Lesson Plan #4 - Tom Robinson's Trial

21st Century Cohort
Lesson Plan Components
The best instructional designs are “backwards,” beginning with the end in mind and
moving through three interrelated stages. As we design instruction, we must begin with
desired results (Stage One); then determine how to assess and evaluate student
progress relative to those results (Stage Two); and only then design and implement
instructional strategies to promote student achievement of desired results (Stage Three).
Desired results must clearly specify what students are expected to know (e.g., facts,
concepts, generalizations, rules, principles, laws); do (e.g., skills, procedures, processes);
and understand (e.g., student behaviors reflecting the six facets of understanding) as a
result of the teaching and learning process.
6 Facets of Understanding:
1. Explanation
2. Interpretation
3. Application
4. Perspective
5. Empathy
6. Self Knowledge
Michelle Heylens
Language Arts I
Tom Robinson’s Trial Lesson – May 7, 2010
Stage One – Begin with Desired Results:
What do you want students to know, be able to do, and understand?
What are your learning targets?
I can comprehend the events of the trial.
I can predict the outcome.
I can suggest what Mayella’s truth might be.
Stage Two – Assess and Evaluate Assessment Evidence:
How will you know they have accomplished the learning targets?
(performance task / quizzes / observations / homework / journals / projects / writings / speeches / etc)
Which strategies will provide evidence of student learning?
Students will respond to the quotes and justify their answers.
Students will write their versions of Mayella’s confession. They will be able to
infer what her life was really like.
Stage Three – Design and Implement Learning Plan:
What instructional strategies will you use to help students achieve the learning targets?
Which instructional strategies will help students acquire and integrate learning?
Which instructional strategies will help students practice, review and apply learning?
Which strategies help students practice and improve their 21st century skills?
Learning Plan:
1. We will go over the DOL sentence for the day.
2. We work through reading questions and then take a reading quiz.
3. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Handout.
4. Mayella’s Truth handout.