Get out one sheet of paper and write these targets at the top I can

Get out one sheet of paper and
write these targets at the top
I can. . .
Describe circumstances at home and abroad prior to
U.S. involvement in World War II
Identify the significant military and political aspects of
World War II
This must be completed TODAY!
• You will need a GREEN U.S. History book and one partner (as
well as) your one sheet of paper with the targets on the top.
– Turn to page 542
• Using the text, complete Dictators Threaten World Peace, parts A and
• Using the text, complete War in Europe, parts A and B
– Japanese Aggression (questions on the back)
– Political Cartoon
• 1. Identify the figures in the cartoon? Who does each represent?
• 2. What is meant by the sign, “Follies of 1936”? You may need to use
your book.
• 3. What message is the cartoonist sending to the reader?
• 4. Give this cartoon a caption or title?
– Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Quarantine Speech” – answer the three
questions at the bottom
• WORLD WAR II was the deadliest
conflict in human history by far. The exact
figures will never be known, but as many
as 50–60 million people around the world
lost their lives as a result of conflict
between September 1939 and August
1945. At least one-third were civilians:
killed, maimed, or made homeless by
aerial bombing, starvation, disease, or
other causes
Military Deaths (in
approximate figures)
Soviet Union: 7 million (at least; the actual figure may be as high as 13
Germany: 4 million
China: 3.5 million
Japan: 1.2 million
United States: 405,399
Yugoslavia: 300,000
British Commonwealth: 344,000 (United Kingdom: 244,000; Canada:
37,000; India 24,000; Australia 23,000; New Zealand 10,000; South
Africa 6,000)
Romania: 200,000
France: 200,000
Italy: 165,000
Hungary: 120,000
Poland: 120,000
Czechoslovakia: 10,000
Civilian Deaths (in
approximate figures)
China: 10 million
Soviet Union: 7 million (at least)
Poland: 6 million
Germany: 1.6 million (up to 2 million ethnic Germans from Eastern
Europe may also have died)
Yugoslavia: 1 million
Romania: 465,000
France: 400,000
Czechoslovakia: 330,000
Japan: 380.000
Hungary: 280,000
Greece: 250,000
Netherlands: 190,000
United Kingdom: 60,000
Attempts at Peace After WWI
• League of Nations
– U.S. never joined
– No teeth
• Naval Disarmament (Washington Naval Conference
and London Naval Conference)
– Major countries pledge to reduce warships, cruisers,
and destroyers
• Nine-Power Treaty
– Support equal trading rights in China and respect for
China’s independence
• Kellogg-Briand Pact
– Agreement to outlaw war as an “instrument of
national policy”
1931 – Japanese invasion of Manchuria
1935 – Italian invasion of Ethiopia
1935 – Germany reintroduces conscription
1936 – Germany remilitarizes the Rhineland
1936 – Spanish civil war won by Franco
1937 – Japanese of China
1938 – German annexing of Austria
• 1938 – Munich Pact
– Germany gets the Sudetenland
– Policy of appeasement
• 1939 – Italy invades and annexes Albania
• 1939 – Germany demands the return of Danzig
and the Polish Corridor
• 1939 – Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact
– No fighting each other; divide Poland
– Really it gave the Soviets time
• Sept. 1, 1939, Germany invades Poland
What the U.S. was doing
• Passing Neutrality Acts (1935, 1937)
– Prohibited the sale of war implements to
– Prohibited loans to belligerents
– Prohibited Americans from sailing on ships of
– Restricted entry of American merchant ships into
war zones
• FDR’s Quarantine Speech
– Warned that the western hemisphere may be
– World lawlessness was an “epidemic of physical
– Aggressive nations must be quarantined
– This was a test of America’s will to engage
• American’s were not ready to reengage in conflict
• By 1941 things change
– Initial German successes
• Poland, Denmark, Norway, France, and almost Britain. . .
– U.S. changes its tone
• Neutrality Act of 1939 – cash and carry
• Selective Service Act of 1940 – 1st peacetime draft
• Destroyer-Naval Base Deal (1940) – 50 destroyers for
military bases in Western Hemisphere
• Lend-Lease Act (1941) – garden hose analogy ($50 billion)
• Atlantic Charter (1941) – four freedoms; U.N. proposal
• Embargo of Japan – no aviation fuel or scrap iron; froze their
American assets
Atlantic Charter
• The U.S. and Britain
– Seek no territorial gain
– Respected the right of all people to choose their own form
of government
– “We look forward to a world founded upon four essential
human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and
expression--everywhere in the world. The second is
freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want .
. . everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from
fear . . . anywhere in the world.”
– Nations must abandon the use of force
– We need to establish a “system of general security.” –the
United Nations
• http://multimedialearningllc.word
Pearl Harbor and the
Coming of War
• Japan seeks a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
• U.S. attitudes towards the Japanese – years of the “yellow
• U.S. bans the sale of aviation fuel and scrap metal to the
• The Dutch and French can’t hold on to there Asian
• U.S. freezes Japanese assets and places an all-out trade
embargo on Japan
• Dec. 7, 1941
– 20 ships; 350 aircraft 2,400+ dead; 1,200 wounded
– The awakening of a sleeping giant