Correlation between Stress and Shingles

By: Doug Barok
What is Shingles
Shingles is a painful, blistering skin rash
caused by the Varicella virus.
 Varicella causes chickenpox.
 The virus remains in your body, lying
dormant in your nerve cells.
 Risk of shingles increases as you get
Risk -Factors
Shingles may develop in any age group.
 More likely to develop if
 You are older than 60
 You had chickenpox before age 1
 Your immune system is weakened by
medication or disease.
 Stress
Where does it usually affect
Shingles rash occurs in a band or strip
on one side of the body.
 The band is called a dermatome.
 Total of 30 dermatomes in the body.
 Shingles can strike any dermatome on the
Shingles Symptoms
First sign of Shingles may be a pain,
tingling, or itchy feeling on a specific part
of the skin.
 Causes fluid-filled blisters similar to
 Pain is constant, or can come and go.
 Pain of Shingles can linger for months,
or even years.
 Called PHN (post-therpetic neuralgia)
Symptoms Continued
 Abdominal pain
 Fever and chills
 Headache
 Joint Pain
 Swollen glands
 Burning sensation
There is no cure for Shingles.
 Treatments only bring temporary relief.
 Antiviral drug help reduce pain, and prevent
Strong anti-inflammatory reduces swelling
and pain.
Antihistamines to reduce itching.
Cool wet compresses
Expose affected area to air
Mild Case
Moderate Case
Severe Case
References Homepage. Merk Sharp
& Dohme Corp., 2012. Web. 8 Dec. 2012.
 Board, A.D.A.M. Editorial. "Shingles."
Shingles. U.S. National Library of
Medicine, 18 Nov. 0000. Web. 8 Dec. 2012.
 "Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Treatment,
Causes, Symptoms, Vaccine." WebMD.
WebMD, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.