Study Guide

Name: _____________________________
Period: ________
Study Guide for Chp. 6-4: Skeletal System and Its Tissues
Chapter 6: The Skeletal System
I. Functions of Bone and the Skeletal System
1. Know the main function of bones.
2. Know the functions of the skeletal system.
3. Understand how and where red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are produced.
4. Know the main functions of red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow and where each is found
in the skeletal system.
5. What does hemopoiesis do?
II. Types of Bones: Focus for this class is the long bones.
III. Structure of Bones
1. Know the macroscopic structures of bone: diaphysis, epiphyses, metaphyses, articular cartilage,
periosteum, medullary cavity, and endosteum. Know locations, functions, what type of bone
found in, products of…
2. Be able to differentiate between the epiphyseal plate and epiphyseal line
a. Which one is the growth plate?
b. Which one when broken/fractured can lead to shortened bone structures?
c. When does each type form?
3. Microscopic structure of bone:
a. understand the process of calcification
i. where
ii. what types of materials
iii. product
b. what gives bones tensile strength
c. what makes them flexible
4. Know the four major types of cells in bones: osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes,
a. Function of each type
b. What type of bone each is found in
1. Compact Bone Tissue & Spongy Bone Tissue
Know and understand the information in the chart below…
Dense or Compact Bone
Spongy or Cancellous Bone
Mostly solid
Bony structures with spaces filled
with bone marrow
Consists of
Osteocytes in lacunae
Osteocytes in lacunae
Covers all bone surfaces; except where
Short, flat bones, inside ends of long
they could rub
Functional units
Osteons or haversian systems
Trabeculae filled with red bone
Stress tolerance
High end to end; low from side
Not on heavy stress areas, can take
stress from any direction- disperses it
2. Compact bone
a. Know the structures found in compact bone and their main functions
3. Spongy bone
a. Know the structures found in spongy bone and their main functions
IV. Bone Formation
1. Understand embryonic bone formation
2. Intramembranous ossification
a. Where it happens
b. Why it happens
c. At what age begins, ends
d. Main structures involved and formed
e. Step by step process
3. Endochondral ossification
a. Where it happens
b. Why it happens
c. At what age begins, ends
d. Main structures involved and formed
e. Step by step process
4. Differentiate between bone growth in length and thickness
5. What is bone remodeling?
a. Role of osteoclasts in this process
b. Factors that control bone remodeling
6. Know the four types of fractures and be able to explain how they heal.
7. Understand how fractures can harm growth plates.
8. Hormones involved in the calcium homeostasis process (only PTH & CT)
a. Where produced
b. Functions of each type
c. How they fit into the negative feedback loop that regulates blood calcium
9. What is the effect of too much calcium in the blood?
10. What is the effect of too little calcium in the blood?
V. Exercise and Bone Tissue
1. Understand how mechanical stress affects bone tissue.
VI. Comparison of Female and Male Skeletons
1. Know the major differences between female and male skeletons structurally.
VII. Aging and the Skeletal System
1. Understand what the loss of bone mass can lead to.
2. Know what cause brittle bones.
Chapter 4: Tissues
I. Types of Tissues
1. What function do cell junctions serve?
II. Connective Tissue
1. Know differences and functions of collagen fibers, reticular fibers and elastic fibers, refer back
to your labs they will help…
2. Differentiate between extracellular matrix, ground substance, and fibers.
III. Connective Tissue Cells
1. Know the types of cells found in bone tissue.
2. What is cartilage made of, what gives it its strength, what types of cells are found in it, what
type of tissue is it…?
3. Know the three types of cartilage found in bones, know what they consists of and their
properties, general location of where they are found…
4. Know the major components of compact bone and spongy bone.
5. Know the functions of bone tissue.
III. Membranes: Know where synovial membrane is found.
IV. Muscular Tissue
Tissue Repairing: Restoring Homeostasis
1. Know what types of tissue have a continuous capacity for repair.
VI. Aging and Tissues: Be able to describe the effects of aging on tissues.