Effects of Labor and Unions This theme explores the role of the labor movement in American society, from Indentured servitude to modern day labor unions. Xavier Zapien Alexis Harington Rodrigo Larios Priscilla Macfall Study Guide 1600’s The 1600’s were a time in which the New World was actually beginning to prosper. With the growth of the settlements, settlers began trying to find new resources which could be deemed profitable. This eventually led to the introduction of Tobacco in 1612, introduced by John Rolfe. The emergence of Tobacco led to a large amount of labor workers needed to maintain the crop, leading to the idea of Indentured Servitude. After promising 7 years of labor, indentured servants were given a free passage to the new world and freedom once those years were completed. This allowed land ownership for most men who were not able to get any in the all ready populated Europe. This form of labor became incredible popular, that during the 17th century, more than 75 percent of the 130,000 English men who migrated to the New World were indentured servants. Although indentured servitude was popular, there was still a labor shortage, which led to the development of the headright system in 1618. This system gave a tract of land of about 50 acres to colonist and potential settlers. Sometimes wealthy investors could increase their land by paying the passage of indentured servants and gaining a headright for each one whom they sponsored. Although indentured servitude and the headright system were great ideas for a good source of labor, the workers began to get angry at the way they were treated, leading to the Bacon Rebellion. Bacons Army was filled with current and former indentured servants, aiming to attack the Doeg and Susquehannock tribes for more land, eventually turned to a riot against the disliked conditions that the servants were enduring. They took action by turning their anger towards Jamestown, sacking and burning the city. After that attack, plantation owners turned their sources of labor towards that of Native Americans and African Slaves. The idea of enslaving the Native Americans ending up being a failure, as they escaped easily since they knew the land and were majorly difficult to find. Plus Europeans were constantly wiping out 85 to 95 percent of their enslaved Native Americans due to diseases they would pass to them. But African slaves on the other hand knew nothing of the land so they were less likely to escape, unable to speak to each other as they most likely came from different parts of Africa, making them less likely to revolt and easier to control thus developing African Slaves to become the main source of labor at the time. 1700’s In the 1700's the majority of people worked on farms until the Industrial Revolution when American society shifted from a predominately agricultural based lifestyle to an urban based system, heavily reliant upon wages and labor. In 1786, a group of printers in Philadelphia requested a raise and were rejected. As the Industrial Revolution came along, more and more people became more dependent on wages for their basic survival needs, 2 Labor unions became more necessary and more unions were formed to meet the different needs of the growing numbers and types of workers. 1800-1850 The increasing number of people that live in urban areas and predominantly results in the physical growth of urban areas is known as urbanization which was majorly increased during the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s. Although factories employed young, old, black, or white, children were a significant portion of the American labor system. The average work day was 12-14 hours a day sometimes exceeding to 19 hours. The national Labor Union was formed to persuade congress to pass 8 hours a day for workers. in1831, 1600 members of the United Tailoresses of New York revolted for higher wages. Commonwealth vs. Hunt in 1842 a problem arose when an employer threatened to fire another employee, the Judge, Lemuel Shaw stated that Labor Unions have the right to open or close shops, overall legalizing the idea of a Labor Union. 1851-1900 Due the industrial revolution, workers conditions were not very good and needed help from organizations such as labor unions. The Knights of Labor, founded in 1869 by Uriah Stephens, was the first national labor union. Their common goals were 1) an eight hour work day; 2)equal pay for equal work for men and women; 3) Child labor laws; 4)safety and sanitary codes; 5) a federal income tax; 6) Government ownership of railroad and telegraph lines. Despite advocating negotiation over strikes, they were inclined to violence in order to achieve their goals. After a series of failed strikes under the leadership of Terrence Powderly in the 1880’s, the popularity of the Knights declined. This led to the public viewing the unions as being violent and advocates of political radicalism. In 1886, during a labor demonstration in Chicago’s Haymarket Square, a bomb went off, killing police. The members of the unions were blamed for this incident but no one knows where the bomb came from. This was known as the Haymarket Square Riot. Samuel Gompers was the leader of the American Federation of Labor (1886), and concentrated on the issues of higher wages and shorter work days. He realized that the union could gain power by excluding unskilled workers; the AFL was formed as an alliance of trade unions (unions made up exclusively of workers of a single trade). Most labor unions refused to admit immigrants, blacks, and women. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was an act that the government created to restrict monopolies. It was a law that forbids any “Combination…or conspiracy in the restraint of trade”. Due to the poor wording of the act, Labor Unions were often found to restraint trade. Labor Unions were formed during this period to counter the meager handling of workers. Courts and Businesses were very hostile to these. Before the civil war, Unions existed but they were very small, regional, or local. 3 1901-1950 During the beginning of the 1900s or the twentieth century labor unions were consider very radical groups that in 1908 the Federal Bureau of Investigation was created to recede the number of labor unions since they were consider enemies of the state. This made businesses more powerful than labor unions by increasing their different tactics to break up the unions. The Palmer Raids in early 1920s, led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, was raids and arrests of 4,000 suspected radicals, these raids were also aided by the government. During the 1902 the Hatter Union issued a nationwide boycott of a non-union hat manufacturer in Connecticut, the manufacturer then sued the union claiming that it violated the Sherman Antitrust Act (approved the 2nd of July in 1890). Then also in 1903 the case of Northern Securities Co. v. United States had a ruling of 5 to 4 against the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroad companies because they had formed a monopoly. Back to 1902 had a Coal Miner Strike that lasted approximately ten months ending in October 1902, these coal miners and their employers agreed that the workers would be given a ten percent increase and a nine hour work day. However the United Mine Workers Union was forbidden from having another strike within the following three years. In 1905 the International Workers of the World (IWW) a “radical” union is formed its main goal was to overthrow capitalism by replacing it with a more socialist system. Then in 1906 The Jungle by Upton Sinclair which talks about how badly the workers were being treated in the factories however the book had more success in the start of regulating food. A big step for the labor unions came in 1913 in the Department of Labor which was made to protect the rights of the workers. And also the following year in 1914 the Clayton Antitrust Act is passed which legalizes nonviolent strikes and boycotts And starting in 1923 with President Warren Harding, then Calvin Coolidge and finishing with Herbert Hoover who all believed in big business (they were all republicans) the Labor unions for steel, coal and mine industries were suppressed by federal troops. Also during this time the Supreme Court overturned a minimum wage law for women and abolished child labor restrictions. Throughout the 1920s the members of labor unions begins to decline because of the “pro-business atmosphere”. Then the labor unions then started picking up momentum in 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act which is a federal law that establishes the minimum wage in federal, state and local governments. Then in 1947 the Taft-Hartley Labor Act limited the power that unions had during a strike. Then in 1949 there was an improvement on the Fair labor standards act of 1938 that includes outlawing child labor. Then things begin to slow down again until 1959. 1951-Present In 1959 the Landrum-Griffin Act was passed to eliminate labor unions’ internal affairs and their official’s relationships with employers. In 1970 the Postal Worker Strike which had 180,000 strikers became the largest public employee walkout that lasted for two weeks, and was a strike against the government and the president at the time Richard Nixon sent the U.S armed forces and the National Guard to break up the strike. Then beginning in 1997 the labor unions decreased dramatically that only fourteen percent of 4 workers belong to a union. And in 2005 the Teamsters (Union of truck drivers, chauffeurs, and warehouse workers) and Service Employees Unions (2.1 million diverse members in the U.S, Canada and Mexico) announced their withdrawal from the AFL-CIO (is a union that is 12.5 million working people in every walk of life) which this action is consider the worst crisis since 1935 when the CIO split from the AFL. Then in the same year only a few days later another large union dissipates, which are the United Food and Commercial Workers. 5 Glossary 1. Tobacco – A crash Crop discovered by John Rolfe that became the main source of money in Jamestown. 2. John Rolfe – Introduced the cash crop of tobacco. 3. Indentured Servitude – In return for free passage, indentured servants typically promised seven years of labor, after which they received their freedom. 4. Headright System – A tract of land, usually about 50 acres, that was granted to colonist and potential settlers. 5. Bacon’s Rebellion – A rebellion which directed the farmers anger into attack of both Doeg and Susquehannock tribes, but when the governor rebuked Bacon for their action, he directed his army – which by now included both the former indentured servants from the frontier and current indentured servants, dissatisfied with their condition – toward Jamestown, sacking and burning the city. 6. Jamestown – First English permanent settlement established in the New World in 1607. 7. Native Americans – the inhabitants living in the New World before the arrival of European settlers. 8. African Slaves – African blacks who brought from Africa for use in labor. 9. Knights of Labor- a secret organization whose professed purpose is to secure and maintain the rights of workingmen as respects their relations to their employers. 10. Uriah Stephens- founder of the Knight of Labor. (1869) 11. Terrence Powderly- was an Irish-American politician and labor union leader, best-known as head of the Knights of Labor in the late 1880s. 12. Haymarket Square Riot- May 4, 1886, the police clashed violently with militant anarchists and labor movement protesters in Chicago. Seven policemen and several protesters were killed. (Regarded as the first Red Scare in the U.S.). 13. Samuel Gompers- was an English-born American cigar maker who became a labor union leader and a key figure in American labor history. Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL), and served as the organization's president from 1886 to 1894 and from 1895 until his death in 1924. 14. American Federation of Labor- was one of the first federations of labor unions in the United States. 15. Trade unions- unions made up exclusively of workers of a single trade 16. Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890- is a landmark federal statute on United States competition law passed by Congress in 1890. It prohibits certain business activities that federal government regulators deem to be anticompetitive, and requires the federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies, and organizations suspected of being in violation. 17. AFL-CIO- is a union that is 12.5 million working people in every walk of life 18. Coal Miner Strike (1902)- Anthracite coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike for approximately ten months, then their employers agreed to increase their wages by ten percent and reduce the working day to nine hours if the United Mine Workers Union (who organized the strike) did not protest within the following three years. 19. Department of Labor- created in 1913 to protect the rights of the workers. 6 20. Fair Labor Standards Act- established minimum wage in 1938. Then in 1947 there was a change to outlaw child labor. 21. Federal Bureau of Investigation- commonly known as the FBI started in 1908 and J. Edgar Hoover was the first man in charge of the agency. 22. Hatter Union (1902) - A union that boycotted hats by a manufacturer in Connecticut 23. International Workers of the World (IWW) - a radical union that tries to overthrow capitalism by replacing it with a more socialist system. 24. Capitalism- economic and political system in which countries and industries are owned and controlled by private owners and socialist- is when the LandrumGriffin Act- passed in 1959 was to stop corruption in labor unions. 25. Northern Securities Co. v. United States- reached the Supreme Court in 1903; the case was against the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railroad Companies who had formed a monopoly, by the Trust Buster Theodore Roosevelt (Roosevelt administration), which had a 5 to 4 ruling against the monopoly. 26. Palmer Raids- raids and arrests of 4,000 suspected radicals starting in November 1919 and January 1920 lead by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer 7