A School Board and City-Wide Initiative to Support Community Schools in Cincinnati, Ohio Darlene Kamine Community Learning Center Institute Geoffrey Zimmerman Strive Together in Partnership for Our Youth Community Learning Centres Network Quebec, Canada – Video Conference May 6, 2010 Why Community Learning Centers? • Declining enrollment in Cincinnati Public Schools. • Increase in poverty and connected conditions of poverty – high mobility, poor health, family illiteracy, economic instability. • Loss of middle class from schools and the city. • Failed school tax levies, diminishing tax base • Flight of creative class; difficult to attract new business, qualified work force. Community Learning Center Logic Model Community Learning Centers* CLC Development and Utilization* Short-Term Student Support and Achievement** Parent, Family and Community Engagement Intermediate Increase in School Enrollment and Achievement **** Revitalization of Neighborhoods, Cities, and Citizens Long-Term Impact of CLC Centers Top Ten Community Learning Center Outcomes K e y A r e a s Community Learning Centers 1. CLCs catalyze school-community integration, social-cultural enrichment and life-long learning for students, parents and members of the community. Schools 1.Schools sustain high-level performance and quality (increase in school ratings and performance index) 2. Schools cultivate positive school culture and bonding to school 3. Schools maintain high student enrollment, attendance, and achievement Students 1. Academic enrichment, extracurricular programs and student support activities optimize academic achievement and student development 2. Integrated school-based services facilitate students’ healthy development Parents/Family 1. Parents/Families are involved in students’ success 2. Parents/Families benefit from CLC programs and services 1. Integrated community programs and partnerships enrich and revitalize neighborhoods 2. Neighborhoods are vibrant, safe, and a positive place for children and families Neighborhoods, Cities, and Citizens Cincinnati Public Schools Board of Education Guiding Principles for Community Learning Centers 1. In order to serve more fully the needs of our students and to support the improvement of their academic and intellectual development, all Cincinnati Public Schools will engage their communities in improving student achievement. As centers in the community, the schools and their partners should foster strong collaboration, set high expectations, embrace diversity, and share accountability for results. 2. Each school in the district will assess the needs of its student population using the OnePlan process. As a result of that process, the school will develop the partnerships needed to enhance opportunities for student success and community investment. 3. Where the school and its community deem it appropriate, those partnerships may result in organizations and agencies locating at the school site to deliver services. When that occurs, the school will be defined as a community learning center. Approved 5-21-2001 Cincinnati Public Schools Board of Education Community Engagement is Fundamental Community Engagement Process 1. Shared vision 2. Asset Mapping 3. Needs Assessment 4. Priorities 5. Partnerships 6. Implementation Coordinated, Aligned and Integrated Community Partnerships at the Site Level Community Engagement Process Develops Coordinated, Aligned and Integrated Community Partnerships at Each Site School Site After School Parent Center Site Resource Coordinator Health Art Community Meetings Recreation Adult ed Tutoring Social Services CPS Green& Healthy Early Childhood Leave No Child Inside College Access Cincy After School After School Parent Center Site Resource Coordinator Health Adopt a Class Growing Well School Site Art Community Meetings Recreat ion Adult ed Tut oring Social Services Arts Education MindPeace Tutoring Mentoring Innovations Cross Boundary Leadership Team Strive Partnership Parent Network Defining Elements of the Community Learning Centers Cross Boundary Leadership Team 1. Coordinated networks of community agencies and providers partnering with CPS community learning centers 2. Committed to the CPS community learning center model 3. Responsive to the community engagement, customer- driven, site-specific development of partnerships 4. Financially self-sustaining 5. Aligned with CPS goals and data based outcome measurements 21st Century Community Learning Center @ Pleasant Ridge Montessori Cincinnati Public Schools Pleasant Ridge Montessori Principal Maria McDonough Local School Decision Making Committee Resource Coordinator Angie Okuda 363-4474 / 478-8905 okudaan@cpsboe.k12.oh.us aokuda@cincinnatiymca.org Partner PARTNER TEAMS COORDINATING Business Partnerships Resource Coord. Blue Ash YMCA Angie Okuda 363-4474 okudaan@cpsboe. k12.oh.us *PR Community Council *Golf Manor *Amberley Village *Hilltop *PR Rec Center *District A *PR Presbyterian Church •Xavier University *Blessings in a Backpack *United Way-Emerging Leaders *Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Grant *Go Cincinnati! *Learning is Cool Mental Health Children’s Home Of Cincinnati Lori Osterhage losterha@ thechildrenshomecinti.org CPS School Psychologist Joan Lichtman (Case Coordinator) CPS Social Worker Cynthia Davis Mon/Tues Bridgepoint Nancy Stella nstella@cinci.rr.com Lucy Allen lucyallen@ Bridepointepsych.com CenterPoint CincyAfterSchool Health & Wellness Cincinnati Health Dept Barb Demasi 363-4421 PridgeRN@ Cpsboe.k12.oh.us Blue Ash YMCA Executive Director Paul Waldsmith 791-5000 Green/Healthy Schools Tutoring LSDMC Environmental Sub-committee (Green Projects) Blue Ash YMCA Chris Reece 478-3027 creece@ cincinnatiymca.org Intersessions Test Prep & Literacy CPS Speech Pathologist Jackie Woods CPS OT Kim Gary Dental Program Lens Crafters Project Connect Marthe L. Church, M.A. 513.363.3304 WhizKids Terry Phillips tphillips@ Crossroads.net ALLY Ginny Frazier Nsgreenschool @yahoo.com Recycling Mentoring Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Donald Swain dswain@ cycyouth.org Winners Walk Tall Karen Volk 604-6019 FosterGrandparents Kathie Smith 378-7812 Girlscouts Stephanie Willets Literacy Network 489-1025 Ext. 119 Recipe for Reading BoyScouts CAKE, ELP, SES Mark Phair 673-3671 ESL Natasha Taylor #207-5124 taylorn@cpsboe. k12.oh.us VolunteersCincinnati Reads UGive DayCare ChildCare Boys/Girls Camp CincyAfterSchool Angela Grunkemeyer 477-2422 CYC-Girls’ Club Brenda Berry eb.berry@fuse.net Blue Ash YMCA In God’s Hand Kennedy Heights Montessori Center Lil Peep’s Norwood YMCA (RE Lindner) PR Rec Center Small World The Goddard School The Mayerson JCC Youthland Academy 21st Century Community Learning Center @ Pleasant Ridge Cincinnati Public Schools Pleasant Ridge Montessori Principal Maria McDonough Local School Decision Making Committee Resource Coordinator Angie Okuda 363-4474 / 478-8905 okudaan@cpsboe.k12.oh.us PARTNER TEAMS COORDINATING Partner Parent/Family Engagement PTO Ruth Anne Wolf #731-2268 #307-3640 Officers Co-President prmptopres@gmail.com Co-President prmptocopres@gmail.com Vice President prmptovp@gmail.com Co-Treasurer prmptotres@gmail.com Co-Treasurer prmptocotres@gmail.com Secretary prmptosec@gmail.com Website prmwebmaster@gmail.com Foundation SupportPRM.org Outdoor and Nature/Gardens Fine Arts Education Recreation Rain Garden Community Garden Civic Garden Center Corina Bullock 221-0981 Composting CincyAfterSchool Blue Ash YMCA Angela Grunkemeyer Cindy Kuethe CPS/YMCA KuetheC @cpsboe.k12.oh.us Environmental Camp CincyAfterSchool Blue Ash YMCA Executive Director Paul Waldsmith 791-5000 477-2422 agrunkemeyer@ Cincinnatiymca.org Creative Arts Camp CincyAfterSchool Angela Grunkemeyer 477-2422 Spanish Estela@ Cincinnatispanishacademy.com 602-6100 Violin-Alex Hiew tsb81@yahoo.com Band-Mr. Godfrey godfreyp@ cpsboe.k12.oh.us Choir/Musical Ms. Liming 363-4454 Rec Camp Sports Camp CincyAfterSchool Angela Grunkemeyer Kindergarten Camp 477-2422 Library Camp Creative Arts Camp KenSil Soccer Boy’s Camp Scott Hatch Girl’s Camp 229-1416 Environmental Camp Adult Dodgeball Jesse Bihary 791-5000 Rec Camp Sports Camp Library Camp B-Ball/VolleyBall Clinics Sean Gary 693-8170 Intersessions District-wide Summary of Partnerships 42 schools have co-located, full-time community mental health professionals, most with child psychiatrist as part of the mental health on site team (MindPeace) 30 schools have co-located, full-time community after school coordinators with daily aligned extended day programming (CincyAfterSchool) 46 schools have on site nurses and 8 schools have co-located or linked comprehensive school based clinics (Growing Well) 163 businesses mentoring 4,493 students (Adopt a Class) 1st LEED certified school in Ohio; led district and state to adopt LEED sustainable design standards for all new and renovated facilities. (ALLY) 23 Resource Coordinators providing comprehensive management of community learning center implementation and ongoing development. (United Way, Greater Cincinnati Foundation, et. al & CPS) Highlights of Unique CLC Partnerships Transformation from shrinking, high poverty school to popular neighborhood Montessori school attracting middle class back to CPS and the City. (Pleasant Ridge Montessori) Creation of vibrant neighborhood cultural arts center in closed school as part of CLC campus adjoining new CPS foreign language magnet school (Fairview Clifton German Language School) Redevelopment of flagging Paideia program to a Museum School, located in neighborhood park with 14 museum partners. (Silverton School) Establishment of International Welcome Center as a hub to serve and connect internationally diverse families. (Roberts) Creation of two new prek-12 schools to boost high school graduation in Urban Appalachian neighborhoods. (Riverview East and Oyler) Co-location of early childhood education center serving 18 month-5 year olds. (Riverview) Co-location of Boys and Girls Club at two community learning centers.(Oyler and Roll Hill) . Sample of Sustaining Grants and Funding • CPS provides overhead expenses and District Community Engagement Facilitator and management services; contributes funding for resource coordinators • Ohio Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Center grants support after school programming • City of Cincinnati Health Department shares funding for nurses. • Greater Cincinnati Foundation and United Way partially fund Resource Coordinators • Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati grant and overhead expenses provided for Growing Well infrastructure and start-up of school based health clinics • Medicaid and private third party billing for mental health services • Private family foundation grants funded capital expenses for building of two co-located early childhood education programs for 0-5 year olds. • Private family foundation underwrites full cost of mentoring program. Results • 5th year in Continuous improvement on state proficiencies. • District-wide increase in enrollment After 14 years of declining enrollment, turnaround beginning in 2007 with steady growth approaching 35,000 students (prek-12) in contrast to prediction of continuing decline to 28,000 and planned closing of schools. • District-wide increase in attendance Turnaround from average daily attendance below benchmark of 93% beginning in 2003-04 with yearly increase of 94% to over 95%. • District-wide increase in graduation Increase from 51% in 2000 to 82% in 2008 Cited as Graduation Overachiever in EdWeek for exceeding expectations for graduation from 1996-2006 by 23%.