Bowlers ,Card Ladies ,Volunteers and all members who support and participate in the club activities.
John gave his final vote to our hardworking diligent treasurer John Wilson .John has informed the Board that he is
stepping down and this will be his last year.
In presenting this report John Shanahan called for any questions from members on Financials. There were none.
Moved: John Shanahan that the Balance Sheet, Statements of Accounts and Auditors Report be accepted.
Seconded Os Nelson
Consideration of Annual Subscriptions and Fees
The Board of Management recommended the following subscriptions and fee structures apply for the 2013-2014 season
Over the past few years the club has attempted to contain subscriptions and absorb the affiliation fees however
these now need to bring these into line. As a result it is recommended that Full Membership be increased by $5. 00 and
mat fees increased $2.00 Suggested subscriptions and fees for 2013/14 are:
Full Club membership
Provisional Membership
Student Membership (Over 18 years)
Student Membership (Under 18 Years)
Indoor Membership
Social Membership
Green and Other fees;
$5, 00
Moved: John Shanahan that the above mentioned fees for Season 2013/2014 be adopted by the Members
Seconded Pearl Mills Carried.
Consider some changes to the Constitution
Three resolutions which have been displayed on the Club’s notice board for at least 21 days before AGM in terms
of the constitution.
The first resolution was to consider amendments required under new Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012
to amend the Club’s constitution to meet expanded new requirements under schedule one of the ACT-the proposer
Bob Dainton outlined the requirements, the resolution was seconded by John Shanahan.The proposed resolution was
passed by members in terms of the Constitution.
The second resolution was to consider a proposal to amend the approval and election of new members process,
the proposer Daryl Stephens outlined the change, the resolution was seconded by Terry Cullen.The proposed resolution
was carried in terms of the requirements under the constitution.
The third resolution was to recommend changes to signing authorities for banking transactions, John Shanahan
proposed the change and outlined new procedure, the motion was seconded by Bob Dainton.
The resolution was carried and approved in terms of constitution.
Certified copies of full resolutions will be forwarded to Consumer affairs.
Once amendments have been approved in terms of the Association Incorporation Reform Act 2012 legal requirements,
the Clubs constitution will be amended
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Declaration of results of ballot for office bearers and the Board,
Certified as a true and accurate record of nominations received by 6pm Friday the 12 th April 2013.
Returning Officer 0s Nelson
Administration director
Finance Director
Facilities Director
Membership & Volunteers Director
Marketing &Communication Director
Bowls Director
President (Ladies) Bowls Section
President (men’s) Bowls Section
Secretary Bowls Section
Treasurer Bowls Section
Tournament Manager (Ladies
Tournament Manager (Men)
Social Committee President
Club Treasurer
Wally Lake
Bob Dainton
John Shanahan
Cam Cuthbertson
Karen Hayes
Terry Cullen
Peter Cornell
Ros Baylis
Robert Agg
Jandi Slattery
Henry Trusiak
Ian Raeburn
Barry Hirst
John Wilson
Wally Lake as duly re-elected Chairperson installed other Directors,
At the close of nominations for committee positions on 12th April 2013, no Member had nominated for the
position Tournament Manager (ladies) Nominations were requested from the floor but no one was nominated.
Men’s Selection Committee
Elected for a period of two years Richard Hannabury, Denis Delaney, Syd Harbour
Elected for a period of one year...... Graham Jeffery
One vacancy to be filled.-nominations closed 9/2/2013
No voting required therefore certified correct by Os Nelson returning officer.
Ladies Selection Committee
* Elected for a period of two years.........Helen Brennan Judy Squires-certified correct from secret ballot.
Elected for a period of one year......... Lyn Raeburn, Ces Gunn and Pam Rhodes
Chairperson installed all other committee members.
Appointment of Auditors
John Shanahan addressed the meeting and stated the current auditors Scott Accounting have delivered another
excellent report and could see no reason to change Auditors and therefore moved Scott Accounting be appointed
once again.
Moved: John Shanahan
Seconded John Wilson
Appointment of Club Coaches
Moved Peter Cornell and Seconded Bob Dainton that:
Darryl Stephens, Peter Cornell, Diane Aitken and Ann Fitzgerald are appointed Club Coaches.
Chairman the opened the meeting for any questions or suggestions for the incoming Board.
No-one had any questions or suggestions.
Chairman thanked members for attending the AGM and closed the meeting at 9.40 PM
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Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the 2013 – 2014 Annual general meeting and a
special welcome to our life members present. Len Carr, Bruce Davies, Fran Davis, Alan Henderson,
Warwick Plunkett, Alan Rogers, Ron Ryder, Coral Trickey and Ken Wilson,
This year we have lost a few of our very well respected members and relatives of members and I would like
to offer our Condolences to all their families and extended families.
I would ask you all to please stand for a minutes silence as a mark of respect.
Thank you.
As this is my last report as chairman, I would like to thank my fellow board members, Peter Cornell,
Bowls Director, Cam Cuthbert son, Facilities Director, Terry Cullen, Marketing Director, Robert Dainton,
Administration Director, Karen Hayes, Membership & Sponsorship Director and John Shanahan,
Finance Director.
Their knowledge, support and enthusiasm over the last three years has been tremendous and has
been of great assistance to me.
It has been an honour and privilege to be part of their team.
Also a special thanks to John and Marlene Wilson for arranging and compiling the Annual Report and
Barry Plant, Real Estate, South Barwon for the printing of the report.
I would like to say a special thank you to everyone who has taken up a position of responsibility within the
club, we need eager and committed people to take up these positions, for without you the club could
not continue.
Again, our volunteers, what can I say, the time and effort you commit to the club is immeasurable and
I am constantly amazed that so many of you are prepared to offer your time and expertise to ensure that
our club continues to function so well.
The position our club is in, both financially and ascetically is a testament to the hard work of our
volunteers and I thank you sincerely for your efforts.
Thank you also to our greenkeeper, Jamie, and all his helpers, the number of finals we have had this year,
and the remarks from all competing players shows that our greens are regarded as the best in the region.
The year has been a great one for the club on the green ,with 6 Saturday pennant teams in the finals and
a fantastic result with 3 teams in the grand final, div 7 blue, div9 and div 10 gold all coming home with a
Commiseration to the Midweek players who tried extremely hard but unfortunately were not as successful.
On that note I would also like to congratulate all our pennant teams for their tremendous effort
throughout the year and for the excellent sportsmanship shown by all.
Congratulations also to all our club champions and award winners, very well done, and it is heartening to
see so many more new players entering these club events.
There have been many highlights throughout my 3 years as chairperson, some of which are: Upgrade of Ladies and Men’s washrooms
 Refurbishment of Kitchen and Bar.
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Concrete path on south side of “D” green.
Shade cloth on both “A” and “D’ green.
New Aluminium Seating for B, C and D greens.
New reverse cycle air conditioning system
Hosting of the Australian Masters Games in Oct 2013.
Hosting of the Australian Over 60’s Sides Championships in Oct 2013
New B.B.Q. area
And also the naming of “D” green in honour of Margaret Webb
In closing I believe the Board has worked extremely hard to ensure the club is in a better position than
when we started and I would like to again say it has been an honour and a privilege to work with such a
committed team.
I wish the incoming team and the club all the very best for the coming season.
I’m sure it will be in great hands.
Thank You
Wally Lake
Chairman, Board of Management
In providing this report which is my second as Administration Director it has again has been a very
interesting and challenging year.
A lot of my time was involved in keeping the Club abreast of legislative changes especially involving
changes to the Incorporations Law and the Equal Opportunity Act.
The club’s constitution changes approved by resolutions at the last general meeting were approved by
Consumer Affairs and the club’s constitution complies with the Incorporations law for a Non-Profit
club in terms of the Act.
The work of the club’s volunteers continues to be outstanding, the amount of volunteer work undertaken
is envied by other bowling clubs in the district. However, there are still members who do not participate in
volunteering their services but benefit from beautiful greens to bowl on, lovely surrounds and from the
excellent bar and catering facilities As a club we always need volunteers to replace those who have carried
the load over many years and now at an older age or suffer from health problems to continue to contribute.
I would like to thank Chairman Wally and other Directors for their support during the year and for meeting
deadlines for reports and meetings.
All Directors provide willing assistance to one another and provide sound advice and guidance when
I would to thank the Greenkeeper and the Greens Director/staff for keeping the greens in such excellent
condition. Visitors to the club always compliment the club on the state of the greens.
A special thanks to Andrew Walker for taking on the Bar Manager’s role and for the contribution of his
bar staff, another great result. Thank you ladies and gents for your hard work it is appreciated.
Congratulations, to Division Blue 7, Division 9 and Division Gold 10 teams on winning flags and to the other
teams that participated in the Saturday pennant finals. Whilst the Tuesday pennant did not enjoy that same
success there are a number of promising lady bowlers coming through and will benefit from the experience
gained this year and makes the future look bright.
I would like to congratulate all club champions and runner ups.
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The catering ladies under the leadership of Karen Hayes were excellent as usual. Peter Baylis and his team
members did an excellent job in keeping the clubhouse very presentable at all times. Stan Paley and
his team, Lyn Raeburn in cleaning the amenities did a great job and their work is appreciated
Congratulations to John Shanahan and his team for keeping the surrounds looking fantastic.
A special thank you to Max Davies and his team for catering for the Oscars and for Stephen Davies for
running the Oscars program. A very successful year again.
Thank you to selectors for carrying out their roles often under difficult circumstances, it is not an easy
job but needs to be done and the Club appreciates your time and effort.
To those members not seeking re-election on the Board of Management and other Club committees a
big thank you for your contribution.
A special thank you to Wally Lake as Chairperson of the Board for the past 3 years who is not seeking
re-election, Wally can be very proud of the improvements achieved during his term Very well done Wally,
it was as a pleasure to be part of your team.
Lastly but not least, thanks to Os Nelson for acting as Returning Officer for Elections and to John and
Marlene for producing the Annual Report which was printed and collated by Barry Plant at Highton
without cost to the Club.
Bob Dainton
Administration Director
This past season has been a mix of successes, some not quite successful times, and above all busy
for everyone. We have seen our Saturday Pennant teams contest 7 out of a possible 9 finals, with a
resultant 3 Premierships.
Unfortunately the Midweek Pennant teams were not as successful, but they are to be congratulated for
their endeavour against teams that were sometimes stacked with higher level players.
The highlight of the year was undoubtedly the National Over 60’s Sides Championship held during
October 2013. The revenue from this event was tremendous, and was due to Andrew and his helpers in
the bar, and Karen and her helpers in the kitchen, while great praise was heaped on Jamie and his greens
assistants for the way in which they presented the greens daily. This was despite a week of continuous rain.
Unfortunately, the Masters Games held 2 weeks earlier wasn’t as well supported as expected, particularly
by locals (Belmont members were an exception). These events not only gave our club a tremendous boost in
prestige with Bowls Victoria and Bowls Australia, but gave club members experience, and confidence
that we can continue to invite major events to our great club. All club members are to be thanked for
their assistance and understanding during these times.
There have been some concerns during the year regarding conditions of play for club events. This is
currently being reviewed, and for next season a definitive guide will be established for all club events.
This will be available for all event managers and members, in the office. The review is being conducted
with input from all appropriate club members.
Details of club events are contained in the following reports, so it only remains for me to say a big
thank you to all the Bowls Section committee members, event managers, and Jamie and all volunteers
for their help and support during the season.
Next season we will have many new bowlers, please welcome them to our friendly club.
The 2013-14 season has been another busy one for the club kitchen. And our reputation of excellence
has been upheld due to the efforts of our fantastic volunteer members.
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Particular mention must be made of the great effort put in by so many people over the week-long National
Over 60’s event. This was a major undertaking for us all, and the overwhelming offers of help were an
indication of the great spirit at this club.
This year we had four catering teams, nine counter tea teams, and eleven sandwich teams, with many
people serving on all three. An increasing number of men are also assisting each week and we thank
them for their valuable input.
The revenue that is generated from our kitchen is enormously important to the club. Space does not allow
the individual naming of everyone who has contributed to this financial success, but to all the
sandwich makers, cleaners, dishwashers, BBQ’ers, buyers, tea makers, waitresses, flower lady,
table setters, “milkies”, apron and tea towel washers, table movers, and to all those great cooks of the
club who donate salads and cakes etc. and who work in the kitchen whenever needed ….–
I say a huge THANK YOU!
The kitchen always works hand-in-hand with the bar staff and I thank Andrew and his team for their
ever-reliable co-operation.
Finally, and most importantly, I thank my wonderful catering committee of Lyn Barlow, Pat Graham,
Jackie Hayes, Margaret Fitzpatrick and Pat Gane. I greatly appreciate your time, expertise and tireless
efforts always so willingly given to the club.
Karen Hayes Catering Manager
This year’s OSCARS program was again a huge success with 28 teams, 112 players from the community
being involved.
Participants welcomed the extension to 10 weeks and have endorsed a possible 12 weeks next year.
The program continues to achieve its main goals of promoting the game of bowls, the qualities of our
club and attracting new members. It is also estimated that this year the OSCARS contributed around
$10,000 into the club. Many thanks must go to Max Davies and his team in the kitchen and to the bar
volunteers who all gave up their time to look after our guests.
Steve Davies OSCARS Manager
Over 120 bowlers competed in Saturday pennant and the Club should be well satisfied with a very
successful season for some time eventuating. Unfortunately we still had excess number of available
players for the teams we had entered and this proved a difficulty accommodating everyone a game
each week.
Congratulations to our Selectors, Dennis Delaney, Graham Jeffrey, Syd Harbour, Gavin Williamson and
Stuart Scott.
At the start of the season the selectors outlined what they were hoping to achieve and should be well
pleased with 7 out of 9 teams playing in finals, 3 of those playing in Grand Finals and winning all 3 of
the Grand Finals, a fantastic result. Next season divisions 1gold will be relegated to Division 2,
Division 7 blue will be promoted to Division 6, Division 9 promoted to Division 8, and
Division 10 gold to Division 9.
Congratulation to our 3 premiership teams who played extremely well what were very tight games and
all players held their nerves to bring home their well deserved premierships.
We also gained quite a number of new members prior to the beginning of the season and this added to the
strength of all grades and was shown in performances.
Mid-week social bowls (Max Fry Aggregate) again proved very popular with most Wednesday’s
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attracting inexcess of 60 bowlers. Congratulations and thank you to Wally Lake who again ran a
very successful tournament.
Friday morning mixed social bowls also proved popular with around 25 bowlers participating each week.
Thank you to Bob and Thelma Dainton who ran this event.
Thursday Monthly Triples was well supported each month with around 40 teams from around the region
Well done to Robin Hayes and David Ross who organised this event, along with the superb conditions of
our Greens.
The manner in which the tournament was run was the reason for its popularity with those who played.
Ian Raeburn is to be thanked for his co-ordination all of the Club Championship events. All events were
completed on a timely basis as a result of the diligence and persistence from Ian.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Again this season the Laurie Budde classic was conducted by Steve Davies and was well supported by
28 teams an increase on last season’s event. Thank you to Steve and the many volunteers who helped
make this day a huge success for the Club.
It would be remiss not to acknowledge the hard work of Graeme Clyne, Ron Stephens, Doug Elford and
Arthur Groves who supported Jamie Wray in producing the equal if not better than any playing surface
in the region. Thank you and congratulations for another year of fantastic greens.
Our club hosted two very significant events, the Masters Games, and the Over 60’s Sides Championships.
The co-ordination work by Peter Cornell and his liaising with Bowls Victoria and the Masters Games
Organisers to enable us to host these events along with the many hours he put in to make it all happen.
Congratulations to Peter as this showcased our club far and wide which included many bowlers
from interstate.
The catering staff led by Karen Hayes certainly put the icing on the cake for all the visiting bowlers
who no doubt
enjoyed first class meals whether it be the Masters Games, Over 60’s Sides Championships, the
Western Districts day or the Laurie Budde Classic. Thank you all for a fantastic effort.
Well done to all bowlers whose contribution to the Club produced a very successful 2013- 2014
season. We should be confident that the Club can grow again next season and emulate or exceed t
his year’s results.
Rob Agg , Mens President
This year has been incredibly busy due to the Masters Games and the Over 60’s State teams. Our catering
committee have done a great job, well done Karen and team.
We had 50 ladies playing midweek pennant, success was varied, but unfortunately no pennant flags.
Well done to our selectors – Lyn Raeburn, Cec Gunn, Pam Rhodes, Helen Brennan, Judy Squires and
Jandi Slattery.
This year we have gained quite a few new ladies and they are very keen, and have already had an input by
volunteering their services in many ways.
Our monthly triples have increased in popularity, thanks to the hard work of Bev Thomas and her helpers.
We have had a very successful Open Day and Ladies Classic Fours, which both require a lot of planning and
hard work. A big thank you to Ann Fitzgerald, the tournament manager, and her team. Also thanks to Karen
and her catering committee, and the ladies who run the stalls and raffles.
Thanks also to match committee of Thelma Dainton, Pat Knowles, and Ann Fitzgerald for getting the
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club matches organised and completed on time.
Congratulations and thanks to Jamie Wray, Graeme Clyne and helpers who continue to provide us with four
Fantastic greens.
Lastly, thank you all for your help and support during the year.
Ros Baylis . Ladies President.
This has been a difficult year for Indoor Bowls in Geelong, as the G&DIBBA moved to wind up in
April 2013. Pennant was abolished due to lack of support, and we had few volunteers to take on
roles within the Indoor bowls section.
Special thanks must go to Alex Ceff for selecting teams, putting out mats and bowls each week.
More help is needed for Alex.
We have again been supported by bowlers from Torquay, who have brought fun, competition and revenue.
We are grateful for their company.
The indoor bowls section has been able to submit in excess of $4400 to the club this season.
Due to other commitments, I will be unable to continue as Treasurer this coming season, but after
discussions the handling of money and accounting will be handled by the Bowls section treasurer.
Office - bearers for 2013/14.
President - Winston Burville
Game fees – Judith Bracewell
Secretary – Harry Lucas
Social Organiser – Alex Ceff
Judith Bracewell – Secretary Indoor Bowls
First of all, I would like to say thank you to Pam Rhodes, Cec Gunn, Helen Brennan and Jandi Slattery for
their combined efforts throughout the season.
This Pennant season has been disrupted on a number of occasions due to inclement weather and also other
major events taking precedence.
Unfortunately we did not have any divisions playing in finals.
The winning rink this season with 9 wins and a draw was Division 3 (Blue) Judy Squires, Thelma Dainton,
Lyn Raeburn and Jackie Hayes (skip). Well done.
To all midweek players, thank you for your commitment, especially the Side Captains who do the extra
work on behalf of the teams. We appreciated the men who filled positions in the lower divisions
when required.
Thank you to Peter Cornell for coaching, Ean Douglas and Ted Giles for umpiring, and the men who
work in the kitchen every Pennant day.
Our appreciation is extended to Jamie and his team of volunteers who work tirelessly to keep the greens in
excellent condition.
We can look forward to a fulfilling season ahead, and we will continue to support and encourage our
new bowlers.
Lyn Raeburn – Chairperson
Thank you first and foremost to my fellow selectors Graham Jeffrey, Gavin Williamson, Stewart Scott
and Syd Harbour for their support and understanding in what turned out to be a very testing, and at
times a difficult period. Following up from last year where 7/8 sides played finals, with three promotions
to higher divisions and one demotion, we continued to try and get things right in 2013/2014.
This year we achieved 6/9 sides playing finals, 3 Premierships, which means 3 promotions to higher
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Unfortunately there was one demotion to Division 2, but the club would have on a whole been happy
about the results.
Four Premierships in two years is a fair effort, I think, and we haven’t seen this much silverware for the
past decade at Belmont. With added pressure to add another team next year, I feel that it is time for
the club to seriously consider a Captain/Coach type of player to take the Bowling club side of things to
a higher standard of achievement and accountability in both Midweek and Saturday Pennant.
Finally, thanks to all Pennant players for the season that was, and I sincerely thank you all.
May you enjoy a successful break over the winter, and have fun doing what you do, and take special
care of family and friends.
Dennis Delaney – Chairman.
Thank you to all the participants for entering the various club events, and their co-operation in the
timely completion of their rounds.
Special thanks to Andrew Walker for his guidance regarding conditions of play for these events, and
to those who helped out in any way. Most particularly to Wally Lake for organising, and running the
Ken Rea Mixed Pairs event.
The conditions of play for the Presidents 100 up Handicap should be conducted in line with the Ladies
event next year.
Major Special events and Managers
Monthly Triples and Western District Day – Robin Hayes and David Ross
Holiday Carnival – Bruce Hoskin
Barry Plant Challenge Day – Andrew Walker
Laurie Budde Classic – Stephen Davies
The continued success of each of these events is a testament to the dedication of each of you in
ensuring the smooth running of these events, with the assistance of your teams. Not only are they
important to the club finances, but they convey a positive image to visiting participants.
On behalf of the club – thank you.
Results of the Club Events – Men.
Club Singles Champion - S. Carbines : Runner Up - R. Clement
Club Pairs Champions – A. Walker/G. Williamson : Runners Up – R. Hayes/R. Stephens
Club Triples Champions – A. Walker/B. Bottrell/W. Freeman :
Runners Up – I. Raeburn/A. Fawthrop/A. Cockson
Minor Singles - N. Tanis : Runner Up - P. Cornell
Arthur Williams Hcp – S. Davies : Runner Up - D. Ferguson
Ken Rea Mixed Pairs – R. Clement/J. Hayes : Runners Up – G. Clyne/J. Slattery
Men’s 2 bowl Pairs – A. Henderson/S. Davies : Runners Up – R. Fitzgerald/A. Walker
Presidents Handicap - D. Abrahamsen : Runner Up : R. Clement
Veterans Champion - S. Paley : Runner Up: L. Burns
Ian Raeburn Men’s Tournament Manager
Ladies Singles Champion : Annette Phayre : Runner Up Helen Perry
Ladies Pairs Champions : Jackie Hayes/Judy Squires : Runners Up : Bev Thomas/Gwen Davies
Ladies 100 up Champion : Thelma Dainton : Runner Up- Ann Fitzgerald
Ladies President’s Handicap : Thelma Dainton : Runner Up – Lyn Barlow
Ladies Veterans Champion - Ann Fitzgerald : Runner Up – Ros Baylis
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Ladies Minor Singles Champion - Chris. Wilkins : Runner Up – Jenny Agg
At times it has been difficult to fit the matches advertised in the syllabus, due to the variety of
weather conditions and the number of other tournaments being held.
AS this is the first season there has been a separate Match Committee, we would recommend that it
be continued, and that a committee of three appears to be needed.
Ann Fitzgerald Chairperson
If success this year can be judged by the camaraderie between club members and members from
visiting clubs, Belmont certainly shines. It is largely due to the many hours volunteered by so many,
to ensure that tournaments run smoothly. Even when there are difficulties, Plan B inevitably produces
good results.
Over the year, the Ladies Tournament Committee organised the –
 Ladies Open Day
 Louise King Ladies Random Triples
 Ann and Norm Atkins Memorial Mixed Fours
 Melbourne Cup Day
 Ladies Open Day Fours
 Ladies Classic Fours
 Al McHarry Memorial Mixed Random Triples
Unfortunately the Ladies Classic Fours, listed as being on Sunday November 24th. had to be deferred to
Thursday March 20th. 2014. The alternative date resulted in more expense and fewer teams attending –
just 22 teams including combination teams, whereas 2012 there were 26 teams. The event was too close
to the Midweek Pennant Grand Finals. It is to be hoped that for this season, our date can be scheduled for
November again. Similarly, the Al McHarry Day was deferred from Jan 31st. to Sat. March 20th
and was trialled as a random mixed triples (in agreement with the sponsor). It was held as a replacement
for the previously listed Mini Bins Day.
This has been a success, with 60 players.
In addition, the Committee has cooperatively worked with the Men’s tournament personnel, with the :
Opening Day Fours
107th. Anniversary Mixed Fours
Club Memorial Day assembled mixed fours.
As Chairperson, I will conclude by expressing my sincere appreciation and gratitude to each of the
Tournament Committee members, namely Gwen Davies, Fay Iddles and Val Douglas and to all those
members who have assisted us and enhanced our tournament days.
Ann Fitzgerald Chairperson
Peter Cornell-Bowls Director
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The greatest asset Belmont Bowls Club has, is its members.
Belmont Bowls Club’s membership base has continued to grow again this season.
We have picked up several new members which is a very healthy sign for the future of our club.
Sadly we have seen the passing of some much loved and respected members.
James Crockhart
Sharon Cuthbertson
Tom Underwood
Doreen Nankervis
Lindsay Harrison
Max Foran
John Baird
These friends will be missed by the club and will be fondly remembered. This year we introduced the inaugural
Club Memorial Day – a day set aside to remember those members who are no longer with us but who have all
helped to make the club what it is today.
This year I have had the pleasure of working with our new Membership Secretary Bob Simpson who has done a
terrific job processing applications, collecting subscriptions and keeping records up to date. Also under the
membership umbrella is the members’ welfare which is handled by Pat Graham. Pat is also responsible for hall
bookings and she does a great job in these two areas. I thank Bob and Pat for their contribution and hard work.
Finally, I take this opportunity to thank all the members who work so hard for the club.
The greens and surrounds are excellent, the busy kitchen is enormously productive, the clubhouse is always
spotless, and the bar is a great meeting place of ideas and fun.
A special thanks to all those who willingly put up their hand to help with the running of the National Over 60’s
Championships. It was a great effort by everyone.
Once again we have had very generous support from our 34 sponsors. This support resulted in another record
sponsorship total of almost $22,000 in cash and kind. This assistance should not be underestimated by us all,
as without this financial contribution to the club our annual subscriptions would be considerably higher.
PLEASE acknowledge our sponsors whenever possible and thank them for their generosity. It may help to retain
their sponsorship for next year and it certainly makes our job easier.
After several years on this committee Pearl Mills and Marg Elford have decided to resign their positions.
I thank them on behalf of all members. They have done a great job. In their place Jenny Agg and
Peter Cummins have agreed to join Ron Thomas and myself and we hope to build on the success of past years.
Karen Hayes
Membership and Sponsorship Director
Another very successful year for the Belmont Bowls Club. Our profile and recognition of the marvellous
facilities we enjoy is acknowledged not only within our Bowls region but across Eastern Australia.
Visiting Bowlers and Officials who have played in the major tournaments held here this past season ,
have given glowing praise.
The Corporate / Barefoot Bowls activity continues to go from strength to strength. We entertain diverse groups
comprising Local Government ,Charitable , Service and private party organisations. We are limited to the number
of bookings we can accept however, due to the Club’s full agenda of activities.
“Oscars” Barefoot Bowls Competition during the season. Appreciation also to those members who assist with
these programmes including the catering team.
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Our Club Newsletter produced courtesy of Editor Robert Agg is also a great forum for news within the Club.
Pleasing that the Geelong Advertiser continues to publish our weekly “forthcoming events” and” results”
without any hiccups this year.
Ladies’ Cards are played each Tuesday morning and enjoyed by a staunch group ,who extend an open invitation
to any interested persons.
The Club Website continues to attract record numbers, most gratifying .
Finally many thanks and appreciation on behalf of fellow Board Members to all , particularly our
Green Keeper and Club Volunteers- well done!
Terry Cullen
Marketing Director.
The club’s website has been going for five years and we again have an increase in unique visitors to the site,
in effect more than 14,000 this season, April 2013 till end of March 2014.
The main menu has Ladies and Men’s sections amongst Club information, which could attract new bowlers etc.
In contrast to some other bowls club website, who only let their own members in, anyone who wishes, can come
and have a look, what we are offering.
Both Ladies and Men’s Pennant teams and results are displayed, with the help of members of the selection
If anyone has new information or photos, they would like to have displayed on the website, feel free to hit
the mailbox with your ideas.
The website address is: www.belmontbowlsclub.com
Phil Meulblok..Website Webmaster.
It is with great satisfaction on behalf of a hard working committee, that I present the Social Club Committee
report for 2013-14.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank the Catering teams under Karen Hayes for the wonderful job they
have done in preparing delicious meals which have resulted in increased revenue to more than $33,000.
Thanks to Oz Nelson & Judy Squires Pennant raffle roster girls for raising increased revenue to $3,511 over the
Pennant season.
Ron Thomas and Helen Perry for Trivia nights, raffles and BBQ’s associated with the Over 60’s Tournament.
I would like also, to thank all members of the committee for donating prizes for various functions for prizes or
raffles and have helped out in the kitchen, sold raffle tickets, setup for all functions.
Total raffles have resulted in Income of more than $9,000.
Christmas in July
Opening Night – August –Speaker Bob Merriman
Melbourne Cup Eve – Dinner
Christmas party
Ron Iddles night
Laurie Budde raffle
Bus Trip to Echuca - thanks to Bruce & Dianne Hoskin
Various trivia nights
I would like to thank Bruce Hoskin for his comprehensive Treasurer’s Report and Dianne Hoskin for her
accurate and comprehensive minutes of meetings and other duties. They both provide an invaluable service
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to the Social Club In conclusion, the Social Club is proud to have increased its net profit and increased
transfers to the Belmont Bowls Club.
Barry Hirst – Chairman
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The 2013 – 2014 Bowls year at the Belmont Bowls Club has been a busy and a successful one for the Club.
As in previous years there were many members prepared to volunteer their time to ensure the greens;
surrounds and clubhouse were maintained at high standard.
The Club was host to many visitors from all parts of Australia during October. These visitors were most impressed
with the standard of the Club’s facilities.High praise was expressed for the excellent greens, the pleasant and
well-maintained surrounds and the Clubhouse facilities.
We are fortunate at Belmont to have such a willing team of volunteers who are prepared to give their time
maintaining our facilities.
The Board of Management is most appreciative of the volunteers for the work they do and thanks them for their
The greens this season had a lot of traffic early in the season, especially in October, when the Club hosted the
Australian Masters and the National Titles - Over 60 Championship.
These Tournaments put extra pressure on the maintenance of the greens and we thank Jamie Wray for his
dedication ensuring the greens did not deteriorate during these tournaments.
The unpredictable weather patterns this summer made the management of the greens very difficult.
A considerable amount of hand watering was needed to ensure the greens survived the dry period.
The Board of Management, on behalf of the members expresses its thanks to Jamie for his dedication in
providing the members with greens that are a pleasure to play on.
Jamie has a great team of volunteers who work with him every day of the season and the Board of
Management thanks this team lead by Greens Director Graeme Clyne, Ron Stephens, Doug Elford and
Arthur Groves for their commitment during the year.
John Shanahan managed the committed maintenance team who maintained the surrounds.
The well-maintained surrounds added a positive atmosphere to the complex.
Whilst there was no major projects carried out this year, the on going maintenance was required to keep the
surrounds in good order.
The Board of Management expresses its gratitude to all the volunteers who have given their time each Monday
morning whether it’s weeding the car park garden beds, pruning the roses, mowing the lawns each Friday or
doing the odd repair around the place, your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Most Mondays are taken up with the maintenance or the clubhouse and the purchasing of supplies.
Many projects were undertaken in the clubhouse this year to keep it in good repair.
These projects were:
 The purchase of 170 Fabric Dining Chairs replacing the old vinyl chairs
 3 Split System Air Conditioners were installed
 A new Boiling Billy was installed in the kitchen
 General Office repainted
 New Hot Water Service installed
 Fascias Painted around the parapet.
 Shampooing of the carpets – Bar area and Board Room
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During the year the club experienced 3 power blackouts on Friday nights.
A qualified electrician who rebalanced the phases inspected the power board.
Future projects:
 Repaint the interior of clubhouse
 Relocate notice boards
 Installation of Solar Panels
 General Working Bee to clean exterior and interior of Clubhouse.
A casual cleaner was employed this year to clean the kitchen, vacuum the carpet in the Ladies’ locker room
and clean the general office. This work is carried out each Monday morning for two hours.
I would like to thank the following people for their commitment.
Thank you to the members who are rostered each week to clean the Men’s toilets, and to Stan Paley for
coordinating the roster and his team.
Thanks to Lyn Raeburn for cleaning the Ladies’ toilets each week
Thanks to Peter Baylis’s team cleaning the clubhouse each Monday morning and most other mornings during
the year. The clubhouse is a pleasure to walk into each day; this is because of the commitment of Peter Baylis
and his team.
Thank you to Ron Smith for his electrical maintenance.
This year has been personally a difficult year, and I would like to thank the Board and the Members for their
support, especially over the past six months
Cam Cuthbertson
Facilities Director.
Another year has passed and it has gone very well.
The greens have again been of the highest standard and a big thank you to Jamie for his continued effort and
The main effort of the year went towards the 69 and over National tournament with bowlers from all over
Australia in attendance. Positive comments included ‘of the best greens they have played on’ and the club’s
hospitality was commended.
A big thank you to everyone who assisted in making it such a successful event.
To Ron Stevens, Doug Elford and Arthur Groves for their help and support, it has been exceptional.
To all members who attended the working bees throughout the year, a very big thank you for your support.
The work could not have been done without you all.
Thank you to the club who invested in a new tractor this year. It has made our job a lot easier.
We are still looking for new greens staff, as we are getting older so, if you are interested, please contact me.
Once again, a very big thank you to one and all for your continued effort and support in 2014.
Graeme Clyne
Greens Director
I have great pleasure in presenting the financial accounts , which have been prepared in accordance with
the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and complied with the relative standards of accounting. These accounts
have been duly audited by Scotts Chartered Accountants.
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This financial year the Club has continued to operate strong financially with strong returns in most areas.
The Club has achieved a very good trading profit and continues to meet all commitments. This year we have
spent approx. $60k including $15k residual from Kitchen/Bar Project Council Grant on capital improvements
and asset purchases e.g. Chairs $9k, Air Conditioning $26k,Ride on Mower $3k, Kitchen /Bar $15k etc.
LIABILITIES –Commonwealth Bank loan $91648 with principal and interest met monthly.
ASSETS –Cash reserves have increased by approx. $20K notwithstanding the previously mentioned capital
expenditure. Overall Members Equity has increased with retained profits and valuations on assets increasing.
Sponsorship-- $21K a great result for Karen and her Committee.
Bar--$100K.This is a great result considering the transition period and the efforts of Andrew and the whole Bar
team are to be commended.
Social Committee --$42K. Another record and congratulations to Barry and his team. A large contributor to this
result is the Friday Nights Counter Meals and the teams and members responsible are to be congratulated.
Catering --$47K A great effort well done this includes the Over 60’s Tournament ($20k).
Bowls --$59K An increase of $14K is indicative of fee increase and overall support of members and organisers of
relative events.
EXPENSES –Despite overall cost and price increases the running cost has been contained which reflects in our
operating profit.
All sections and members are thanked for their efforts in containment of costs and expenditure.
Members are thanked for their continued support to bowls, social functions and events.
A special thanks to our volunteers whose assistance and time greatly contributes to the financial success of
the Club.
Finally I thank John Wilson Club Treasurer for his efforts in maintaining the financial records and controlling the
financial matters in an impeccable manner. John had indicated his desire to retire this year and has reluctantly
decided to continue awaiting a suitable incumbent.
John Shanahan
Finance Director
It is with great pleasure we announce another very successful year for the bar.
Revenue was hampered throughout the year by the loss of 3 Wednesday Social Bowls, 2 Men’s Monthly Triples
and 2 pennant days being cancelled due to extreme weather conditions.
Having said that we did host the over 60’s National Championships and this event contributed significantly to
our revenue.
Annual events such as the Laurie Budde Classic, Western District Day, Barry Plant Day, Holiday Carnival together
with the Monthly Triples and the Oscars make up a good percentage of our overall sales and profits.
We also had an excellent month in March due to District Finals being played at our Club 3 weeks in a row.
This allowed most of our comparative figures to into line with last year. As a result the Bar contributed $100,000
(Same as last year) to the club which is a great result.
In conclusion, I would like to sincerely thank all Bar Team Members for their efforts throughout the year, also a
special thank you to all the lady members who “manned” the bar on pennant days a huge thank you.
Thanks also to our members who continue to support the bar.
Other significant contributors to making it another successful year were Alan McCallum, Bruce Davies,
Jim Connors, John Shanahan and Wally Lake… Well Done.
Andrew Walker Bar Manager
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