Meeting 2 – Branding Workplace Wellness

What’s the plan today?
Discuss branding your initiative
Clarify your vision – write a vision statement
Talk about the importance of developing a good
Explanation of social marketing
What is branding and why is it
important to brand your campaign?
Carrot Video!
Corporate examples of positioning
Coca Cola
Marlboro Man
Coca Cola
Marlboro Man
Coca Cola
Marlboro Man
Coke Video!
Branding gives your campaign an identity and
something for people to rally around
It helps solidify your campaign – adds legitimacy
Makes your initiative more memorable and allows
you an engaging way to explain your mission
Remember to keep your brand identity relevant,
engaging, and action-inspiring to your target
What is your vision statement and
how can it help build your brand
Vision Statement
Clarify the desired future state of your workplace
wellness initiative
Provides guidance and inspiration as to what your
workplace wellness initiative hopes to achieve
Important in developing an engaging, relevant logo
Vision Statement Examples
Alzheimer’s Association: “Our vision is a world
without Alzheimer’s disease.”
Columbus, GA Dept of Human Resources: “To
support a healthy lifestyle for all employees.”
University of California, Riverside – Wellness
“To create and sustain a healthy campus culture that
educates, motivates and empowers UCR faculty and
staff to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles and
What makes an effective logo?
Great Logos
Effective without color/scalable – designer’s notes
Relevant to the target audience
Represents the attributes and the essence of your
brand (core values, functions, vision, its “heart and
recognizable, clear in small
sizes, memorable
Incorporates brand name
into unique font/type
treatment, relies on text to
convey feeling
Combination Mark:
Incorporates both Iconic
and Wordmark attributes
What is social marketing?
Social Marketing
• The systematic application of marketing techniques,
along with other concepts, to achieve specific behavioral
goals for a social good
• Focuses on what people want and why they do what
they do – when this is the focus , a behavior can be
influenced and potentially changed
• Empowers and motivates people to do this new
behavior, doesn’t just tell them what to do or not to do
Social Marketing
• Branding and promoting your initiative is social
• The goal of your marketing efforts is to encourage a
healthy behavior change among your target audience
• You aim to not only educate, but also empower people
to change the way they’re currently behaving, for their
own benefit and the benefit of your company
Branded Initiative Example:
ISG Workplace Wellness Plan
Mission Statement:
I+S Group, Inc. (ISG) cares about the happiness, health, and
wellbeing of each employee. We encourage each employee to
understand their importance to ISG and the value of their contributions
to the goals and success of the company.
Branded Initiative Example:
ISG Workplace Wellness Plan
Vision Statement:
To support and strengthen the health, happiness, and well-being of
ISG employees through health education, effective stress
management, and activities that will support positive lifestyles,
favorable employee productivity and morale, and healthcare cost
savings for ISG.
Branded Initiative Example:
ISG Workplace Wellness Plan
Branded Initiative Example:
City and County of San Francisco Workplace Wellness
Branded Initiative Example:
City and County of San Francisco Workplace Wellness
How to write a vision statement?
Define what you are creating/are trying to build
Determine what your goals are for the initiative –
who will benefit from it and how?
It should be future-oriented and aspirational
Keep it simple: clear, concise, easy to follow and
How to write a vision statement?
Define what you are creating/are trying to build
Determine what your goals are for the initiative –
who will benefit from it and how?
It should be future-oriented and aspirational
Keep it simple: clear, concise, easy to follow and
What’s next?
Brainstorming time!
Logo concepts