Final Review - Lindbergh School District

Final Review
FITT Principle
• Frequency-how often you do an exercise
(number of days per week)
• Intensity-how hard you are working
(measured in heart rate or poundage)
• Time-how long you are exercising
• Type-what you are doing
Principles of…
• Specificity-Training a group of muscles
appropriately for a particular goal (ex. I want
my biceps to get stronger so I do bicep curls
not push-ups).
• Progression-Gradually increasing the work of
muscles over time.
• Overload-Training muscles to perform at
higher levels than they are accustomed.
• Is an essential nutrient
• You should consume a minimum of 8 glasses
of water a day
• Can help prevent dehydration and kidney
How do I know if I am well-hydrated?
• Urine has a pale yellow color (like straw)
• Urine has no odor
• I am not thirsty
Energy Source for aerobic exercise
20 minutes or more of continuous exercise In your
heart rate zone burns:
Energy Source for anaerobic exercise
1-3 minutes of all out exercise burns:
6 health-related fitness components
Body Composition
Cardiovascular Fitness
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Stress Management
Body composition-percentage of fat
compared to muscle
Cardiovascular fitness-The ability of
the heart , blood vessels, blood, and
respiratory system to supply oxygen to
the working muscles
Determining heart rate zone
(220-age) * 65%
(220-age) * 85%
Exercising between these 2 numbers
for ________ minutes will give you a
great cardiovascular workout.
Best places to take pulse
• Carotid artery which is on your neck
• Radial artery which is on your wrist
Flexibility-The ability to move a joint
through its full range of motion
Muscular Endurance-Holding a muscle
contraction for a long time
How do I improve my muscular
• F = every other day
• I = light
repetitions (12-20)
• T = less than 30
second rest
between sets
• T = weight lifting
Muscular Strength-A persons ability to
exert force
How do I gain muscular strength?
• F = every other day
• I = heavy
repetitions (6-8)
• T = 1-3 minute rest
between sets
• T = weight lifting
Stress Management-A persons ability
to control and manage stress
Skill-related fitness components
Reaction time
Skill-related fitness components
• Agility-The ability to rapidly change directions
of the whole body (soccer, tennis, basketball)
• Balance-The ability to maintain equilibrium
while stationary or moving (gymnastics,
• Coordination-The ability to use the senses and
body parts in order to perform motor tasks
smoothly and accurately (all sports, archery)
• Power-The amount of force a muscle can exert
• Reaction Time-The ability to respond quickly
to stimuli (tennis, soccer, basketball)
• Speed-The amount of time it takes the body to
perform a specific task (track, soccer,
Concentric contractions
• Concentric contraction is when the muscle is
shortening or contracting. It is the 2 count of a
lift. It is also known as flexion.
Eccentric contraction
• Eccentric contraction is the 4 count of the lift.
It is when the muscle is still contracted but
lengthening. It is also known as extension.
Which arm is doing a
eccentric contraction?
Bicep curls-works the biceps
What is the antagonistic muscle to the biceps?
Arnold press-Deltoids and triceps
Skull Crushers/French press
Concentric phase
Eccentric phase
Good Mornings-work erector spinae of lower
What exercise would work the antagonistic
muscle to the erector spinae?
Hammer curls-works bicep muscle and
Decline Bench press-puts more
emphasis on your _______ (pectoralis
major) chest muscles and triceps.
Incline Press-Works the upper chest
and triceps
Seated Rows-works Latissimus Dorsi
(Lats), Rhomboids, and biceps
What type of athlete would benefit from this
Bent over Rows-works Latissimus Dorsi (can be
done with either an underhand or overhand grip
Bench Press-works pectoralis major
and triceps
Hang cleans-Full body lift that works every
muscle in your body-requires you keep the bar
close to your anterior (front) the entire time
Push-ups work chest and triceps?
Which picture is concentric? Eccentric?
Pull-ups strengthen which muscles?